Where is the best place to sell my domain?

by Gee S
20 replies
Hey guys,

Just interested in selling some domains I have, where does everyone suggest I put them up for sale/auction. I'm looking for a lively marketplace.

#domain #place #sell
  • Profile picture of the author Vaan
    Hi MrEyeconic,

    You will get serious buyer easily in site point , altough you must pay first to get listing your ad on there,

    Worth the pay, less scammer there.., and guarranted your domain will be easily sell there..

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    • Profile picture of the author Imran Naseem
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      • Profile picture of the author Gee S
        Haha, I think he's on fire, but thanks for the input!

        Originally Posted by Imran Naseem View Post

        Posts Per Day: 26.35


        When you going to stop?

        The thing with Sitepoint is I've been checking it out, but theres things that concern me, mainly that the marketplace doesn't seem thriving in terms of domains. Would Flippa be a better option? Seems like there is a lot more going on there?
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    • Profile picture of the author whateverpedia
      Originally Posted by Vaan View Post

      and guarranted your domain will be easily sell there.
      There is no such thing as a guarantee that your domain will sell at sitepoint.

      I have put 35 domains up for sale on sitepoint (not all at once) and got nothing, other than the expense of listing them.

      I put the whole lot on sedo at the same time, and within 4 days I had sold enough of them to cover registration, sitepoint fees, and a nice little profit on top. The domains that didn't sell are parked there and earn a few cents in revenue from them.

      I will never, never, never, never use sitepoint again.
      Why do garden gnomes smell so bad?
      So that blind people can hate them as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zubair Zm
    I will recommend Sedo and sitepoint. However, you can find more places at Sell Domains and Websites Tools and Resources

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    You can also sell them on Namepros.com ... no listing fees.
    afternic.com also
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  • Profile picture of the author Gee S
    Hmm...is it possible to sell it on the WF? Not sure on the rules with that.
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    • Profile picture of the author papeter
      I definitely think SEDO is the best place to park and offer for your name/s sale. I just sold
      a domain name yesterday. I registered with GoDaddy for $8
      and sold it for 4000% profit. Sedo get more end users wanting good domains
      and it's end users you really want because they pay the highest prices.

      Don't sell to brokers, I have never had any success with them, they will just screw you down on price.

      Also you must get the dnjournal.com the best ezine for the domain industry. You can
      buy classified ad space. It also shows you what sort of prices names are
      fetching each month in the major auctions.

      Hope it helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author mmurtha
      Originally Posted by MrEyeconic View Post

      Hmm...is it possible to sell it on the WF? Not sure on the rules with that.
      To answer your question - Yes, people sell domains periodically in the WSO section.

      Other than that, I'd recommend Sedo, then SitePoint for domain selling.
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  • Profile picture of the author Online Bliss
    GoDaddy has alot of traffic and is a well branded site.
    That's the only place that has worked for me.
    You've got it Made
    with the Guy in the Shades!
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  • Profile picture of the author premiertimesol
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  • Profile picture of the author Charleskidd
    I would tell you what I would do. That would be to go to sitepoint. Ebay sucks now.

    Does internet marketing seem to hard? Click here and you will see how much you learn.

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  • Profile picture of the author JulieKerr
    In my experience,

    1. SEDO
    2. DNFORUM
    3. DIGITAL POINT (for less valued domains.)


    You may only be someone in the world, but to someone else, you may be the world.

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  • Profile picture of the author daj
    Definitely check out NamePros.com, list them in the appraisal thread to see if their worth anything first. You could sell them on there if they have any value.

    Bido.com is a new auction place for domains. Might want to try there too. Only 8% commission to them on non reserve auctions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adeel_Chowdhry
    Originally Posted by MrEyeconic View Post

    Hey guys,

    Just interested in selling some domains I have, where does everyone suggest I put them up for sale/auction. I'm looking for a lively marketplace.

    How much are you looking to sell the domain for (range)?
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    • Profile picture of the author Rozzito
      definitely not eBay, never worked for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gee S
    I've been looking around at some of these places, there's not alot going on in terms of bidding etc.

    How viable does everyone think selling domains is on forums such as the WF, is there a demand?
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