It's because I WORK HARD, not because I am SMART.
I just want to share some thoughts I had this morning about hard work.
My friends constantly say that I am a genius because I make money online.
No matter how many times I tell them that it is really easy and that it only takes hard work, they still think I'm like some computer mastermind. It's funny how many times I have been asked to fix computers and networks and stuff like that when I know absolutely nothing about that stuff.
I know a lot of you are going to say, "it's about working smart, not working hard". But I believe there is no way to get to the 'working smart' stage without going through the 'working hard' stage first. After all, how can one possibly know what 'working smart' is without first 'working dumb'?
Through your hard work, you will start to see short cuts, ways to delegate your work load, ways to make more profit with less effort.
Just like any other skill, your brain naturally becomes better at whatever it is you are doing.
So one would say, with hard work, your skills become refined, they adapt, you start to think of ways to do things more efficiently, etc.
What I say is, just pick a business model and start practicing it every day. Chances are, you are going to suck at whatever it is you are doing at first. But with every try, you get significantly better. So stick with whatever it is you are doing, work hard, and eventually you will be successful.
I liken IM to martial arts. Everybody sucks when they first come to class. I am an instructor at my school and I have yet to see a newbie come in and just blow everybody away. Eventually, through continuous practice and effort, a complete newbie can turn into a seasoned master. This all happens naturally through their hard work - just like it will do in the make money online world.
What do you all think? Do you think it's possible to make money online through hard work alone? I believe it is certainly possible and very natural to happen.
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STOP THE TRAFFIK is a growing global movement of individuals, communities and organisations fighting to PREVENT the sale of people,
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STOP THE TRAFFIK is a growing global movement of individuals, communities and organisations fighting to PREVENT the sale of people,
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