Building your list with safelists?

14 replies
I have used safelists before, but I haven't had much luck building my list. Has anyone else used this free traffic generation technique successfully before?

YOu can buy your own safelist for about $7/month. Would this be a good idea?
#building #list #safelists
  • Profile picture of the author googlerankingexpert
    Hey, that's a good question, and now I wanna answer it so I can end all marketers' pain. Safelists are one of the biggest wastes of time for an internet marketer. Here's why:

    1. They use a list email address, which is an email address most people don't check
    2. Thousands of emails come into this list email account each day from other people, therefore your ad won't get read.
    3. If your ad does get read, there's a very high chance that the reader's just looking to get credits so he can send his own ad.

    Believe me, I've tried that before and I got 3 people to my website in 3 weeks, none of which did anything. I'm sorry if this comes across rude. I'm not trying to be rude, just trying to help out a fellow marketer
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  • Profile picture of the author Adrian Jock
    Originally Posted by bertuseng View Post

    I have used safelists before, but I haven't had much luck building my list. Has anyone else used this free traffic generation technique successfully before?

    YOu can buy your own safelist for about $7/month. Would this be a good idea?
    If you didn't succeed using more safelists, why do you think you will succeed with one single safelist?

    On the other hand, $7 doesn't matter as investment but ... you'll need to work more to get members to that safelist...

    While I don't see how you can have more success in building your list with one safelist in comparison with more safelists, maybe you'll earn some money from the users who will want to upgrade from free membership to the paid one. I don't know ... that's not a business model I would try, but that's only my view
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  • Profile picture of the author Stevenson
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    • Profile picture of the author Adrian Jock
      Originally Posted by Stevenson View Post

      I have tried safelist before. I feel that safelist nowadays are not as popular as they do in the past. There are just too many spams out there.
      While I don't like safelists, for the sake of truth I have to correct you: when you join a safelist you opt in to receive emails (tons of emails), so there is absolutely no spam there. Don't confuse spam with junk
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      • Profile picture of the author Marian
        Actually I did a test on a few safelists - and got no traffic, no sale, no optin :-( So it doesn't work - at least for me.

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        • Profile picture of the author Adrian Jock
          Originally Posted by Marian View Post

          Actually I did a test on a few safelists - and got no traffic, no sale, no optin :-( So it doesn't work - at least for me.
          Marian, you got no traffic because you didn't use credit based safelists. If you use them, you'll get traffic (but "no sale, no optin" may remain the same )
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  • Profile picture of the author sanjid112
    if, "no sale, no optin" may remain the same, why using credit based safelists? Is it just to get traffic?
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    • Profile picture of the author Adrian Jock
      Originally Posted by sanjid112 View Post

      if, "no sale, no optin" may remain the same, why using credit based safelists? Is it just to get traffic?
      1) I did NOT recommend Marian or anyone else to use credit cased safelists (read once again my post ). In one of my posts above I also said that I don't like safelists

      2) On the other hand, I used the wording "may remain" not "will remain". It's a difference!

      3) Actually some known warriors claimed that they build their list using these credit based safelists ... Is that true or not? I don't know
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  • Profile picture of the author Blade Runner 77
    they sux, run don't walk, spend no money
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  • Profile picture of the author SolomonHuey
    You'd all laugh me right out of the forum if I said I tried SEO for a week, didn't get results, and told you it's a complete waste of time.

    Like any marketing method ... safelists only work if you understand how to use them properly.

    In fact, I started my own partly due to the fact that I have gotten such great results from them.

    Some quick helpful points to note:

    - Yes, those "rent a safelist" sites are usually junk. Mainly because the majority of people who rent them are not serious or knowledgeable enough to get members decent results.
    - Typically credit based safelists significantly outperform traditional safelists, though there are certainly some exceptions.
    - Don't send people directly to a salespage. You should be using a squeeze page or at the very minimum a short splash page (imagine a billboard)
    - It's important to track your results. All cheeseburgers aren't the same. All ebooks won't get you the same results. And big surprise, all safelists won't get you the same results either. Some are better than others!
    - I've built a list of 10,000 people (and counting) and a full time income from free traffic sites that people say is "worthless" and doesn't work.

    Solomon Huey
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  • Profile picture of the author John Burton
    I haven't esed safelists myself, for the reason that an associate of mine warned me off. He tried it a couple of years back and said in two months, he received an extra 5 visitors through safelists. The email accounts you receive are receiving potentially THOUSANDS of emails every day.

    John Burton
    My site - free guide for starting and running your own online business.

    Boost your sales page conversion rate instantly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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    • Profile picture of the author SolomonHuey
      Originally Posted by John Burton View Post

      I haven't esed safelists myself, for the reason that an associate of mine warned me off. He tried it a couple of years back and said in two months, he received an extra 5 visitors through safelists. The email accounts you receive are receiving potentially THOUSANDS of emails every day.

      John Burton
      Originally Posted by SolomonHuey View Post

      Like any marketing method ... safelists only work if you understand how to use them properly.
      Sorry nothing else to add here, sums up my thoughts pretty clearly already.

      Solomon Huey
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  • Profile picture of the author Fabian Tan
    You can probably count the number of quality safelists around on one hand, and those few are pretty good. AdTactics is one.

    Bottom line: Avoid most, stick with the quality ones. I tested dozens of safelists before keeping a handful in my marketing mix, and they add a few hundred subscribers to my lists every month.

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  • Profile picture of the author chrisgarrett
    In my experience any list that you fill with people who do not know who you are or what they are expecting performs much worse than attracting people who know, like and trust you.

    It's not just the size of list that counts but RESPONSIVENESS.

    Rather than pay $7 a month try creating a small report and get the $7 script?
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