I want to starta a new viral site,what you think ?

20 replies
Hi warriors,

I want to start a viral website in Arabic , and I have some questions :

It's a good idea to make it on arabic or not ?

It's obligate to target a niche or not ? because I see that a lot of viral sites have a varied content .

thanks .
#site #starta #viral
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Arabic or not? Who knows? You have to put your site out there and test the results.

    Personally, I think your chances of success as a newbie are much greater with a specialized niche site rather than a general one.

    As far as "making" your site go viral . . . you don't get to decide that. It goes viral as your viewers respond and share the site with others. That will happen if you have great fresh content, unique content, sharable content . . . and you make it easy on your viewers to share it with others.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author saidelme
      Thank you Steve,

      I choosed generel type for these raisons :
      1) Get a large field to write content .

      2) Because i'm newbie i find some difficult to find a niche .

      3) My monetization type will be adsense so chance to get a lot of visitors in général site more than niche site and because there is a différence between arabic and west vistor,it's difficult to promote offer or sell product to an arabic.

      correct me if I'm wrong .
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      • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
        Originally Posted by saidelme View Post

        Thank you Steve,

        I choosed generel type for these raisons :
        1) Get a large field to write content .

        2) Because i'm newbie i find some difficult to find a niche .

        3) My monetization type will be adsense so chance to get a lot of visitors in général site more than niche site and because there is a différence between arabic and west vistor,it's difficult to promote offer or sell product to an arabic.

        correct me if I'm wrong .
        What you've described is a fairly generic site. Generic sites do not go viral.
        If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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  • Profile picture of the author Ged3
    if you are familiar with the Arabic language then it would make sense to have it in Arabic as you will be able to add content to it much more easily.

    Whichever language you use I think it would be best to target a niche that is popular and that you can profit from.

    For instance cat videos often go viral on Youtube, but being able to monetise the traffic could be difficult, unless you decide to become an affiliate of cat products - which is possible.

    Try and find something that Arab countries would find popular and maybe produce some videos and add some humour to them - humour often seems to help send videos viral.

    Hope this helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jamestt89
    I think the language is irrelevant. You won't know if something new is going to work unless you test, tweak and test again.

    What's going to make your site viral? I've set up a lot of "viral" sites and only a couple truly went viral.

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  • Profile picture of the author BryrDe
    if you're only targetting Arabic, you'll have narrower audience - which can be good because it's easier to rank on this. However, the expansion can be too little if you are only targeting Arabs
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by saidelme View Post

    Hi warriors,

    I want to start a viral website in Arabic , and I have some questions :

    It's a good idea to make it on arabic or not ?

    It's obligate to target a niche or not ? because I see that a lot of viral sites have a varied content .

    thanks .
    What would make a site go viral or not? Answer that question, and you'll be able to deduce the answers to your other questions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Akhil Sai
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  • Profile picture of the author binfovision123
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Do you know of existing SITES that are already DOING what you want to do?

    If so, load their domains into Alexa site info and AHREFS and SEMRUSH to get a rough idea of how well they are doing

    By checking the online tools above, you should be able to get enough information to help you decide
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  • The first thing you need to know is if there is a market for your chosen niche. No matter how good your niche is or how well you know your niche, it all boils down to the market's demand. Try to spend time researching if there is a market in the first place. Regardless if you are marketing locally or globally, you need to know the demand for the niche you plan to promote.
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  • Profile picture of the author sanjaybulksms
    If you are going to start website based on Arabic! Then make your website to access in multi-language. If your website is based on business! Then you can go for niche target.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    Viral for WHOM?

    that's all the answers to your question: answering this means choose if you have to use your native language or not
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    How are you planning to bring people to your site? You need to go where your target audience is and entice them to come to you by content or ads.

    This is why choosing a general audience is so hard. You can't advertise everywhere to everyone -- even if you've narrowed it to those who speak Arabic.

    I know in theory it sounds easier to get an general audience but in reality it's often much harder.

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    • Profile picture of the author saidelme
      Originally Posted by Rose Anderson View Post

      How are you planning to bring people to your site? You need to go where your target audience is and entice them to come to you by content or ads.

      This is why choosing a general audience is so hard. You can't advertise everywhere to everyone -- even if you've narrowed it to those who speak Arabic.

      I know in theory it sounds easier to get an general audience but in reality it's often much harder.

      Thank you Rose,
      for traffic I will use facebook ads and as I already said the type of monetization(adsense) is the main cause for choosing the general type .
      To be honest I am distracting thoughts now and I wish for help .
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by saidelme View Post

    Hi warriors,

    I want to start a viral website in Arabic , and I have some questions :

    It's a good idea to make it on arabic or not ?

    It's obligate to target a niche or not ? because I see that a lot of viral sites have a varied content .

    thanks .
    The only way to know for sure is to try it. Why not start it and see how it does? If it doesn't work then move on and try something else.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mapleflyweb
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    • Profile picture of the author saidelme
      Thanks to all,
      I have another question
      What you think if I copy articles from some West viral site (viralnova, buzzfeed ...) and poste them on my site ?
      When i say copy i mean copy the idea only and rewrite it using my style in arabic language .
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  • Profile picture of the author Ged3
    yes using the idea could work well. After all there must have been something in the idea that made them go viral - as long as you do not copy the article as you mentioned.

    Or maybe the idea that has been used will give you some thoughts for something similar which would be even better as it would be original.

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  • Profile picture of the author dharm433

    First Select a DOmian name

    Start writing high quality content

    promot on social media

    optimize with SEO On page and off page seo
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  • Profile picture of the author Sunshine01
    It's always a better idea to pick a niche and stick to it. Whether the site goes viral or not depends on various factors like unique content, seo, promotion tactics etc.

    Learn more about blogging tips, tutorials and deals

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  • Profile picture of the author FreedomBlogger
    Originally Posted by saidelme View Post

    Hi warriors,

    I want to start a viral website in Arabic , and I have some questions :

    It's a good idea to make it on arabic or not ?

    It's obligate to target a niche or not ? because I see that a lot of viral sites have a varied content .

    thanks .
    I would recommend to do it in your native language and then have a translation option on the site.

    One of the reasons to why I would recommend this, is because there is probably less competition in that language. You woud have to do an in-depth research to really find out.

    Also, it is recommended to keep your site niche specific but since you are looking to build a viral type of site then you shouldn't worry much about it.

    Hope this helps!
    At the beginning, I thought making money online with a blog was super super hard. Not anymore. Learn the art of making money online blogging - step by step - HERE.
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    • Profile picture of the author saidelme
      Originally Posted by FreedomBlogger View Post

      I would recommend to do it in your native language and then have a translation option on the site.

      One of the reasons to why I would recommend this, is because there is probably less competition in that language. You woud have to do an in-depth research to really find out.

      Also, it is recommended to keep your site niche specific but since you are looking to build a viral type of site then you shouldn't worry much about it.

      Hope this helps!
      Thank you FreedomBlogger,

      Just i want to say that i'm an arabic so i will not find problems to write arabic content or translate articles .
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