More than 6 years of trial and error but I finally did it...

54 replies
A different kind of a success story. A boring one. Didn't turn filthy rich overnight like every WSO promises here.

Let me start of with a quote that hooked me into this 6 years ago and still holds true today:

"Money was never my prime motivation.

What motivated me is the thought that internet marketing was my last chance at the life I wanted. Growing up I never excelled at anything in life. I wasn't the best student, I didn't play sports, and I didn't have any hobbies outside of video games.

Deep down I needed to prove to myself that I could be really ******* good at something. How many people drift through life just...existing? For the first time, I felt like I had a real goal and purpose."
Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not rich. Nowhere close but what I am:
  1. Working from home on internet marketing and on my own terms
  2. Able to travel, visit the nature and spend time with my loved ones
  3. Balance work and personal life

So, what did I actually do? What did I achieve?
I'm a one-man SEO agency with few carefully chosen clients that I click really well with. I'm not rich by any means but I make waaaaay more than I ever did working a regular office job.

Speaking of office job, you know who I used to work as? A Senior SEO Manager for a 100mil+ yearly revenue company. I wasn't a SEO Manager right off the bat, I started off the lowest possible ladder assisting SEO specialists. Slowly promoted to a SEO specialist and working on ranking my personal sites on the side. Despite my lack of experience and a young age, as SEO is measured in numbers, my work truly spoke for itself and I was finally promoted to a manager position.

While working as a SEO trainee, SEO specialist, SEO Manager and a Senior SEO Manager in some of the world's most competitive industries: FinTech, paydays loans, sportsbooks and online gambling, I've truly mastered my craft.

It never happened over night. The portfolio and experience all came over time, the span of the very same 6 years I stumbled upon WF.

How did I ever stumble upon SEO in the first place?

You guessed it. Internet marketing

So.. What did I do, attempt and learn in the 6 years?
Much like most people I got stuck with the shiny object syndrome and was under the delusion I could become a millionaire overnight... All these WSOs... And I DID actually take action. I even remember my first IM product prior to landing on WF: Google Sniper 2.0. Talk about nostalgia.

I tried it all...

Mail list building...
Google AdSense
Clickbank affiliate
Local web design services
Amazon affiliate
Mobile apps
Landing pages for various products
Creating own WSOs about making money (lol the hypocrisy in this one)
and of course... SEO

I learned the industry in and out but I never succeeded with anything. I was crushed.

I started making excuses for myself...

I'm not a native English speaker (I'm from Eastern Europe) so nobody will ever take me seriously as a consultant.. My English isn't good enough... I don't meet the standards.. I'm too young.... I don't have enough money to invest into ventures... maybe internet marketing just isn't cut out for me...

So, I took what was second best: just attempt to get a job that I actually would be interested in. Ever since discovering internet marketing (I was 18 years old 7 years ago) this was the only thing I ever took interest in.

But it's hard to land a marketing gig without an university degree or work experience... So, I settled for second best: sales.

And I failed hard. Failed again. Over and over again. Spending endless nights reading up on techniques and watching online courses about sales. I got obsessed about it like I got with marketing.

I did good, money was great but I did burn out in 2 years. I took the money I had saved and decided to commit to internet marketing full time.. this was 4 years ago now. To go freelance, become a consultant.

But I failed... I ended up broke in a foreign country and just depressed.

But during this I had built and experimented so much that I had a portfolio to speak of and was able to land a SEO trainee job and like they say: rest is history.

Thank you everybody and hope everybody is going to have a very positive day today!

(Bet you were expecting me to downsell a product under here or to sub to my mail llist uh)

edit: This is the summary:
  • Found IM 6 years ago
  • Sucked at it
  • Got a job based on the skills I've acquired while sucking at IM
  • Climbed the ladder at work
  • Became really good at what I do
  • Quit
  • Start my own business
  • Finally succeed
#error #finally #trial #years
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  • Profile picture of the author tranquilglobal
    Hi Walt,

    It's ok, whatever happened in your life either will give a happy life or a beautiful life experience. As a career, u might feel like u failed, but as a life, u earned a whole different experience. Enjoy the present who u are and what u become, leave your past yesterday, Hope for the future. U will definitely overcome all kind of troubles whatever u have right now. Head up and stay stong.

