bandwidth question

by 6 replies
i know nobody can give exact answers due to the vauge question.

but i am planning on setting 1 site for affiliate marketing and then eventually add more sites to start earning money.

my question is, would a hosting plan with only 2gb bandwidth do for 1 site?

its a monthly plan so i could go up to the next package when i need to.

i just dont want to start making money, feel great about it, then get charged for exceeding my allowance.

i plan i getting as many people to the site.

anyone care to disclose what bandwidth they are using on a monthly basis?
#main internet marketing discussion forum #bandwidth #question
  • If you host with anyone remotely respectable bandwidth will not be an issue to you.
  • I suggest you go try out Hostgator.
    They have affordable plans which provides you with MORE than you usually need.
    I think their baby croc package comes with enough resources. You won't easily run into bandwidth issues unless you launch some big product or social site.

  • I also would recommend Hostgator for your web hosting.
    • [1] reply
    • As mentioned use Hostgator. I use them and recommend them. They offer Unlimited Bandwidth, Unlimited Domains and Unlimited Space all in their baby croc plan for just $9.95/month. If your serious about making money online you need the 3 things I mentioned above in whoever you choose.

  • You can use a rough estimate to help guide you. In the beginning its basically guess work - but the estimates get better over time.

    Since you say you'll be doing mostly affiliate marketing to begin with - they the following

    1. estimate the size of your affiliate squeeze page/index.html etc.
    2. estimate the amount of traffic you intend to drive to the site.
    3. 1 * 2 = amount of bandwidth you'll need

    Now - don't go hog while and say I'll drive a million folks to my site the first month. Not likely to happen. If it does then you have GOOD problems to deal with.

    Next - in all honesty 2 gb for a small site should be fine, but most hosting accounts I've seen parse out bandwidth in hundreds of gigabytes.

    Finally, at one of the data centers I ran our base accounts provided 50 gb of traffic a month. These were not little affiliate marketing/ebook sites either. And 80% never came close to using that in a month.

    The name of the game is to test - watch your bandwidth growth over time, and when you consistently exceed 90% of your limit - start thinking about uping the amount you have (most hosts will gladly sell you more) or look at moving your account.

    good luck!
    • [1] reply
    • thanks for all the info, i have looked at hostgater and it was the 2nd option for me.

      the hosting i am looking at gives the all features i need (as host gater does)

      but is a bit cheaper, and as i dont have much money up front i need to keep prices low.

      they do offer more bandwidth but just needed to make sure thats enough until i start earning money to pay for the extra gbs

      thanks alot

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    i know nobody can give exact answers due to the vauge question. but i am planning on setting 1 site for affiliate marketing and then eventually add more sites to start earning money.