A Little Advice From a 13 Year Veteran

37 replies
I've been a full time marketer for 13 years. (i.e all my income comes from what i do online) I've only recently come back here after a couple of years absence. It's like I've never been away, I still see the same types of posts:

People looking for ways to make a quick income, people looking to make money online without spending anything, people wondering why something isn't working after a week.

So I thought I'd give you some tips I picked up over the years.

1) Pick One thing and stick to it for at least 6 months - It normally takes that long for things to work or for you to master them.

2) You don't need half the tools you've bought. (If you are a newbie you don't need clickfunnels, samcart or an expensive autoresponder!)

3) Communication is the one tool you should master. I know marketers who make 100K+ a year with a facebook post and messenger or a personal gmail account. Only last weekend I sent personal emails to 40 subscribers and generated a conversion rate of nearly 50% on a mid ticket item.

I also know several marketers who only have a facebook group, and a paypal link and yet earn a full time income. It's all down to communication with their audience.

4.) The OFFER! it always comes down to the OFFER. If you don't have a good offer or don't understand your offer you'll never succeed. Your offer will dictate who your target audience is , it will dictate the messages you put in front of that audience. It will dictate your success.

5) All successful campaigns are temporary so never get comfortable. There is always something around the corner that will cause you problems so expect them, take them in your stride and move on.

I hope you found that useful if not, Ce la vie!
#advice #veteran #year
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  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
    Thanks for sharing bro. You inspire me.
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  • Profile picture of the author jaybee125
    Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing. : )
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by M Thompson View Post

    I've only recently come back here after a couple of years absence.

    Welcome back Mark! It's good to have another voice of truth, reason and experience here on the WF ... and yes, the questions are still pretty much the same - how do I make a million by Monday?


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author dfrost
    LOL, internet marketing 101 condensed into 314 words. Very useful post, enjoyed discovering it.

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    • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
      Originally Posted by dfrost View Post

      LOL, internet marketing 101 condensed into 314 words. Very useful post, enjoyed discovering it.

      Must try to get it below 300 words...

      IM isn't difficult it's made to look difficult by people trying to sell solutions

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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Good advice. Back in 2002 I started my software business using nothing. All I needed was a basic website and a way of taking online orders. I made over 1000 sales using these two tools.
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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    • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
      Originally Posted by brettb View Post

      Good advice. Back in 2002 I started my software business using nothing. All I needed was a basic website and a way of taking online orders. I made over 1000 sales using these two tools.
      Yep that would still work today.. I've got carts and funnels but I still ask people to message me and then send them a payment link.

      I ran an offer for a live event we did a few months back.. everyone one who was interested I sent a personal video message.. that got a 54% conversion rate.. sure it took a few hours to do .. but 54% conversion.. I'd spend all week doing that

      If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
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      • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
        Originally Posted by M Thompson View Post

        I ran an offer for a live event we did a few months back.. everyone one who was interested I sent a personal video message.. that got a 54% conversion rate.. sure it took a few hours to do .. but 54% conversion.. I'd spend all week doing that
        Personal communication and talking to individuals is where the greatest leverage is.

        Despite all the automation we have in place the biggest results come from "real live chat" or "personal communication" to individuals.

        I work a lot in the B2B space so talking to one person about what seems sometimes to be an insignificant thing say like a sample or specific request can lead to incredible results.

        When you take the time to truly engage with your prospects, customers and clients you build relationships that pure automation cannot replicate.

        That's the work most don't want to do but as you point out the result is worth the effort.

        When you truly engage with your market you play at a different level.

        Best regards,

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  • Profile picture of the author williamtan
    Hmmm, why I'm feeling guilty on your point no. 2 And your point #4 hit the jackpot - OFFERS - something that is hard to craft but so important.
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    • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
      Originally Posted by williamtan View Post

      Hmmm, why I'm feeling guilty on your point no. 2 And your point #4 hit the jackpot - OFFERS - something that is hard to craft but so important.
      I don't know I think you nailed the last one ..I bought it last week

      If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
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  • Profile picture of the author pavlokeyross
    Thank you very much for your advice. It's highly appreciated.
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  • Profile picture of the author radu
    Originally Posted by M Thompson View Post

    1) Pick One thing and stick to it for at least 6 months - It normally takes that long for things to work or for you to master them.

