How to setup Clickbank Payment for Recurring billing for Membership Site

2 replies

Need help! I have build a product which has monthly membership. Customer need to pay everymonth for membership login to back office for specific content.

I used Clickbank payment mode. Now my developer is confused that how to get return value if customer has made the payment successful to allow him to login area. After making payment, clickbank page shows 'download or instant access'. When customer clicks on this link it takes to thank you page where customer can login. But developer is not able to extract return code values at the backend to verify if payment successful to provide login.

Pls suggest how it gets done for recurring billing payment for membership in clickbank. Any other trick which works.

A K Ray
#billing #clickbank #membership #payment #recurring #setup #site
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  • Profile picture of the author TenaciousGrease
    You know this is not clickbank support, right?...

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    One option is to use one of the many membership site plugins that already interface with Clickbank and handle those details.

    For example, on WordPress you can use Membersonic or S2Member or others. If you aren't using WordPress you can use Amember or other systems.

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