    Thank you.

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  • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
    Hi Walt,

    Great job. I'm happy for you.

    You had a dream, stuck with it and now are living the life.

    Way to go.
    Free eBook =>
    The Secret To Success In Any Business
    Yes, Any Business!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11386764].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author crackhouse
    Good for you Walt, this game isn't easy by any means and there's losers giving up with more going for them than you.
    I sell backlinks on some of the most lucrative editorial websites in the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dragoonee
    Good job man! I hope, I'll be able to post a similar story in the near future.

    Keep up the good work!
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  • Profile picture of the author La Shel Himmer
    Hi Walt,

    I am just starting out with affiliate marketing. I am new to all of this. My life sounds like yours, the past 6 years. Nothing I do ever works out and I never progress and it's all really hard. I am praying(and being possitive) that this business venture does work so I can make a living doing it. If u have any advise I am happy to take it!!!

    Have a fabulous day!!!
    La Shel
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    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by La Shel Himmer View Post

      Hi Walt,

      I am just starting out with affiliate marketing. I am new to all of this. My life sounds like yours, the past 6 years. Nothing I do ever works out and I never progress and it's all really hard. I am praying(and being possitive) that this business venture does work so I can make a living doing it. If u have any advise I am happy to take it!!!

      Have a fabulous day!!!
      La Shel
      I believe that the original OP did try it and failed then went back to a job with better pay?

      A better paid job is great but not the same as making a ton online.

      I have been at this for more than 10 years, and sure most of the things l tried failed.

      And quite a few things made money, but intimately failed.

      Online is just whittling down what doesn't work, and finding what does.

      And your friends and family moaning about your lack of success, is irrelevant, since they don't see that.

      I am currently into online trading, since it has no ceiling, and others have achieved great results with it.

      And it hasn't been easy learning it all, but l am starting to get a handle on it.

      And l use techniques, that l developed over those 10 years, in ST, to make it work, most Day traders lose all of their money initially or get close, and some lose insane amounts, and get into serious dept, mainly because they listen to idiots or themselves?

      But ok, best advise l can give, go to sites that have their own traffic, pick the best one and stay with no matter what.

      It took me 6 years to learn that one, and before then wrestled with the traffic barrier.

      So Graphicriver, Creative Market, Etsy, Fiverr, Themeforest, Photodune and plenty more take care of that.

      I personally wouldn't recommend Fiverr, (ceiling) but the rest are good.

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  • Profile picture of the author Walt SEO
    Added a summary to end of my post. Realised that nobody really has the time to read full posts if there aren't click-baity titles and that's all good. Thanks for positive feedback guys, all about spreading the positive vibes.
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  • Profile picture of the author gybno
    Well done
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  • Brilliant share Walt!

    Search engine optimization is definitely a long term strategy to make money online. You have to be in it for the long haul, before you see major results.

    Most of us start out with the shiny object syndrome, only to discover that internet marketing is a full time business, and requires a lot of energy on your part to become successful online.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    • Found IM 6 years ago
    • Sucked at it
    • Got a job based on the skills I've acquired while sucking at IM
    • Climbed the ladder at work
    • Became really good at what I do
    • Quit
    • Start my own business
    • Finally succeed

    You don't blame the gurus or anyone else. You don't complain about how hard it is or no help or no money or that you were bored or any of dozens of other excuses.

    What is 'telling' to me is this: you found a job out of necessity - and did your BEST at that job. You didn't view your job as a 'dead end' but as a ladder.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Well done Walt.

    For me, blogging mainly for fun, to help people and to make friends, gave me the patience and persistence to build success over the long haul. I found I developed skills through persistence practice, then those skills helped me make money. It takes years for most of us to develop these money-making skills.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    This is an interesting success story, it's different than most, but I think because it's different I like it.