    2) You don't need half the tools you've bought. (If you are a newbie you don't need clickfunnels, samcart or an expensive autoresponder!)

    3) Communication is the one tool you should master. I know marketers who make 100K+ a year with a facebook post and messenger or a personal gmail account. Only last weekend I sent personal emails to 40 subscribers and generated a conversion rate of nearly 50% on a mid ticket item.

    I also know several marketers who only have a facebook group, and a paypal link and yet earn a full time income. It's all down to communication with their audience.

    4.) The OFFER! it always comes down to the OFFER. If you don't have a good offer or don't understand your offer you'll never succeed. Your offer will dictate who your target audience is , it will dictate the messages you put in front of that audience. It will dictate your success.

    5) All successful campaigns are temporary so never get comfortable. There is always something around the corner that will cause you problems so expect them, take them in your stride and move on.
    Hey, Great post! Absolutely agree 100%..

    You described some core principles in the IM world. On the last point there is definetly smth going on all the time, the more people get into paid advertising the harder it is to keep up with the increasing costs of the ads.

    Facebook is rising the ads prices as their platform is almost full loaded with ads..the same like Google did some years ago.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    On Point "2" :

    Originally Posted by M Thompson View Post

    2) You don't need half the tools you've bought...
    I made hundreds of sales here, virtually overnight , on my first WSO, with nothing but a word file and some valuable knowledge and experience to share.

    It's not so much about the tools... It's about having something valuable to say. Really.

    Then, when you say it, you have to say it in a way that makes people realize how valuable it is. You can do that with nothing but a word file, and a place to upload your words, where people are likely to be interested.

    The real challenge is in having something valuable to say to them (continually).

    When you know you have something valuable to say, then promoting it becomes exciting... Otherwise it can be fearful to put it out there.... You have to be able to stand behind it, and debate it, and expound upon it, even "prove" it. You really need to "know" something to make it very far. That doesn't mean "know" marketing, as much as it does "know" your subject matter.

    Great post.
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Never get comfortable - yes those are wise words indeed. I made a fortune on HubPages for a while. Then they changed all their rules. The goalposts are always moving online, so never get complacent.
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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  • Profile picture of the author reneet
    Thank you! The first one is like the Golden Rule.
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  • Profile picture of the author maxitman
    Yes, indeed, great piece of advice, and for me, so timely as well as I have pretty much decided that enough is enough, I am going in this full time, and starting to work on my first dollar. But, a question, does anyone have any experience with, or information about Pat Flynn's products, such as Affiliate 1-2-3, are they making money with that product, is it real or just hype?
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
      Originally Posted by maxitman View Post

      Yes, indeed, great piece of advice, and for me, so timely as well as I have pretty much decided that enough is enough, I am going in this full time, and starting to work on my first dollar. But, a question, does anyone have any experience with, or information about Pat Flynn's products, such as Affiliate 1-2-3, are they making money with that product, is it real or just hype?

      Internet Marketing Product Reviews & Ratings
      In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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  • Profile picture of the author KimboJim
    Great advice. My biggest problem, and maybe everyone else's, was point #1. It always came down to writing, but then I'd think: I can write ebooks, PLR articles, social media posts, a funny blog, a motivational blog, etc....just to find myself not doing any of them because how can one person do 10+ projects at once?

    Good advice the whole way around, thanks so much for enlightening post.
    Ready for some great content at a low cost?
    PresentPLR Newest Pack: LED Grow Lights
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  • Profile picture of the author online with me
    Originally Posted by M Thompson View Post

    2) You don't need half the tools you've bought. (If you are a newbie you don't need clickfunnels, samcart or an expensive autoresponder!)
    Thank you for a very informative post.

    A lot of product sellers within the MMO niche will tell you that you need these expensive tools.

    Refreshing to see an experienced marketer telling us otherwise.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11469702].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
      Originally Posted by online with me View Post

      A lot of product sellers within the MMO niche will tell you that you need these expensive tools.
      How else would they make affiliate Sales

      My stack is basically:

      An autoresponder (activecampaign)
      A tool to collect leads ( Convertbox)
      A Cart: (thrivecart)

      The only one of those that has a monthly subscription is the Autoresponder and that pays for itself hundreds of times over each month.

