How many hours a week for Affiliate Marketing

11 replies

For those of you with experience in Affiliate Marketing. When you had a fulltime job how many hours per week did you spend working the business? Just curious, as I had completed a course that emphasizes it takes only about 8 hours a week to work the process.

#affiliate #hours #marketing #week
  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    Originally Posted by egrizzly View Post


    For those of you with experience in Affiliate Marketing. When you had a fulltime job how many hours per week did you spend working the business? Just curious, as I had completed a course that emphasizes it takes only about 8 hours a week to work the process.

    I got started 23 years ago. Some months I've not worked at all; many months I have, and I've put in 18 hour days. In my experience, an 8 hour week is certainly possible, but it's on the low end obviously.

    What I notice is this: when marketers try to make their products more consumable (so they appeal to a wider audience) they'll tell you that the work takes very little time at all; after all, most newbies have to hold down a full-time job in Offline, so little time is appealing to the masses.

    Fact is: there is no set time, nor is there a good amount of time. Some of the business models I run are time-intensive; many of them are set and forget and deliver passive results without any time whatsoever after the initial setup.

    If you're trying to decide whether or not to dive into a particular business model, based on your available time, then I'd suggest you consider passive traffic models. I concentrate on them myself, and for good reason.

    You have 2 general types of traffic model:

    1. Active.
    2. Passive.

    An active model could be PPC. Each day you have to monitor your ads, delete them, add new ones, modify existing ones. Given we only have 24 hours in a day, you can only do so much. So an active traffic model will literally limit how much you can accomplish each day. Furthermore, you can only grow active models so much. Most active traffic models will start the day delivering 0 visitors. You need to work each day to UP that number.

    Then we have passive traffic models. On Day 1 here I may do some work that grows sustainable traffic to the volume of 50 visits a day. On Day 2, the visits will still be 50. However, I can repeat the process and take it to 100 visits in sum this time. Point is: you can grow passive traffic much more easily than active, because you're building on all of the work that you did beforehand.

    Nutshell: can you devote 8 hours a week to affiliate marketing and still run a productive business?

    Yes, certainly. But you do need to be careful of the model you choose. Once you setup your business, work time boils down to management; and management covers a multitude of sins: often, content creation, but always optimization, traffic generation, networking, and so forth.

    Probably your easiest and best option here:

    1. Blog.
    2. Include audience collection.
    3. External traffic platforms.

    That type of model means you can add content (blog posts) that you can outsource if need be and focus on managing your traffic platforms (such as Facebook, YouTube, etc.).

    - Tom

    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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    • Profile picture of the author JC illuminous
      Very well explained. I'm a newbie to the culture here and I put in so many hours glued to my pc researching and creating campaigns. What I've learned was it's not the hours invested, it's how accurate and percise you are on meeting daily goals with your hours. You can work 12 hours a day but if your not precise or being effective or creating what needs to be done. You might want to chill and plan your task and execution so you become more effective and productive. All of us warriors have different worth ethics and work habits. But we all know what needs to be done to come out on top.
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    • Profile picture of the author grandetourer
      That was a great answer. Was going to answer this post but you've already done it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by egrizzly View Post


    For those of you with experience in Affiliate Marketing. When you had a fulltime job how many hours per week did you spend working the business? Just curious, as I had completed a course that emphasizes it takes only about 8 hours a week to work the process.

    Not much. Me personally as both an affiliate marketer, and affiliate vendor, the task is the same: SELL.

    Once you learn how to sell ANYTHING - to the right group of people - your work online is easy. So about 4 hours a week is what i spend doing affiliate marketing. The bulk of my sales come from my email list. That's my profit source.
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    about 7 hours a week to:

    -set up, record, edit videos

    -write emails

    -create printables

    -set up, record, edit posts

    -create pinterest pins
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    I really think stressing quality over quantity is very crucial. Of course in the beginning the learning curve is different for different people. So the hours can take up a large part of the working week just fully embracing and absorbing this stuff
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Just curious, as I had completed a course that emphasizes it takes only about 8 hours a week to work the process.
    8 hours per week if your goal is 3 or 4 years away. I put in about 4 - 6 hours per day Monday to Friday.
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  • Profile picture of the author SiteNameSales
    There's an old saying: "The more you do, the more you have time to do." That's particularly true if you enjoy what you're doing.

    There are a lot of successful marketers who had full-time jobs who, wanting to go out on their own, built their businesses while everyone else was watching Netflix or doodling around on Facebook.

    One of my favorite books is The 4 Hour Work Week . But it's not because I've achieved any goal in that regard, but because it has some great tips on becoming more efficient.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Margerison
    When I first started online, I had a full time job and tried to work for 2 hours in the evening and 2/3 hours on saturday and sunday.
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  • Profile picture of the author extrememan
    Depends on how serious you want to succeed at affiliate marketing. Part-time about 2-3 hours per day, 5 days a week. Full-time, double it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Brindamour

    You should put in as many hours as you can. I would say a minimum of 2-5 hours per day and possibly more on weekends. There is a never ending cycle of learning & implementing until you find what works for you. Once you have that magic combination, they you could possibly put most of it on autopilot, but when you are starting out there is no substitute for hard work.


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