    Glad you finally found success. If you had to do it all over again, would you do anything differently?
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    • Profile picture of the author Walt SEO
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      This is an interesting success story, it's different than most, but I think because it's different I like it.

      Glad you finally found success. If you had to do it all over again, would you do anything differently?
      Thanks Chris. It's not a glamorous success story or as flashy as most but that being said.. considering that 99% of people work for 50 years a job they pretty much hate, I'd call this a major win in my books. Especially knowing that I am now able to pay my mother's medical bills when the time comes for it.

      Hmm.. Would've I done anything differently... Yes.
      I should've been more persistent. there were two things that I had mini success at prior to landing a SEO job:
      1. blogging
      2. mail list swaps, list building
      and they were both about to take off, my blog was getting 1000 visitors per month and making 50$ off themeforest in an insanely competitive niche (internet marketing combined with self-improvement) and already got my list to 300 people.

      either school, work, personal life or own greed came in middle and nothing came of it. I still look at the bloggers who had LESS followers than I did when I had my blog (matthew woodward for one) or all self improvement gurus that popped overnight.

      But it is what it is. I don't live a life of regrets. I'm just happy to have learned so much in so little, being 25 I consider myself still very young and most my current peers only have a school paper, no work experience, no feeling of failure and most importantly, no urgency to break out of their comfort zones. I've already failed so much that I am no longer scared of failing - instead I look forward to it to learn from it and grow further.

      Thanks for great question!
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  • Profile picture of the author DaveMartin
    Really fantastic to hear about your success.
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  • Profile picture of the author vegaspro
    So you basically learned SEO and then sold the service to people who didn't know what it was. Got it. Yawn.
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    • Profile picture of the author Walt SEO
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    • Profile picture of the author .
      Originally Posted by vegaspro View Post

      So you basically learned SEO and then sold the service to people who didn't know what it was. Got it. Yawn.
      Super Yawn to sell SEO. I made over 7 figures doing so. Very very Yawn
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  • Profile picture of the author HarrieB
    Very nice, kind of similar to what I did.
    Started in 2009, learnt seo and graphic designing from a local institute.
    Became a seo executive, seo specialist, seo manager.
    Then created my own affiliate sites and ranked them.
    quit my job, moved to canada for higher studies,
    opened my IM company and started providing SEO, web design services etc.
    Became successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
    Nice share, congratulation.
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  • Profile picture of the author salsym
    Originally Posted by Walt SEO View Post

    A different kind of a success story. A boring one. Didn't turn filthy rich overnight like every WSO promises here.

    Let me start of with a quote that hooked me into this 6 years ago and still holds true today:

    Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not rich. Nowhere close but what I am:
    1. Working from home on internet marketing and on my own terms
    2. Able to travel, visit the nature and spend time with my loved ones
    3. Balance work and personal life

    So, what did I actually do? What did I achieve?
    I'm a one-man SEO agency with few carefully chosen clients that I click really well with. I'm not rich by any means but I make waaaaay more than I ever did working a regular office job.

    Speaking of office job, you know who I used to work as? A Senior SEO Manager for a 100mil+ yearly revenue company. I wasn't a SEO Manager right off the bat, I started off the lowest possible ladder assisting SEO specialists. Slowly promoted to a SEO specialist and working on ranking my personal sites on the side. Despite my lack of experience and a young age, as SEO is measured in numbers, my work truly spoke for itself and I was finally promoted to a manager position.

    While working as a SEO trainee, SEO specialist, SEO Manager and a Senior SEO Manager in some of the world's most competitive industries: FinTech, paydays loans, sportsbooks and online gambling, I've truly mastered my craft.

    It never happened over night. The portfolio and experience all came over time, the span of the very same 6 years I stumbled upon WF.

    How did I ever stumble upon SEO in the first place?

