How To Pick A Niche (MINDSET)

11 replies
I hope this post will stop people wasting time in the wrong niche - something I've done one too many times.


First of all, you don't want to spend tonnes of tonnes of time "researching". In fact, 99% of your "researching" is actually just procrastination. This post will give you everything you need to pick your niche; you don't need to read countless articles, you need to start taking action.

If you dive into a niche and then after a couple months realise that there's a better one out there for you, then that's fine - you'll be able to PIVOT to a new niche and bring all the skills that you learnt in your old niche with you.

The very first niche I entered was "Stoicism"... Yup, I talked about ancient philosophy. Unsurprisingly, that wasn't the best niche for me and I've now pivoted into the "helping people become fulfilled by creating profitable online businesses" niche. But what I'm trying to say is: I would never have found this new niche if I hadn't got started.

Now, on the other camp is the people that don't do any research and just dive in and start "following your passion". That is bad advice. Following your passion is 1/3 of the equation, and if you ignore the other two you are destined to fail.
#mindset #niche #pick
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Originally Posted by Andrew Kirby View Post

    This post will give you everything you need to pick your niche;

    Sorry to say, but this post gives nothing anyone needs to pick a niche


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11381412].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Andrew Kirby
      You're right. I was going to write the whole process to picking a niche (hence Included that line) but decided to break it up as it was VERY long. I've edited it now.
      Procrastination is Stopping You From Making Money. Beat The Habit Today!
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      • Profile picture of the author Gladys92
        Originally Posted by Andrew Kirby View Post

        You're right. I was going to write the whole process to picking a niche (hence Included that line) but decided to break it up as it was VERY long. I've edited it now.
        Look like what you are trying to say is: Practice makes perfect, dont't be scared of failing. Btw, thanks for your post.
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      Sorry to say, but this post gives nothing anyone needs to pick a niche

      it is about PROCRASTINATION. Picking a niche is 99% procrastination, and his sig file has the answer, all we need to know, isn't it?

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    The truth is that nobody knows if a niche will be successful or not. You can do everything to emulate your website success into another niche, but if the marketing isn't good, then you can't expect much in terms of sales. Most people want overnight instant success. Or "easy" or seemingly "good" traffic such as solo ads. But they are mistaken. Their problem is NOT taking action... their problem is bad marketing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11381488].message }}
  • Personally, I'd rather see people migrate to niche sites that they actually have some knowledge in. How are you going to build yourself as an expert in an area if all you do is pay freelancers to create content for you? If you have interest in a niche and don't know anything about it, you had better spend a lot of time researching the field before you launch. The minute you lose the faith of your readers/ are finished.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11381491].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Andrew Kirby
      Hey Charles, I completely agree... You've either got to be an expert OR you've just got to document your journey towards becoming an expert.
      Procrastination is Stopping You From Making Money. Beat The Habit Today!
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      • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
        Originally Posted by Andrew Kirby View Post

        You've either got to be an expert OR you've just got to document your journey towards becoming an expert.

        You've got to be a good marketer. A good marketer can promote anything successfully.
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        • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
          Originally Posted by IGotMine View Post


          You've got to be a good marketer. A good marketer can promote anything successfully.
          And a really good marketer won't try to. They'll find the sweet spot and stick with it.

          "A man has got to know his limitations..." -- "Dirty" Harry Callahan
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        • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
          Originally Posted by IGotMine View Post


          You've got to be a good marketer. A good marketer can promote anything successfully.
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          "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

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