payment gateway Does Not allowed my business ??

4 replies
Hi Everybody thanks for giving me from your priceless time and I've the honor of being asking you about a solution of a problem of mine ! hope getting athe wanted answer ...

[Okay : I've a business like the following : - A site , I have selling on it iptv subscription and stuff . And I have stripe on my payment gateway , but about a few hours of launching the business , I consulted with my partner , He sais that I will be banned if I connected between my stripe account and my site , So I postponed the start of the project so far , My need now is a way or ways , a legal way(s) almost ! , that can cover the reason(s) Which may make Stripe bans me or lock my account Permanently !!! .
Thank you all for your time !
#allowed #business #gateway #payment
  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    Suggest you contact stripe.
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by adil driss View Post

    Hi Everybody thanks for giving me from your priceless time and I've the honor of being asking you about a solution of a problem of mine ! hope getting athe wanted answer ...

    [Okay : I've a business like the following : - A site , I have selling on it iptv subscription and stuff . And I have stripe on my payment gateway , but about a few hours of launching the business , I consulted with my partner , He sais that I will be banned if I connected between my stripe account and my site , So I postponed the start of the project so far , My need now is a way or ways , a legal way(s) almost ! , that can cover the reason(s) Which may make Stripe bans me or lock my account Permanently !!! .
    Thank you all for your time !

    If I understand your business correctly, some countries (US) ban individuals from streaming/selling TV over the internet. There was a long standing lawsuit where Aereo lost.

    Stripe is based in the US (San Francisco, California) and has to follow US laws.

    I doubt Stripe will accept your site considering it's IPTV and you're selling something you don't own..
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    • Profile picture of the author adil driss
      Yes Sir ! Thank you , fortunately I found a solution and the business is on the launch .
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    What are your competitors using?
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