    You guessed it. Internet marketing

    So.. What did I do, attempt and learn in the 6 years?
    Much like most people I got stuck with the shiny object syndrome and was under the delusion I could become a millionaire overnight... All these WSOs... And I DID actually take action. I even remember my first IM product prior to landing on WF: Google Sniper 2.0. Talk about nostalgia.

    I tried it all...

    Mail list building...
    Google AdSense
    Clickbank affiliate
    Local web design services
    Amazon affiliate
    Mobile apps
    Landing pages for various products
    Creating own WSOs about making money (lol the hypocrisy in this one)
    and of course... SEO

    I learned the industry in and out but I never succeeded with anything. I was crushed.

    I started making excuses for myself...

    I'm not a native English speaker (I'm from Eastern Europe) so nobody will ever take me seriously as a consultant.. My English isn't good enough... I don't meet the standards.. I'm too young.... I don't have enough money to invest into ventures... maybe internet marketing just isn't cut out for me...

    So, I took what was second best: just attempt to get a job that I actually would be interested in. Ever since discovering internet marketing (I was 18 years old 7 years ago) this was the only thing I ever took interest in.

    But it's hard to land a marketing gig without an university degree or work experience... So, I settled for second best: sales.

    And I failed hard. Failed again. Over and over again. Spending endless nights reading up on techniques and watching online courses about sales. I got obsessed about it like I got with marketing.

    I did good, money was great but I did burn out in 2 years. I took the money I had saved and decided to commit to internet marketing full time.. this was 4 years ago now. To go freelance, become a consultant.

    But I failed... I ended up broke in a foreign country and just depressed.

    But during this I had built and experimented so much that I had a portfolio to speak of and was able to land a SEO trainee job and like they say: rest is history.

    Thank you everybody and hope everybody is going to have a very positive day today!

    (Bet you were expecting me to downsell a product under here or to sub to my mail llist uh)

    edit: This is the summary:
    • Found IM 6 years ago
    • Sucked at it
    • Got a job based on the skills I've acquired while sucking at IM
    • Climbed the ladder at work
    • Became really good at what I do
    • Quit
    • Start my own business
    • Finally succeed
    Oh! I felt as if I am reading my story!! Felt good after reading.
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  • Profile picture of the author darksoul
    Nice Share...
    Best of luck
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Way to go, Walt. You've earned your success.

    As Kay said, it's refreshing to hear someone take responsibility for their own actions (and the consequences). Sometimes you get tired of reading whiney rants about how nothing is fair, or begging for someone to hold their hand (for free, of course). You just want to click away and take a long sabbatical.

    Then you find a story like yours, and you think that just maybe something you post will help.

    Wish I could have hit the thanks button more than once...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11388788].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Walt SEO
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      Way to go, Walt. You've earned your success.

      As Kay said, it's refreshing to hear someone take responsibility for their own actions (and the consequences). Sometimes you get tired of reading whiney rants about how nothing is fair, or begging for someone to hold their hand (for free, of course). You just want to click away and take a long sabbatical.

      Then you find a story like yours, and you think that just maybe something you post will help.

      Wish I could have hit the thanks button more than once...
      Thanks for the positive and thoughtful reply. Very much appreciated!
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  • Profile picture of the author .
    Love your story mate.
    Thx for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Sharpe
    Good job. Consider adding employees very carefully. Sure you can get more clients, but those clients bring more stress and may not bring more profit. I think you are on the right track being very picky.
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    • Profile picture of the author Walt SEO
      Originally Posted by Richard Sharpe View Post

      Good job. Consider adding employees very carefully. Sure you can get more clients, but those clients bring more stress and may not bring more profit. I think you are on the right track being very picky.
      You are right about that Richard. I am turning down 80% of new clients and not actively looking for clients.

      I could hire one-two people and get more clients and increase my revenue but I suspect that greed is the root of all evil. I'm living very comfortably right now doing something I am still passionate about. I am completely okay with having just a few clients. The thing is that me and my clients have a contract for a scaling payment - if I help them increase their profits then my pay increases as well. So it's a win-win.

      Thanks for good advice and best of luck to you as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author dana67

    Congratulations on your success and making your dream a reality!

