More than 6 years of trial and error but I finally did it...
Let me start of with a quote that hooked me into this 6 years ago and still holds true today:
"Money was never my prime motivation. What motivated me is the thought that internet marketing was my last chance at the life I wanted. Growing up I never excelled at anything in life. I wasn't the best student, I didn't play sports, and I didn't have any hobbies outside of video games. Deep down I needed to prove to myself that I could be really ******* good at something. How many people drift through life just...existing? For the first time, I felt like I had a real goal and purpose." |
- Working from home on internet marketing and on my own terms
- Able to travel, visit the nature and spend time with my loved ones
- Balance work and personal life
So, what did I actually do? What did I achieve?
I'm a one-man SEO agency with few carefully chosen clients that I click really well with. I'm not rich by any means but I make waaaaay more than I ever did working a regular office job.
Speaking of office job, you know who I used to work as? A Senior SEO Manager for a 100mil+ yearly revenue company. I wasn't a SEO Manager right off the bat, I started off the lowest possible ladder assisting SEO specialists. Slowly promoted to a SEO specialist and working on ranking my personal sites on the side. Despite my lack of experience and a young age, as SEO is measured in numbers, my work truly spoke for itself and I was finally promoted to a manager position.
While working as a SEO trainee, SEO specialist, SEO Manager and a Senior SEO Manager in some of the world's most competitive industries: FinTech, paydays loans, sportsbooks and online gambling, I've truly mastered my craft.
It never happened over night. The portfolio and experience all came over time, the span of the very same 6 years I stumbled upon WF.
How did I ever stumble upon SEO in the first place?
You guessed it. Internet marketing
So.. What did I do, attempt and learn in the 6 years?
Much like most people I got stuck with the shiny object syndrome and was under the delusion I could become a millionaire overnight... All these WSOs... And I DID actually take action. I even remember my first IM product prior to landing on WF: Google Sniper 2.0. Talk about nostalgia.
I tried it all...
Mail list building...
Google AdSense
Clickbank affiliate
Local web design services
Amazon affiliate
Mobile apps
Landing pages for various products
Creating own WSOs about making money (lol the hypocrisy in this one)
and of course... SEO
I learned the industry in and out but I never succeeded with anything. I was crushed.
I started making excuses for myself...
I'm not a native English speaker (I'm from Eastern Europe) so nobody will ever take me seriously as a consultant.. My English isn't good enough... I don't meet the standards.. I'm too young.... I don't have enough money to invest into ventures... maybe internet marketing just isn't cut out for me...
So, I took what was second best: just attempt to get a job that I actually would be interested in. Ever since discovering internet marketing (I was 18 years old 7 years ago) this was the only thing I ever took interest in.
But it's hard to land a marketing gig without an university degree or work experience... So, I settled for second best: sales.
And I failed hard. Failed again. Over and over again. Spending endless nights reading up on techniques and watching online courses about sales. I got obsessed about it like I got with marketing.
I did good, money was great but I did burn out in 2 years. I took the money I had saved and decided to commit to internet marketing full time.. this was 4 years ago now. To go freelance, become a consultant.
But I failed... I ended up broke in a foreign country and just depressed.
But during this I had built and experimented so much that I had a portfolio to speak of and was able to land a SEO trainee job and like they say: rest is history.
Thank you everybody and hope everybody is going to have a very positive day today!
(Bet you were expecting me to downsell a product under here or to sub to my mail llist uh)
edit: This is the summary:
- Found IM 6 years ago
- Sucked at it
- Got a job based on the skills I've acquired while sucking at IM
- Climbed the ladder at work
- Became really good at what I do
- Quit
- Start my own business
- Finally succeed
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