Has Internet Marketing Really Gotten This Bad?

43 replies
I got the following email in my inbox from a major marketer
and some of you have probably gotten it too. Do you
think this is exaggerated in it's doom and gloom scenario
or perhaps true. I want to know what you all think.
Of course the email was edited to remove references to
products or people or non relevant items:

.......So in attempt to force more folks to buy ads Facebook is killing reach
on most of their products.
First it was the fanpage.
Then they did it to Facebook live videos (used to be you would do a live
video and get thousands of views even if you had a small fanbase now go
and try it you'll be lucky if you even get a 100 people to watch)
Now they're killing the reach inside of Facebook groups.
And this sucks for all of us.

You especially because we've been sharing a ton of amazing information
inside our Facebook group but most of you are missing it because it's not
reaching your time line.
So we decided to do something about this because we don't want you to
miss all of the amazing stuff we've shared and are going to keep sharing
this coming year.
See email is also getting it's ass kicked too.
SAVE YOUR MONEY and do NOT go and buy any email courses on how
to build an email list or market or even spend money on any fancy platforms
because EMAIL IS DYING, my friend and anyone who tells you otherwise is
LYING to you.
We mail from 4 different platofrms and all of them right now are struggling to
get through Gmail filters (especially with the new Gmail update that's happened)
So for us to reach you after much thought and analysis YouTube is the best spo
t for us to give you the valuable trainings and tips and tricks we want to share
with you.........

So what do you think, is it that bad?
#bad #internet #marketing
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11372959].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Vladimir Mirnii
      Good issue has been lifted. I cannot agree with IGotMine totally as well. I would like to mention that EMAILS have been and still is very successful tool of marketing, which give really high results. I cannot agree with you that EMAILS are dying pleased to fact that exchange with the information through the email is the most safe and guaranteed way of information been kept and delivered to the Receiver. Email marketing is still one of the most effective customer acquisition channels. Furthermore, nowadays, plenty of companies get a great list of EMAIL CONTACTS through publishing quality relevant blogs, which allow to collect subscribers' email, directly interested in this or that subject. Have you ever collected CONTACTS with publishing high quality content?
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    OP has been here since 2007 and still panics on controversial sales tactics.

    So... how much money did you lose on this one?

    Dude, relax.
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    • Profile picture of the author trevstar22
      No panick here, I did not buy anything, the email
      was trying to get people to subscribe to their
      youtube channel for which they offer a free product.
      I think maybe there is some truth to what they are
      saying because in another email they were complaining
      that not all subscribers were getting their messages.
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      • Profile picture of the author yukon
        Originally Posted by trevstar22 View Post

        No panick here, I did not buy anything, the email
        was trying to get people to subscribe to their
        youtube channel for which they offer a free product.
        I think maybe there is some truth to what they are
        saying because in another email they were complaining
        that not all subscribers were getting their messages.

        You've bought the scare tactic (sales pitch), you just didn't use money.
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      • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
        Originally Posted by trevstar22 View Post

        No panick here, I did not buy anything, the email
        was trying to get people to subscribe to their
        youtube channel for which they offer a free product.
        I think maybe there is some truth to what they are
        saying because in another email they were complaining
        that not all subscribers were getting their messages.
        And Youtube won't eventually limit this marketer's organic reach - if they haven't already? Or just suspend their channel without warning or explanation like they have to so many other people?

        The irony is they sent you this warning via email...

        "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

        Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11374057].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author trevstar22
          Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

          And Youtube won't eventually limit this marketer's organic reach - if they haven't already? Or just suspend their channel without warning or explanation like they have to so many other people?

          The irony is they sent you this warning via email...
          LOL They had no choice only way they could reach me.
          Interestingly I get their emails from two services one being
          gmail and I did not notice it in gmail
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  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    I see lots of IM trash in the Spam folder and it rightfully belongs there. But somehow, all the legit marketers get through with no problem.


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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Henry01
    i usually get these type to emails and it's totally spam and they just misguide the user and not help as they mention in their emails.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I'm a big mailer and I'm biased when it comes to email marketing.

    With that said, there is always a reason and a solution to why your message isn't inboxing.

    You just need to learn how to test and fix problems. It's not rocket science.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11373567].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author trevstar22
      Guys Please READ CAREFULLY I did not
      have a problem sending out emails.
      I am reporting an email I got from some
      savvy marketers about the multiple problems they
      are having. If you PM me I can let you see
      the original email they sent. I was impressed
      because they are big time marketers and
      pretty savvy, I think many of you would
      know them.

