Clickbank promotion strategy that works?
Recently, I have been promoting Clickbank offers with PPC advertising campaigns. I am using Bing Ads and Google Adwords. I am an Amazon Marketer mainly, but I have gained a lot of experience and success while promoting Clickbank offers.
I made $391 in 3 days and $500+ in 5 days.
I want to share what I learnt and have a few questions for you:
1) High gravity offers did not convert well for me. It is the medium gravity offers (with gravity 50 to 100) that are doing well. What are your experience promoting high gravity products? Any luck?
2) Weight loss offers aren't converting at all... zero sale. You guys having any luck?
3) After selecting an offer, I start with a normal landing page that directs visitors to Clickbank offers through "watch now" or "get instant access" button without email capture. Directly adding squeeze pages from the start didn't do well. What about you guys?
Thanks in advance.
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