Investing into Internet Marketing Businesses / Start Ups

15 replies
Hi Warrior Forum

I have limited knowledge of internet marketing. My previous company I used FB adds but that is as far as it goes. I did show me that you can build a company on the internet which has sparked an interest in Internet marketing.

What I lack in terms of Internet Marketing skill I make up for in experience of building, growing and selling companies. But most importantly I bring capital.

I am very interested in investing into start ups or partnering with people that have talent but lack business acumen and capital. Where can I find these people?

Many thanks

#businesses #internet #investing #marketing #start #ups
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    There is a Joint Venture section on this forum - might be a place to start.
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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    There are always startup events all over the place.

    For example is an annual event in Australia but there are may others where angel investors can meet startup entrepreneurs who pitch their ideas.

    You may want to contact some of the hubs that support startups. A local one to me is River City Labs. but there are organisations or groups in every major city.

    You can also look at Kickstarter or numerous other similar sites to find people looking for funds.

    Best regards,

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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by AlexMLewis View Post

    Hi Warrior Forum

    I have limited knowledge of internet marketing. My previous company I used FB adds but that is as far as it goes. I did show me that you can build a company on the internet which has sparked an interest in Internet marketing.

    What I lack in terms of Internet Marketing skill I make up for in experience of building, growing and selling companies. But most importantly I bring capital.

    I am very interested in investing into start ups or partnering with people that have talent but lack business acumen and capital. Where can I find these people?

    Many thanks

    When it comes to "people...who lack business acumen and capital"...

    you are drowning in a sea of those, right here at the WF. But the talent part? Due diligence is required.

    What sort of start-up do you desire? One that you can quickly flip, as seems to be your forte?

    Or a longer term strategy to build and hold?

    Multiple businesses, each unique?

    Multiple business, under an umbrella, perhaps a holding company?

    Agency, Media, Advertising, Talent, Education, could all be divisions of one company and structured in a way, via LLC for each division, so as you can spin them off as you want to break them out.

    If you have sufficient capital, consider finding motivated Exectutive Directors who could be your dept. heads, and let them show you what they can do, rather than talk...

    in other words, consider spreading the risk to several potential businesses, and let results be your guide.

    Good luck, I'm sure you know you've cast bait in a swamp of capital seeking idea alligators.

    Personally, I'd advise you to have a clear investment plan and spend some time to get to know the many different markets and scores of niches within each one BEFORE you release any funds to ideas. Have your clear idea of where you want to go, and exactly what you expect your money to do.

    Or, as Neil Diamond says, "Money talks, but it don't sing and dance and it don't walk." However, you'll get a lot of song and dance in these parts.


    PS. Not to disparage the WF, but you will find 43 people here who have some pretty good ideas and the experience to form a mutually beneficial relationship with. They are, the needles in this haystack.

    Also, how much ACTIVE time will you spend or do you want to set up a business where you can outsource a lot of the time spent on development or would you prefer absentee owned businesses?
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    • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
      Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

      PS. Not to disparage the WF, but you will find 43 people here who have some pretty good ideas and the experience to form a mutually beneficial relationship with. They are, the needles in this haystack.
      And how many of those would you think are seriously interested in partnering with someone? I'm guessing virtually, none - or they would be actively putting the word out.

      If I were interested in partnering with anyone, which I never would, they would have to have a whole lot more than capital to offer. Building offline businesses wouldn't hold much allure for me either.

      if someone is going to tout their success at that, I would want to know why they want to enter the world of IM, where most people don't make enough on a daily basis to splurge for a quarter-pounder meal?

      "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

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      • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
        Originally Posted by OptedIn View Post

        And how many of those would you think are seriously interested in partnering with someone? I'm guessing virtually, none - or they would be actively putting the word out.

        If I were interested in partnering with anyone, which I never would, they would have to have a whole lot more than capital to offer. Building offline businesses wouldn't hold much allure for me either.

        if someone is going to tout their success at that, I would want to know why they want to enter the world of IM, where most people don't make enough on a daily basis to splurge for a quarter-pounder meal?
        I WOULD partner with someone. With the experience, knowledge, track record...and maybe a list. Mutual benefit is not the thing for the lone wolf but over the years, the right associations have proven profitable for me. But I get it.