      But so far all seem to agree that there is no major
      issue with sending emails and if they are having
      problems they need to straighten out their act?
      Ditto for the facebook issues mentioned?
      That seems to be the consensus?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11373612].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author agmccall
        Originally Posted by trevstar22 View Post

        Guys Please READ CAREFULLY I did not
        have a problem sending out emails.
        I am reporting an email I got from some
        savvy marketers about the multiple problems they
        are having. If you PM me I can let you see
        the original email they sent. I was impressed
        because they are big time marketers and
        pretty savvy, I think many of you would
        know them.

        But so far all seem to agree that there is no major
        issue with sending emails and if they are having
        problems they need to straighten out their act?
        Ditto for the facebook issues mentioned?
        That seems to be the consensus?
        They are not having problems with email. They just want to build up their followers on youtube. You, and many others have fallen for it


        "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by trevstar22 View Post

        But so far all seem to agree that there is no major
        issue with sending emails and if they are having
        problems they need to straighten out their act?
        Ditto for the facebook issues mentioned?
        That seems to be the consensus?
        No one ever said there were no issues with sending email. As a medium, it's been abused to the point that spam fighting is an industry unto itself.

        That said, legit marketers with real products are seeing huge ROI on email, at ;east according to the DMA.

        Facebook also has its issues, most of which can be traced to growing pains and stockholders who want a real ROI on their investment.

        Neither medium is "dead." But it may no longer be worth it to the burn-and-churn crowd and the "big-time IMers" who can't meet the standards of an evolving industry.

        They'll soon join the bitter crowd claiming that Google, Facebook and many of the major ESPs "hate IMers". I believe hate is a strong word. More like annoyed, as in the annoyance of a cloud of mosquitoes. And like that cloud, the measures taken to deal with the annoyance tend to be severe if you are a mosquito...
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Ignore the illusion of fear. Especially when afraid pros try to use it to manipulate folks. Turn your attention to smiling, happy, uplifting bloggers. Like a blogger in New Zealand now often seen mugging for the camera. We will get you out of the Matrix into Reality aka Abundance.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Shubho C

    Well I do believe that Facebook has updated some of its privacy policies and this may be an effect of that, but I really don't believe it is an apocalyptic situation.

    Yes, preferences are changing. People are moving towards video. But it doesn't mean people will stop reading.

    People still do and will continue to read Emails. Just think of your own self, do you read your emails regularly or not.

    Similarly, everyone does! Email can never die. Its our heritage to send mail for any official and serious communication. So for people serious about their online business, email will continue to stay.
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    I usually get emails from people who are from Paypal and tell me to click on the link they provide or my account will blow up.

    I tend to get suspicious when the email address is from Bitley, or the poster is geekenhancement.com.

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  • Profile picture of the author dilipcybex
    Outlook rejects most spam mails. It will never reach your inbox. Google puts them where it belongs, your spam folder.

    Unless you are a person who is worried about what's in the spam folder, no need to worry about email marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author trevstar22
      So guys and gals what about the facebook claims.
      The claim that they are starting to limit views to live videos
      and even on facebook groups I am curious what you think?
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      • Profile picture of the author marcusdavvid
        I don't think there are going to be an limit views for live videos. However, keep in mind that Facebook recently pushed their Watch platform and are probably trying to push that instead of their live videos, which they were most likely pushing when that was new.

        IMO Facebook is about engagement and having a tighter community.
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      • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
        Originally Posted by trevstar22 View Post

        So guys and gals what about the facebook claims.
        The claim that they are starting to limit views to live videos
        and even on facebook groups I am curious what you think?
        FB does limit organic reach and will continue to so you spend money on their advertising platform so they can keep their stock market shareholders happy.

        "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

        Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11374056].message }}
        • Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

          FB does limit organic reach and will continue to so you spend money on their advertising platform so they can keep their stock market shareholders happy.

          He,he,he FB was a great stock to buy 4+ years ago....buy and forget kind of stock. Hold for about 10 years...

          They are a brand that no-one can copy. Others may surpass it one day but until that day...they remain number 1. Like google, Netflix, AAPL. Buy and forget.
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      • Profile picture of the author pcalvert
        Originally Posted by trevstar22 View Post

        So guys and gals what about the facebook claims.
        The claim that they are starting to limit views to live videos
        and even on facebook groups I am curious what you think?
        Facebook has made harder to get "free" traffic. Facebook has decided that users should have a more personal experience -- they've decided that you mainly only want to see stuff that your friends post. Everything else will show up way, way down at the bottom of the feed (if it shows up at all).

