How do "giveaways" in ShopABot work?

1 replies
I've been seeing ads and "reviews" for ShopABot, and took a look at the sales page, as I have no doubt a few other people here have, and I'm wondering... how do the "Giveaways" that they use to get viral traffic, work?

The demo one on their site claims to be giving away 10 x $40+ dresses. Now $400 worth of goods seems like a lot to be giving away set against possible Amazon commissions.

So, what's happening here?
#giveaways #shopabot #work
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  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    You give away one (1) product every week or every two weeks or once a month. The more people share your give away the more chances they get in the drawing.

    It works just like many other "viral" software.

    I have Buzzinar which unlocks content if people share my site on social media.

    I entered a contest just yesterday that runs for a week and the prize is worth almost $200. I got 10 chances for sharing in different places.

    Obviously the "give away" you choose will depend on your market and visitors.
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