        Nothing beats no one but self. Partnerships and joint ventures take many forms, and leverage and TIME savings oft out weigh the downsides.

        But if anyone must do it all alone, they have my blessings and best wishes.

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        • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
          Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

          But if anyone must do it all alone, they have my blessings and best wishes. GordonJ
          We come into the world, alone and go about the same way. I have found engaging with people to be an annoyance, especially in business. For every "success story' that you can point to, there are 1000 horror stories no one wants to talk about. Yes, they are THAT horrific. lol

          I have always found, "Does not play well with others," to be an an asset - and a survival mechanism, that has served me well. Life and business should always be kept as simple and as free of entanglement as humanly possible. If I wanted another human making my life miserable, under the guise of being my 'partner' - I'd be married.


          "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

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      • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
        Originally Posted by OptedIn View Post

        And how many of those would you think are seriously interested in partnering with someone? I'm guessing virtually, none - or they would be actively putting the word out.

        If I were interested in partnering with anyone, which I never would, they would have to have a whole lot more than capital to offer. Building offline businesses wouldn't hold much allure for me either.

        if someone is going to tout their success at that, I would want to know why they want to enter the world of IM, where most people don't make enough on a daily basis to splurge for a quarter-pounder meal?
        I WOULD partner with someone. With the experience, knowledge, track record...and maybe a list. Mutual benefit is not the thing for the lone wolf but over the years, the right associations have proven profitable for me. But I get it.

        Nothing beats no one but self. Partnerships and joint ventures take many forms, and leverage and TIME savings oft out weigh the downsides.

        But if anyone must do it all alone, they have my blessings and best wishes.


        PS. Make that 42.
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  • Profile picture of the author SGFound
    It's difficult but with hard work, you'll get there my friend. Good luck buddy!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by AlexMLewis View Post

    I am very interested in investing into start ups or partnering with people that have talent but lack business acumen and capital. Where can I find these people?


    To be very honest with you . . . I wouldn't look here . . . or any place else that was related to a public, open, "anyone can join" space. Why? Simply because this is not the playground of "up and coming" companies.

    Certainly, there may be a few hidden here or there, but for the most part you will find solo entrepreneurs here that are just learning the ropes of Internet business, some of whom come here as a last resort because they need some fast income to survive.

    Certainly, I am not knocking anyone who is here. It's just that I think if I were in your shoes I would focus on pools of talent and people that have already shown they can run companies successfully.

    Just my opinion, that's all . . .


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author AlexMLewis
    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for the heads up! Where can I find really talented internet marketers that really know what there doing and want to build something? I have a project that I am working on now that I to bring someone in on.

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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by AlexMLewis View Post

      Hi Steve,

      Thanks for the heads up! Where can I find really talented internet marketers that really know what there doing and want to build something? I have a project that I am working on now that I to bring someone in on.

      Maybe LinkedIn would give you the most professional IMer. Create a one page QUALIFICATIONS web site, so you don't get slammed by talkers and want to bees.

      What skills and experience do you need? Is it a JV? Give your details, as much as you can, and screen the people. I agree with Steve, WF, probably isn't the best choice, BUT, YOU might get surprised too.

      There could be someone here who fits with your project.

      What is it you want or NEED done?

      Again, I'd suggest at least looking at linkedin.

      After you know what you want.

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      • Profile picture of the author AlexMLewis
        Hi Jordan J

        Thanks for the tip on Linkedin I didn't think about that!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    Originally Posted by AlexMLewis View Post

    Hi Warrior Forum

    I have limited knowledge of internet marketing. My previous company I used FB adds but that is as far as it goes. I did show me that you can build a company on the internet which has sparked an interest in Internet marketing.

    What I lack in terms of Internet Marketing skill I make up for in experience of building, growing and selling companies. But most importantly I bring capital.

    I am very interested in investing into start ups or partnering with people that have talent but lack business acumen and capital. Where can I find these people?

    Many thanks


    I am very interested in investing into start ups ..

    You may want to follow the Warrior Forum owner's threads because he has done and is doing exactly what you want to do. His name is Gabriel. When you open one of his threads you can click on his name and follow more links to his threads and posts. Here are some links to his own threads:

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