    Way to go!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenneth Cagang

    Congratulations man. What matters is how you feel and look at your own achievement.

    I needed this encouragement right now. Thanks for telling your story.
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  • Profile picture of the author sparrow
    great share

    can't give up, it's about failing fast and capitalizing what you learned

    keep it up, great success is just around the corner
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  • Profile picture of the author Nortus Fitness
    You are the luckiest one to achieve the success in 6 years many people spends more than this but failed. I am happy for you that you finally did it.
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  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    You do not have to be jack of all trades.

    But master of one before improvising further or going into another one.

    That is also the lesson I learnt the hard way.

    Not just online but offline as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I'm glad you finally made it. You should understand that it doesn't matter how many years it took you to reach success. Because when you reach success, you're there. Forever, and now you're one of the make money online "gurus".


    You know how to make money online selling anything, any no one can take that away from you.

    Now it's time to have fun and ball out in life. Congrats on your success.
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  • Profile picture of the author crackhouse
    You should continue to evolve and expand your business, especially if you're turning down clients. There's a niche you have tapped there. This business is always shifting and and being overhauled by the next piece of disrupter technology; if you're not rich now, you can't just coast and expect things to stay the same. long climb up still to go!
    I sell backlinks on some of the most lucrative editorial websites in the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    Great lesson in 1) Finding something people really want and 2) Sticking with it long enough to learn it and offer value - so many of the examples of your early career were gimmicks, shallow tactics or misguided business opportunities that were masked as businesses.

    The truth was, many of those early things were trying to sell things to people they didn't really need or want OR things that you had not yet mastered yourself.

    It's not so much internet marketing is the problem as business opportunities, the methods you used, your level of experience and what you offered to your marketplace...great to see you are now on the right track.

    Online businesses are just that...BUSINESSES that are online, so many people tend to forget (or do not learn) the basics of BUSINESS.
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  • Profile picture of the author jbthemummy
    Welcome to the world of Client SEO bud.

    The freedom it brings is god sent.

    I was doing IM for 10+ years but found success with Client SEO just recently.

    Have been doing my thing for the last 2 years. Blessed out of my mind!

    Can you share some Lead Gen techniques that have worked for you?

    That's the only part I'm trying to stabilize at the moment.

    Sounds like you got the lead gen part set so I recommend 'The Wealth Triangle' by Dan Lok.

    It's super simple and realistic.

    Make a high figure income (10,000 a month) THEN and ONLY THEN invest any additional money in an affiliate site or business (Cashflow).

    This way you maintain your peace of mind with the high figure INCOME and start using additional money to create a business that would bring in your 'CASH FLOW'. Then you use that to invest in bigger things.

    It's a awesome concept (Especially when you look at income and cashflow separately) and I think you'll find it pretty interesting.

    Congrats on your ongoing success and thanks for sharing your story.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11390306].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Walt SEO
      Originally Posted by jbthemummy View Post

      Welcome to the world of Client SEO bud.

      The freedom it brings is god sent.

      I was doing IM for 10+ years but found success with Client SEO just recently.

      Have been doing my thing for the last 2 years. Blessed out of my mind!

      Can you share some Lead Gen techniques that have worked for you?

      That's the only part I'm trying to stabilize at the moment.

      Sounds like you got the lead gen part set so I recommend 'The Wealth Triangle' by Dan Lok.

      It's super simple and realistic.

      Make a high figure income (10,000 a month) THEN and ONLY THEN invest any additional money in an affiliate site or business (Cashflow).

      This way you maintain your peace of mind with the high figure INCOME and start using additional money to create a business that would bring in your 'CASH FLOW'. Then you use that to invest in bigger things.

      It's a awesome concept (Especially when you look at income and cashflow separately) and I think you'll find it pretty interesting.

      Congrats on your ongoing success and thanks for sharing your story.
      Thanks, I'll be sure to buy the book and have a read. Sounds right up my alley.

