5 replies
I recently started a giveaway on my blog and the main requirement is for people to sign up for Feedburner e-mail subscription. A reader told me when she tried to do this, it said my e-mail subscription service was inactive. According to the Feedburner site, it says, "active!" I tested it and got the same message....head scratch....also when I clicked on my RSS feed button on my blog, I got an error message saying feed URL (http://www.feeds.feedburner.com/toxicbeautyblogcom) not found. I don't know why the "com"was added to the end! When I went to this address (http://www.feeds.feedburner.com/toxicbeautyblog) I got the feed. What do I have to do to rectify this? Thanks a million, warriors! :confused::confused::confused:
#blog #feedburner #problems
  • Profile picture of the author PatriciaJ
    I've just sorted that out on one of my blogs. Go to http://feedburner.google.com and find that feed. click on Publisize and then down on the left you will see email subscription click on that and you will see an activate button. That's usually the problem, or it might be that you need to add the feed to your theme as well as the feedburner plug in.
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    • Profile picture of the author organicgirl6
      Hi Patricia,
      On the Publicize page, it already says the e-mail subscription is activated.
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      • Profile picture of the author Eric Lorence
        It just looks like your feed link is broken somewhere.

        Try copying and pasting the subscription box code again to see if that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kritesh
    Are you using any plugin to redirect your original feed to feedburner? You may have added "com" there accidentally.
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    • Profile picture of the author organicgirl6
      I tried your solution and it worked! Many, many thanks!!! :-)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1293439].message }}

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