Clickbank promotion strategy that works?

22 replies
Hi Everyone,

Recently, I have been promoting Clickbank offers with PPC advertising campaigns. I am using Bing Ads and Google Adwords. I am an Amazon Marketer mainly, but I have gained a lot of experience and success while promoting Clickbank offers.

I made $391 in 3 days and $500+ in 5 days.

I want to share what I learnt and have a few questions for you:

1) High gravity offers did not convert well for me. It is the medium gravity offers (with gravity 50 to 100) that are doing well. What are your experience promoting high gravity products? Any luck?

2) Weight loss offers aren't converting at all... zero sale. You guys having any luck?

3) After selecting an offer, I start with a normal landing page that directs visitors to Clickbank offers through "watch now" or "get instant access" button without email capture. Directly adding squeeze pages from the start didn't do well. What about you guys?

Thanks in advance.
#clickbank #promotion #strategy #works
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  • Profile picture of the author TheOrca
    Maybe you should try a softer sale. Lead them down a funnel, instead of throwing the product at them. Nowadays hard sells aren't that effective doesn't unless its one of those "I have to have that" products.

    Weight loss will most likely need an attractive product/offer with an attractive website/landing page. Its a heavily saturated niche, and people aren't going to pull out their credit cards and make a purchase unless they're really convinced that the product will work for them. If the product landing page is mediocre, and your own landing page is also lacking, then its gonna be hard to get a sale. Traffic is also a huge factor.
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    • Profile picture of the author kazimuhith
      Originally Posted by TheOrca View Post

      Maybe you should try a softer sale. Lead them down a funnel, instead of throwing the product at them. Nowadays hard sells aren't that effective doesn't unless its one of those "I have to have that" products.

      Weight loss will most likely need an attractive product/offer with an attractive website/landing page. Its a heavily saturated niche, and people aren't going to pull out their credit cards and make a purchase unless they're really convinced that the product will work for them. If the product landing page is mediocre, and your own landing page is also lacking, then its gonna be hard to get a sale. Traffic is also a huge factor.
      Great idea. Initiating the process with pre-selling to make it softer should work better. Any other suggestions, TheOrca?

      I haven't had success with weight-loss offers yet. No wonder why! Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author mostCPA
    1) as usual, medium gravity converts well.
    2) weight loss is dead market today, but if you are scientific it will works fine.
    3) landing pages will give you some money, but funnel pages will give you a lot.
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    • Profile picture of the author kazimuhith
      Originally Posted by mostCPA View Post

      1) as usual, medium gravity converts well.
      2) weight loss is dead market today, but if you are scientific it will works fine.
      3) landing pages will give you some money, but funnel pages will give you a lot.
      Thanks mostCPA. Better sales funnel is required for long term benefits.
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    • Profile picture of the author newxxx
      Originally Posted by mostCPA View Post

      2) weight loss is dead market today,
      if weight loss is dead, what is alive and kicking and actively sought after by people?

      thank you
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11362505].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mostCPA
        The best opportunities will incorporate some of what has made weight loss services so successful in the past along with the more comprehensive lifestyle choices that today's consumer is looking for. Businesses that can resonate with THAT consumer will continue to thrive.

        I guess you should consider the following products alternatively:
        1-Protein bars
        3-Protein Powder
        4-Keto Diet
        5-Keto Books
        6-Keto Supplements

        but in case you don't mind to sell physical products, so take those trending products that you can consider selling:
        1) Flame lamps
        2) Minimalist watches
        3) Backpacks
        4) Portable LED Projectors
        5) Night masks
        6) Nootropics
        7) Avocado Oil
        8) VR Products
        9) Bluetooth Smart Watches
        10) Black Sugar
        11) Waterproof Bluetooth Speakers
        12) Car Air Purifiers
        13) Selfie Ring Lights
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11365542].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author kazimuhith
          Thank you for your useful thoughts mostCPA. You need to have a brand and big responsive customer base to promote high gravity products.

          Originally Posted by mostCPA View Post

          The best opportunities will incorporate some of what has made weight loss services so successful in the past along with the more comprehensive lifestyle choices that today's consumer is looking for. Businesses that can resonate with THAT consumer will continue to thrive.

          I guess you should consider the following products alternatively:
          1-Protein bars
          3-Protein Powder
          4-Keto Diet
          5-Keto Books
          6-Keto Supplements

          but in case you don't mind to sell physical products, so take those trending products that you can consider selling:
          1) Flame lamps
          2) Minimalist watches
          3) Backpacks
          4) Portable LED Projectors
          5) Night masks
          6) Nootropics
          7) Avocado Oil
          8) VR Products
          9) Bluetooth Smart Watches
          10) Black Sugar
          11) Waterproof Bluetooth Speakers
          12) Car Air Purifiers
          13) Selfie Ring Lights
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  • Profile picture of the author Khxxx Wxx
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    • Profile picture of the author kazimuhith
      Originally Posted by Khxxx Wxx View Post

      Hello, I'm new to Clickbank and I'm driven to work hard to earn results and money.However, i dont know where to start or what to do. Can someone guide me on how I could achieve great results please ):
      First, you need to choose a niche that you are personally interested in. Then, think of a game plan on how you can add value to the customers. Then , think of traffic, choose a product and try promoting them.