        It's easy to override the default behavior, but I suspect that many people don't know that or don't care. For example, for some of the pages I've "Liked," I changed it so that posts on those pages always appear at the top of my feed.


        "If a cat sits on a hot stove, that cat won't sit on a hot stove again.
        That cat won't sit on a cold stove either." - Mark Twain

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      • Profile picture of the author LSUfanDan
        I don't know about "Live Videos" because I don't mess with them. But as far limiting reach with pages, groups, AND friends- Yes. I think this is obvious to anyone who pays attention..
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  • Profile picture of the author Travis Bateman
    I don't beleive marketing will ever be "that bad". Strategies are something that are changing constantly and adaption is the key to success.

    Youtube is now the second most used search engine and 3rd most used "social" channel. Try creating video content that captivates your audience, give it a catchy tagline, and tag it with your keywords. Video content is the king of content, and content is king of all.

    What kind of content are you posting on Youtube?
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  • Profile picture of the author Travis Bateman
    On another note, I am subscribed to multiple Marketing agencies and the majority of the mail i get from them is trash. You have to expect this as they are hustling their products and trying to make sales.

    I barely use my email for anything besides business. My personal email is overflowing with useless retail discounts and people trying to land sales. I find it rather annoying and usually unsubscribe. It's a rare occasion that I actually get something usefull from email marketeters.
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    • Profile picture of the author Shubho C

      Eaxctly, that's what differentiates the good apples from the bad ones. If you are a serious email marketer, you would never give trash to a person who has trusted you with your email.

      I completely agree with you, there are people out there who are sending trash across to their email lists just to make a quick buck.

      What they don't realise it, that this kind of communication will eventually lead them get a bad name and maybe even a collapse of their business (which is people unsubscribing, just like you did).

      So, its always good to share quality content with your email list while being really honest about your intentions.
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  • Profile picture of the author marcusdavvid
    I've come to learn that a lot of internet marketers do this kind of stuff. Even the ones in the area of teaching people how to make money, they are usually just trying to make money on their own while having some of it be about teaching people. Not that I'm saying they're terrible either, though.

    Either way, this kind of stuff shouldn't be on Facebook and is probably more suited to YouTube anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author crackhouse
    I think it's a hysterical email designed to get you to purchase their material. Facebook, and email, still offers, huge marketing opportunities.
    I sell backlinks on some of the most lucrative editorial websites in the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    I've been in this business a long time, and I've lost count of how many times email has died.

    Every time some new whiz-bang tech widget or social media platform comes along, email is declared DOA.

    Yet, legitimate marketers seem to have no problem filling inboxes with "useless retail discounts and people trying to land sales," which enough people must find valuable to enable those marketers to keep sending.

    Yet another case of the sky falling and people who should be smarter than that fall for marketing hysterics. Just because a "big-time, savvy marketer' is having trouble staying out of the spam folder - or getting through at all - does not mean email is dying.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    This seems a little "doomish" but there is some truth in there too
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      This seems a little "doomish" but there is some truth in there too
      One of the few honest people in this thread

      Originally Posted by trevstar22 View Post

      But so far all seem to agree that there is no major
      issue with sending emails and if they are having
      problems they need to straighten out their act?
      Ditto for the facebook issues mentioned?
      That seems to be the consensus?
      NO We don't all agree and you need to think seriously about thinking the people in this thread can automatically give you an accurate picture. In almost every thread on WF there are people who haven't made any real money online EVER and there are others that haven't made any or much in years.

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    If these kind of emails are making you panic, then you dont need to be reading them anymore. Just because 1 person says that everything is dying online, why in the world would you believe it? Do you see such a pattern or result in your own business that validates this person's opinion. Come on, i think you should know better than this. And unsubscribe from their list, and block their email address from ever coming into your inbox again.
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  • Profile picture of the author mr22
    Sure, it's getting harder to inbox - people don't like spam, but e-mail still outperforms most other channels in terms of ROI.

    People have been saying "e-mail is dying" for years. Test it for yourself, no need to listen to some hyped up e-mail... the irony is not lost on me.

