Digital marketing strategy: buyer personas for equestrian centre

by Moll01
4 replies

I'm building a digital marketing strategy for a client but also using it for my thesis so need a bit of advice. My main buyer persona is "digital mom" as the equestrian centres primary target market is children. My query is a lot of children (age 9-14years) have mobile devices, internet etc and have access to social media, (My strategy will include channels such as instagram, snap chat.)but do I include the this age group as a buyer persona? I'm unsure as I know there are strict advertising laws and data protection when it comes to children (based in Ireland), also the children won't be buying the horse riding lessons themselves but if they saw it on instagram for example, they could influence their parents to buy them....
Please advise where they would fit in the strategy...
Thanks for the help.
#buyer #centre #digital #equestrian #marketing #personas #strategy
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  • Profile picture of the author Neromancer
    I recently wrote a book on buyer personas; I would suggest using the children as influencers to the main personas.

    For example as a persona of the digital mom, "Johnny" would be an influencer to the decisions about a real estate purchase because he needs a sizable room.

    Anyhow I hope this helps.

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    • Profile picture of the author Moll01
      Hi Neromancer,

      Thank you so much thats exactly what I wanted to know, would they be classified as Influencer. So would I be correct then to build a section for example a social media campaign targeted at the "influencers" platforms i.e. horse images on content etc?

      What is your book called?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Ads targeted to children about the fun and adventure (and social aspect) to be found in an equestrienne center...

    ....and ads to parents focused on the positive emotional and physical benefits children gain from riding.

    Kids can be the influencers but the parents have the bucks....
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    • Profile picture of the author Moll01
      good point thanks Kay King.
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