      If you have some budget, buy a domain, hosting and think of PPC advertising to see how it goes. That's the quickest method.

      You can build a blog, do some SEO, achieve followers in Facebook and Twitter, and try promoting stuffs. That's the long route.. but a cost-effective one.

      Get you feet wet and have a feel of internet marketing... and rinse-repeat what work and throw away what does not.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I'm sure it is - but there is some decent info in the thread....much better than the recent spate of "what is seo" and "what is blog"....
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Ged3

    this is an interesting post - thank you for sharing your experience.

    With regard to :

    3) After selecting an offer, I start with a normal landing page that directs visitors to Clickbank offers through "watch now" or "get instant access" button without email capture. Directly adding squeeze pages from the start didn't do well. What about you guys?

    I agree with this - especially using email capture - I found that this tends to put a lot of people off.

    Just having an interesting series of articles about the product I am promoting seems to do best.

    I often use Facebook - I usually create a Facebook group for whatever I am promoting and this will bring people back to interact.

    With this method there is no need for visitors to subscribe to an email list and they will often come back and look at the Facebook group that has affiliate links to Clickbank.

    Best Regards
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11361994].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kazimuhith
      Originally Posted by Ged3 View Post


      this is an interesting post - thank you for sharing your experience.

      With regard to :

      3) After selecting an offer, I start with a normal landing page that directs visitors to Clickbank offers through "watch now" or "get instant access" button without email capture. Directly adding squeeze pages from the start didn't do well. What about you guys?

      I agree with this - especially using email capture - I found that this tends to put a lot of people off.

      Just having an interesting series of articles about the product I am promoting seems to do best.

      I often use Facebook - I usually create a Facebook group for whatever I am promoting and this will bring people back to interact.

      With this method there is no need for visitors to subscribe to an email list and they will often come back and look at the Facebook group that has affiliate links to Clickbank.

      Best Regards
      Agree with you Ged3. After using simple landing page to redirect traffic, I reverted to squeeze page. But the number of visitors to the affiliate offer reduced drastically. They are unwilling to submit their emails. Now, I use squeeze pages only to offer that are converting well.

      Creating a Facebook group is a great idea. I will try. Thanks for the idea.
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      • Profile picture of the author newxxx
        Originally Posted by kazimuhith View Post

        But the number of visitors to the affiliate offer reduced drastically. They are unwilling to submit their emails.

        why not offer them a super-dooper too-good-to-be-true free gift first to get their email, then emal them your offers from that list?

        you need a good lead magnet
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      • Profile picture of the author cooler1
        Originally Posted by kazimuhith View Post

        Agree with you Ged3. After using simple landing page to redirect traffic, I reverted to squeeze page. But the number of visitors to the affiliate offer reduced drastically. They are unwilling to submit their emails. Now, I use squeeze pages only to offer that are converting well.

        Creating a Facebook group is a great idea. I will try. Thanks for the idea.
        Are you giving people something such as a free report for opting in?

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        • Profile picture of the author Ged3
          Originally Posted by cooler1 View Post

          Are you giving people something such as a free report for opting in?

          Yes I offer free reports and guides, but I find it is very difficult to get people to sign up,
          so I don't always bother with my list - I just get them to go to my Facebook pages or areas of my site as much as possible and this seems more profitable.

          Best Regards

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        • Profile picture of the author kazimuhith
          Originally Posted by cooler1 View Post

          Are you giving people something such as a free report for opting in?
          No, but I will try now giving away freebies to get their emails, Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    WITHOUT a lead generation strategy you DON'T HAVE A BUSINESS.

    It's churn and burn. You are not building an asset.

    Why don't put this offer in the thank you page?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11362076].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kazimuhith
      Originally Posted by JohnVianny View Post

      WITHOUT a lead generation strategy you DON'T HAVE A BUSINESS.

      It's churn and burn. You are not building an asset.

      Why don't put this offer in the thank you page?
      Agreed with you,too. I am building a list now. Email list is the only asset in IM that "is mine", right? Thanks again JohnVianny.
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  • I'm about 99% on having to get an email list.

    With one exception, if you have a product that sell with direct link, but doesn't with a squeeze page.

    Yes, you can blame this on the copy, but your business shouldn't be based off of one product (unless its yours). if you are an affiliate marketer, than promote that one product direct link and find another you can capture an email from.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11362590].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kazimuhith
      Originally Posted by Discover Ecommerce View Post

      I'm about 99% on having to get an email list.

      With one exception, if you have a product that sell with direct link, but doesn't with a squeeze page.

      Yes, you can blame this on the copy, but your business shouldn't be based off of one product (unless its yours). if you are an affiliate marketer, than promote that one product direct link and find another you can capture an email from.
      Absolutely. Direct linking to affiliate product will ensure that the product owner's business will grow. If email isn't captured, the lead is lost.

      I use a squeeze page only to those offers that are converting well with simple landing page with a "get access" button in the first place. Then I replace the page with a squeeze page..
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  • Profile picture of the author Safdar Mehmood
    most of the affiliates do for high gravity.......which is totally wrong.......we need to work on audience not the for as weight loss niche is concerned thats no more a money making product........very high competition...ill not recommend it for beginners or unless you are a brand....

    very high competition........find some low competition products ......where you can lift your product..........weight loss is over saturated

    first find the audience...not the product.......go other way round
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