      This is my business model in a nutshell

      Cold Traffic => Good Content =>Retargeting Pixel and possible a list via a content upgrade => retargeting and/or emails to money pages/affiliate reviews or product sales page and trials etc

      If they visit a sales page twice or more and don't sign up automations kick in to offer a $1 trial

      No need to make anything too elaborate

      If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
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      • Originally Posted by M Thompson View Post

        How else would they make affiliate Sales

        My stack is basically:

        An autoresponder (activecampaign)
        A tool to collect leads ( Convertbox)
        A Cart: (thrivecart)
        What do you use to build and manage an email list?
        ♦ HighPayingPrograms.com - 100% free super high paying programs. Make up to $10,000+ per deal & lifetime revenue share.
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        • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
          Originally Posted by AffiliatePrograms View Post

          What do you use to build and manage an email list?
          Sorry for the delay..

          I use activecampaign and convertbox.

          I'll put together a post with my full stack in it.. it will be a short post!

          If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
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  • Profile picture of the author Eric Lwk
    Awesome man! Thank you very much! I just get started and I know that the start is always difficult...I hope to have a mentor with the same mindset as yours!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Sussman
    Eric, why get a mentor with the same mindset as Mark when you can get Mark.
    "He elicits the same kind of admiration one would feel for a streaker at Queen Victorias funeral."

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  • Profile picture of the author Ged3
    Great post!

    It all comes back to creating a good relationship with your clients/customers.

    Then you can retain them and they will buy from you frequently and also more expensive products.

    Best Regards
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  • Profile picture of the author naviown
    thank you for sharing this, very positive and informative posts.
    DFY(Done-For-You) Service. Building A $3k/Month Biz From Scratch.

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  • Profile picture of the author IMisland
    Thanks for sharing this valuable info with us sir i really appreciate that
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Excellent advice. I so vibe with the communication angle; if we keep connected with our core followings, only good things can happen. Patience wins, too. See the journey through guys.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author senupal
    its good inspiring post
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  • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
    Guys, thanks for all the great feedback on this post.. It's been up here almost a year and only recently gained some traction .. (there is another lesson there!)

    I've put together a post with my whole system listed out..like me it's simple and easy to implement.. there is NOTHING for sale in it.. so feel free to read it if you want to learn more.


    If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
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  • Profile picture of the author rbates
    Hi Mark. Glad you're back.

    Just a quick question. You mention in point #4 about "Understanding your offer".

    What exactly do you mean by that, and what considerations are needed
    in order to "Understand" the What and How of your offer?

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  • Profile picture of the author MaxFeerden
    Thank you for sharing your story)
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Thats right i found that comunication its very important as pwople trust you more .i remember when i was marketing on facebook an things was working pretty well when you speak with people
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    There are some really successful marketers who have failed for years before having a breakthrough and then great success.

    What most people do is start with affiliate marketing and say that "I will give this 6-12 months and if it doesn't work then I will quit". This is a sure way to fail and if this is your mindset then you should quit right now.

    Your mindset to success should be this:

    "I will do what ever it takes for how long it takes UNTIL I succeed. And believe me, I will succeed. I will make mistakes and lose some money but I know that if others are succeeding, then so can I."
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11522595].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      "I will do what ever it takes for how long it takes UNTIL I succeed. And believe me, I will succeed. I will make mistakes and lose some money but I know that if others are succeeding, then so can I."

      And also refuse to be average, If everyone in your niche writes 1000 word articles write 1500 word articles.

      If they run 3 ad variations run 5 ad variations

      If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      There are some really successful marketers who have failed for years before having a breakthrough and then great success.
      In my experience with successful marketers that failed for years before having a breakthrough almost all of them told me the breakthrough was they learned from their mistakes.

      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      What most people do is start with affiliate marketing and say that "I will give this 6-12 months and if it doesn't work then I will quit". This is a sure way to fail and if this is your mindset then you should quit right now.
      Also, in my experience with beginner affiliate marketers is they do not budget or cannot afford spending money and focus on free resources and only organic traffic.

      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      Your mindset to success should be this:

      "I will do what ever it takes for how long it takes UNTIL I succeed. And believe me, I will succeed. I will make mistakes and lose some money but I know that if others are succeeding, then so can I."
      With what I consider big caveats I look at like this:

      "I will do what ever it takes for how long it takes UNTIL I succeed. And believe me, I will succeed. I will make mistakes and lose some money, but I will learn from those mistakes until I am a success."
      In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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