    Get your free book on increasing traffic, conversions, and sales online over at Mr22.co

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Originally Posted by trevstar22 View Post

    I got the following email in my inbox from a major marketer
    and some of you have probably gotten it too. Do you
    think this is exaggerated in it's doom and gloom scenario
    or perhaps true.
    True in a lot of ways. A LOT of people have been crying behind the scenes over FB changes and tech is tech so gmail is going to get better and has at weeding out certain emails.

    The responses you are reading in this thread are pretty much the kind of responses people gave in the SEO section a few years back. Everything is fine, couple adjustments too much fear blah blah blah. We will always find a way around what Google is doing to eradicate us . Now 95% of the regular SEO posters are gone .

    Generally the non SEO Imers figured - thats just for the SEO guys but the truth? ALL Technology companies want to weed out the the kind of marketing where "the money is in the list".

    Any platform you use will have these changes eventually because generally people don't want that kind of marketing .

    Mainline business with a real business approach and a REAL product or service (none of this nonsense that a PDF is a "product")will continue to thrive but IM in the mold of MMO where your "money in the list" is going nowhere over the next decade. Its hayday is done but there will some flashes people point to to "prove' otherwise which won't be lasting. It will just be a bunch of newbies getting snookered.

    Think it through. People generally hate marketers in the IM style here at WF and elsewhere. Every widely used platform cares about that and will eventually weed out what their users by and large don't like. Its just a matter of time and tech which is always improving.

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  • Profile picture of the author webmarke
    Let me get this straight. You got an email from a marketer that told you that email is not working anymore?

    So...how did they think that the email would reach you?

    Dude...Classic scare tactics to get manipulate people into doing what they want you to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author prayosha
    It's a great opportunity for online entrepreneurs to grow revenue but there are more than a few bad apples (as in any industry) that are hurting the reputation of the industry in general. Here are five hard realities of the Internet marketing world today.
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  • Profile picture of the author nitsova
    I 100% agree on what he said about Facebook and email marketing. So in my opinion that's not exaggerated.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shubho C
    Yes. I agree with you. Facebook for traffic generation and email for communication still works very well. It might be that some research shows otherwise, but for me it works..

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    Strive to reach a point where listening to people is a mere accessory to listening to your own heart and forging in your own direction. Sentimental cliche', though valid.

    The world is one gargantuan place of insecurity where many seek a figurative 'nanny'.

    Many too, know that fact and so, take great advantage of circumstance and bid to fulfil the position.

    I've found that those people who hold value are those who speak usefully, infrequently. Otherwise a daily email broadcast (or several times daily, at worst) is the metaphorical equivalent of a modern day 'yap' on the street corner - speaking for the sake of speaking, to nourish no-one but the speaker themselves.

    Don't perpetuate making them 'it'.

    Become 'it' through conscious decision - and build upon it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jwilliams1
    On the front gate of a temple, there was a sign which read, Remove your footwear before entering the temple. A guard had also been appointed there. One day, the guard saw a man entering the temple and asked him,Where are your shoes? The man replied, I don't wear shoes.Then you can't go inside, said the guard. Why? asked the man. Didn't you read the sign said the guard? It says you can't enter the temple without removing your shoes.
    Moral: Don't be fool! This man is just creating engagement...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11386808].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
      Originally Posted by Jwilliams1 View Post

      On the front gate of a temple, there was a sign which read, Remove your footwear before entering the temple. A guard had also been appointed there. One day, the guard saw a man entering the temple and asked him,Where are your shoes? The man replied, I don't wear shoes.Then you can't go inside, said the guard. Why? asked the man. Didn't you read the sign said the guard? It says you can't enter the temple without removing your shoes.
      Moral: Don't be fool! This man is just creating engagement...

      LOL, Good one, but very true "This man is just creating engagement..."
      In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11386839].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
      Originally Posted by Jwilliams1 View Post

      On the front gate of a temple, there was a sign which read, Remove your footwear before entering the temple. A guard had also been appointed there. One day, the guard saw a man entering the temple and asked him,Where are your shoes? The man replied, I don't wear shoes.Then you can't go inside, said the guard. Why? asked the man. Didn't you read the sign said the guard? It says you can't enter the temple without removing your shoes.
      Moral: Don't be fool! This man is just creating engagement...

      "This man is just creating engagement..."

      Years ago that is exactly what a few top marketers said at a Warrior Seminar. It was not so mush as a passing statement, but more of the seeds of a future plan to create engagement when "products and services" started to dry up.

      The basic concept is young grasshopper only needs to believe that master knows best when told the solution is a swift kick to the opponents balls.
      In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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