      As for lead gen, IF I were looking for clients then this is how'd I go about it: aggressively (by that I mean 100+ per day) follow small business owners in LinkedIn, look up their website, identify some missed opportunities (Local SEO) and present them some very easily digestible advice ("hey, business B is doing X and Y, I think you could sneak in and take B's clientele via leveraging X, Y and Z"). The thing with LinkedIn is that it "feels" professional and most people don't follow random people but it's pretty much like any other social platform.

      But as I said I am not actually looking atm. Currently, the ones that I turn down have been referred to me by existing clients or people approach me due to previously sharing free advice (meetings, conferences, bars(lol), forums, reddit, social media). Being extremely straight-forward and transparent is something that works well for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author redeyes
    Hi Walt. Great job!

    Your life story really inspires me and others. You have your dream and you never give it up. It's time to enjoy your worth life.

    Actually, I'm still in very first step like you of 6 years ago. I know I would try so much to get my dream as you
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  • Profile picture of the author Jessica Ambos
    That is really good for you! Success stories aren't made overnight. It always comes with lots of failures, the ability to bounce back from those failures, patience, endurance, and faith - believing that you can make it despite the setbacks that you're going through. It isn't always about the money. Money only comes with it. Nothing compares with the joy of finally achieving something on your own, of finally being good at something and excelling at it.
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  • Profile picture of the author slowrider
    Great job. Way to go for sticking with something and becoming really good at it!
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  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    believing that you can make it despite the setbacks that you're going through
    This is very important.

    As long as it's a realistic belief.

    People who do really well are realists. They learn how to filter through all the BS. They are realistic with themselves about their abilities, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dr3a
    This was a very inspiring! Success doesn't happen overnight and reading your story inspired me to not give up!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Hodgins
    That's how it's done...good job. If I told you when I started IM you'd faint. My mistake was running trends and not seriously sticking to one model (I get bored easily).

    Finding out what you are best at and developing that has and will take you further in the long run.


    11 North Digital
    Consulting, coaching.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cybernetmarket
    Well everyone has a story. I am glad your has a happy ending. Most people wouldn't have stuck it out. It is never as easy as the people trying to sell you shit make it seem. Go Bless

    New To Internet Marketing? Need some Help? check out my free course "Easy Online Marketing" Everything is totally FREE except for website hosting :-) It all starts by taking action

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  • Profile picture of the author chenbui
    Good Job Walt.
    I am too Affiliate Marketing in 5 years, but I achieve a little success with 500$/month.
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  • Congratulations. Great Job.
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  • Profile picture of the author TweetSpecialist
    Great. How do we contact should we need "egg-head" tips??

    5000 Twitter Followers delivered in 48 hours for only $21.99 via:

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  • Profile picture of the author Cybernetmarket
    Just goes to show you never give up.

    New To Internet Marketing? Need some Help? check out my free course "Easy Online Marketing" Everything is totally FREE except for website hosting :-) It all starts by taking action

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  • Profile picture of the author tristatemedia
    the im gig is not a race is a journey where you will learn a little from everything you buy and everyone you talk to.
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  • Profile picture of the author sarahmuller
    This is inspirational for all of us .
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  • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
    Each temporary failure was a building block for future success. I call this the story behind the story. Every successful person goes through this. Great job sticking it out!
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  • Profile picture of the author boblev
    "Thanks Chris. It's not a glamorous success story or as flashy as most but that being said.. considering that 99% of people work for 50 years a job they pretty much hate, I'd call this a major win in my books. Especially knowing that I am now able to pay my mother's medical bills when the time comes for it."

    This is only the first act, your story isn't over. You're still really young .....

    Those other tactics you tried and failed at the first time around may come in handy somewhere down the road, you just never know!



    "The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." Colin R. Davis

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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11438492].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author 3936296
    Well done Walt. My best wishes for your Success.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11438745].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Zero Limits
    Excellent job! I'm really happy for you and your success.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Great to revisit this Walt. The power of persistence, patience and generosity wins again. Always does eventually.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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