Bought a Yelp ads package and immediately regretted it. Let me try to make the best of it.

8 replies
I have a service oriented business that is a side business to my main 9-5 job. It's in a large city and entails me traveling to people homes.

I've never done any marketing. I am brand-spanking new to everything discussed here on Warrior Forum. I'm trying to learn as much as possible to build my side gig into my main gig.

In December I had a website built and have put out a Yelp listing. Yelp started calling me in the beginning of January. In a moment of weakness I let them talk me into buying one of their advertising packages. As soon as I hit the submit button on the contract I regretted it immediately. However, I decided to try to make the best of things and see if I can turn this into something good.

I've updated all the content as far as history, specialties etc. I still don't have any photos yet and still need to get a video of my services that comes with the ad package.

The video shoot is in the works.

I'm currently brainstorming ideas for the photos and will probably start another thread to get some feedback from the other members here.

Other than having a video and photo's on my listing what else can I do to optimize my listing?
Keywords? How do I search for the most used keywords searched on Yelp in my area?
What other things can I do to optimize my listing?

I'll be venturing into other areas of marketing as well, but time is limited for me. I can only do one thing at a time.

Any help is appreciated.
#ads #bought #immediately #make #package #regretted #yelp
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Originally Posted by CNRIII View Post

    I'm currently brainstorming ideas for the photos and will probably start another thread to get some feedback from the other members here.
    Don't start another thread just take some pictures of your work and post them if you can. If you can not take pictures of your work, go to SteveB's thread about free pictures and chose something that matches your service.

    Ask for testimonals from your customers and asked them to review your service on Yelp. Since you do not have alot of time make adjusments as you go.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Brindamour

    I would suggest a local facebook ad.


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    • Profile picture of the author CNRIII
      Yeah, it's on my "to do" list along with some free SEO stuff that I found online. This is a slow process because I already work full time. I also take care of a sick relative, so that's like another part-time job.

      Thanks for the recommendation though. So far the Yelp ad has given me 0 ROI. I hear the facebook is much better.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    You dont want to try direct mail, and get folks in your area to respond to a free offer - then follow up on them with your service info? How much does your service cost?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11297691].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author CNRIII
      That's actually a pretty good idea. I had something similar in the back of my mind, but was thinking of high end apartment buildings and wealthier communities. I just wasn't sure of how I was going to do this.
      Good tip!
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  • Profile picture of the author zxcvbnm
    Yep. Yelp sucks.

    You better change your email and phone number now. They are like vultures. Not only is the price WAY like extremely way too high (thousands per month!) but it likely hardly works, and now they will try to cling to you for every last penny, cause they know you're a sucker. Don't keep being a sucker. Cut them off.
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    • Profile picture of the author CNRIII
      Yeah, I'm pretty pissed about it. I guess this is part of the learning process.
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