Tool to monitor Adword Rank by keyword?

1 replies
Is there a tool, that I can import a list of keywords, to check if my ads are showing for those keywords?

Just looking for a way to test some broad match scenario's of keywords I might not have set up already in adwords.
#adword #keyword #monitor #rank #tool
  • Profile picture of the author hit bit
    You may learn how frequently particular words are searched for as well as how those searches have evolved over time with our keyword research tool. This can assist you in reducing your keyword list to those you actually desire. In order to help you decide on your advertising budget, Keyword Planner will provide you with proposed bid estimates for each keyword. You can include the keywords you've selected in your advertising strategy once you've found them. Save your strategy for later use or distribute it to your company's workforce. You can complete and launch your campaign whenever you're ready.
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