What An Incredible Flight. Thank You.
As some of you may have heard, I have departed from the Warrior Forum Terminal and started my long-haul flight towards building my Digital Marketing Agency.
I wanted to express my deepest thanks and appreciation. No where else in the world, be it physical or digital -- did I ever fathom the opportunity to connect and work with such an amazing community, and learn so much in the time that I've been Head of Partnerships and Marketing.
To give you a brief backlog, I started out as an Account Manager at Freelancer. As much as I loved that, I wanted to move to marketing and that was the direction I wanted to throw myself into. The opportunity arose and struck while the iron was hot.
That sparked so much upwards personal development that I can't even begin to describe in a single thread.
I loved every moment of being Head of Partnerships and Marketing. Above the surface, things look calm and content, but there's no arguing of the hardwork involved.
The restless nights talking to partners at 3AM then waking up at 7AM the next morning for weeks on end, the copious amounts of coffee and redbull enough to kill an elephant, meeting up with Warriors in Raleigh North Carolina (thanks Jeremy Kennedy, Sam England and Ron Douglas), the adrenaline spikes of negotiation... looking back it was all states of business that have since become experience.
Here are some of the greatest lessons I've learnt over the last 2 and a half years at Warrior Forum:
- Consistency and persistence are key, mastering anything takes arduous repetition
- Execution is everything, work fast -- build templates and test, test, test.
- Dennis Yu's Learn, Do, Teach approach
- Quoting Ryan Biddulph: Do what achieves three values for you -- is it Fun, Free and Fulfilling?
- Mark Thompson and Matt Callen's hustle approach to always think 10 steps ahead while working through the first 3
- Pat Flanagan's network is everything. Thanks for getting me on the take off

- Gabriel Machuret's Zero Excuses (seriously, if you haven't read the book -- do it).
For my partners that I've worked with here, Joshua Zamora, Joshua White, Brad Stephens, Allan Caeg, Bryce York, Jimmy Kim, Ron Douglas, Sam England, Wilco De Krej, Jeremy Kennedy, Stefan Van De Flag, Dennis De Graaf, Valentin Radu, Tim Soulo, Olga Andrienko, Tai Lopez, Daniel Kempe, Mark Morrison, Dennis Yu, Logan Young, Tarzan Kay, Joanna Weibe, Sean Ellis, Neil Patel, Herc Magnus, Chris Munch, Clayton Wood, Brad Gosse, Justin Burns, Pat Flanagan, Bertrand Do, Sam Bakker, Luke Maguire, and so many more that I haven't mentioned (my apologies, you're equally as awesome).. thank you.
There are so many members here that are dedicated to building this community, and from my 2 and half years, I couldn't appreciate you enough. I wanted to shed light on some of the key warrior members that are still here and still there Kay King, Yukon, Tom Addams, DWolfe, Dennis Gaskill, Discrat, OptedIn, Agmccall, Mike Mearney, Mark Singletary, MikeFriedman, Claude Whittaker, Max Valmont, Josh MacDonald... the whole community really (lame line I know that there's more but I'm sorry if I've missed you!).
I'll be here from time to time (I see Kay has been keeping a tab on when I'm active

So before I berate your eyes on a screen for much longer, thank you for all the epic moments.
You're always welcome to PM me, and I'll hover here from time to time

The team at Warrior Forum work their f***ing asses off. Hats off to them for their time, effort, and continuation of the traditional late night ponders

To Our Success,
Marcus W K Wong
I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic
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Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources
Product Launch Management & Strategic Product Marketing
Contact me -- Skype: patflan42 Email: pat@JVwithPat.com