Has Internet Marketing Really Gotten This Bad?
and some of you have probably gotten it too. Do you
think this is exaggerated in it's doom and gloom scenario
or perhaps true. I want to know what you all think.
Of course the email was edited to remove references to
products or people or non relevant items:
.......So in attempt to force more folks to buy ads Facebook is killing reach
on most of their products.
First it was the fanpage.
Then they did it to Facebook live videos (used to be you would do a live
video and get thousands of views even if you had a small fanbase now go
and try it you'll be lucky if you even get a 100 people to watch)
Now they're killing the reach inside of Facebook groups.
And this sucks for all of us.
You especially because we've been sharing a ton of amazing information
inside our Facebook group but most of you are missing it because it's not
reaching your time line.
So we decided to do something about this because we don't want you to
miss all of the amazing stuff we've shared and are going to keep sharing
this coming year.
See email is also getting it's ass kicked too.
SAVE YOUR MONEY and do NOT go and buy any email courses on how
to build an email list or market or even spend money on any fancy platforms
because EMAIL IS DYING, my friend and anyone who tells you otherwise is
LYING to you.
We mail from 4 different platofrms and all of them right now are struggling to
get through Gmail filters (especially with the new Gmail update that's happened)
So for us to reach you after much thought and analysis YouTube is the best spo
t for us to give you the valuable trainings and tips and tricks we want to share
with you.........
So what do you think, is it that bad?
"Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale
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"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
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"Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale
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"If a cat sits on a hot stove, that cat won't sit on a hot stove again.
That cat won't sit on a cold stove either." - Mark Twain
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