Best ways to do b2b digital marketing campaign to small winery retailer?

4 replies
Hi guys,
I'm working on a b2b digital marketing campaign to small winery retailer.
Our target audience will be restaurants, deli stores, supermarkets etc.
Right now, the company have only business website.
The website looks very professional but doesn't get any traffic at all...
I'll be more then happy to get ideas from your experience and your professional knowledge about the best options we have in order get more relevant traffic to our website? In order to increase the sales of the company.
What do you think should be our focus? Seo, ppc, email marketing, social networks etc.
Keep in mind that we have a very limited budget since it's a very small company...
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#b2b #campaign #digital #marketing #retailer #small #ways #winery
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  • Profile picture of the author cindytsmile
    Hi Roy,

    Here is my best advice for you on how to market a small winery with a small budget. You didn't mention whether you have a boots-on-the-ground sales force, but you need one.

    Your digital efforts should work in concert with local networking and sales. If you have that established, then I would focus my digital marketing efforts around events. Have wine tastings and food pairings. Invite your target market to taste your wines and see how they pair with the food on the menu or for sale. Try to get guest spots on the menu or featured in local markets.

    Also do public events where you invite your target audience to sample their foods along with your wines. Then, use your marketing budget, seo, ppc, social media, etc.. to promote these very targeted events.

    This will make the most of your marketing budget and draw in the exact persona you want to make sales.

    Best of luck to you.

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  • Profile picture of the author werboz
    Thanx a lot for this shared information! It is really useful and has helped me a lot!
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Roy, when someone tells me a website, especially in B2B, is very professional, it usually means two things.

    One, the site is focused mainly or entirely on the company, rather than its customers. They tell you about how long the company has been around, how it was founded, how great it is. They ignore the reasons why someone should buy from the company, like how it will sell well, make good margins, have favorable terms.

    Two, the company centric "professional" language is usually boring. It's void of any personality. That might be fine for a major wine distributor, but for a small winery, it doesn't work.

    The 'boots on the ground' approach already posted is valuable advice, but you asked about digital marketing. I'd look first at the website copy. Then look at capital that adds value to prospective customers - white papers on wine merchandising, case studies, even reports on how to use events to bolster sales and exposure.

    Then I'd look for multimedia opportunities. Things like a Pinterest board featuring "food porn" meals with your winery's label visible. Webinars on related subjects. Maybe a YouTube channel aimed at your prospects.

    Last, but not least, choose one of your assets to use as a lead magnet and start a semi-cold email campaign aimed at building a list. What do I mean by semi-cold? Consider a vendor list from a trade show -- these are companies that use and sell products like yours. Sending them an invitation to a webinar or to download a free report, case study or white paper is not totally out of the blue.

    Once you've started building a permission-based prospect list, the old fashioned email newsletter still has legs in the B2B sector. A once a month mailing with industry news, relevant article(s) and special offers is still a good way to build and maintain business relationships.

    That should get you started...
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Do outreach marketing using Linkedin

    The best part about LI marketing is you get to identify who the movers and shakers in an industry is

    I wouldn't blast them immediately with an offer. Offer something free or ask a question related to an issue they are probably having. Engage with them.
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