Affiliate Marketing: Do You Still Promote The Products If It's Already Very Famous In The Market?

by acchao
36 replies
Hi warriors,

Will you still consider in promoting digital products like courses or software if it's already very famous in the market? (They are great products, in my opinion)

1) Click Funnels software services
2) Mindvalley products
3) Udemy
4) Robin Sharma's courses
5) Brendon Burchard course

What do you think? Some suggestion I got was, "If the product is so famous already, why should they still get it from you? They can directly got it from the sites or join the notification list themselves.

What do you suggest?
#affiliate #famous #market #marketing #products #promote
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  • Profile picture of the author Shubho C

    If the product is already Famous, it's an excellent thing!!

    It validates that the product is real high quality and your customers would be satisfied using it. You can promote it fearlessly.

    If the product is available from other channels, it necessarily doesn't mean that the customer will not buy through your affiliate link.

    It all depends on the relation you have with your list. If your list trusts you and your recommendation, then there is a high chance that they will buy from you.

    Actually, promoting an already famous Product is easier, as even if your list does some google search before buying the product, they will get mostly good reviews, thus making the sale easier.

    In the end, all boils down to how good a relation you have with your list. Invest in your relations and you are naturally going to get more sales..
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    If the product is "famous", then it means that it produces good results for its customers. So the likelihood of your customers having success with it will increase, and the chances of refunds will decrease. At the end of the day, you can't let a product "sell itself". It all boils down to marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author rajjo224
    If the product is already Famous, it's an excellent thing!!

    It validates that the product is real high quality and your customers would be satisfied using it. You can promote it fearlessly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sid Hale
    Originally Posted by acchao View Post

    (They are great products, in my opinion)
    Why would you even consider promoting anything that wasn't a great product? (Either by virtue of your own experience, or based on the reputation of the product creator)

    How do you think the product got to be so famous in the first place? It was because of the many recommendations from trusted affiliate marketers!!

    Promote anything other than this type of product and run the risk of losing whatever trust you may currently enjoy with your followers. If that happens, you'll find that it becomes difficult to successfully promote anything at all.

    Originally Posted by acchao View Post

    Some suggestion I got was, "If the product is so famous already, why should they still get it from you? They can directly got it from the sites or join the notification list themselves.
    This is only a problem when you are promoting products in the IM space.

    When you promote in the IM space, you are effectively promoting to your competitors. Products that are intended for internet marketers are the most difficult to sell as an affiliate, simply because you are primarily promoting to other affiliates.

    Many of them are more interested in earning a commission from that product than purchasing the product you are trying to sell them.

    Is it any wonder that IM is never shown at the top of the "most profitable niche" lists?

    Sid Hale
    Coming Soon... Rapid Action Profits (Pro)

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Even within the IM space, some products have been promoted by affiliates for years. Based on my emails, Jeff Walker is gearing up to relaunch his PLF course soon, for about the 20th time. And there will be the usual flurry of emails from his launch partners and affiliates, complete with competing bonuses.

    If you build good relationships with your list, they will indeed add themselves to the launch list. But they'll do it through your link, just to help you out.

    Also, keep this in mind...

    Even though the product may be "famous" (I only recognized a couple of the names on your list, and wouldn't call any of them 'famous' outside of the audience for those people), thee are always new people coming into the IM space.

    I may be dating myself (again), but one of the networks used to promote their shows during the summer rerun season with the line, "if you haven't seen it, it's new to you."
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  • Profile picture of the author Shubho C
    We have many successful marketers within the IM space. Though there are always an increasing number of marketers across the health and wellness, dating and relationships.

    One niche which I am specifically seeing a lot of growth in is the Personal Development.

    There are new motivational gurus everywhere..
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    If it's a good fit to my target audience, of course I would and do. I don't just promote a product. I recommend products that can add additional value to information I already gave them.
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    If you have a sizeable email list, your subscribers could be interested in one of those courses even if it is popular. It all depends on the relationship you have with your email list. If you provide quality content on a regular basis and your subscribers trust you, you can sell anything to them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sunny Chong
    I will definitely promote these products..even though there might be many affiliates promoting..when there is too much must invariably comes in to meet that..after all it must be reliable and good..since it's that famous..
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  • Profile picture of the author Keith Lynch
    Good products are what will make you cash.
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  • Profile picture of the author Maxxx333
    Originally Posted by acchao View Post

    Hi warriors,

    Will you still consider in promoting digital products like courses or software if it's already very famous in the market? (They are great products, in my opinion)

    1) Click Funnels software services
    2) Mindvalley products
    3) Udemy
    4) Robin Sharma's courses
    5) Brendon Burchard course

    What do you think? Some suggestion I got was, "If the product is so famous already, why should they still get it from you? They can directly got it from the sites or join the notification list themselves.

    What do you suggest?
    All i have to say about this will be that if a product is that popular, that means that people are still asking for it, so it will not be a bad idea to promote it if you know you can generate traffic for that, but also if you know you can promote it properly too.
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  • Profile picture of the author sparrow
    if it works why fight it

    it is all about adding value to the existing offer

    take a winning combination and make the offer better how can you lose
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  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    Yes, I do.

    All the way.

    If they are famous, then obviously they are popular choices with many people.
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  • If the product is popular and people are actually buying it, yes I will definitely promote it. If you worry about competition, don't be. There are a lot of ways to promote a popular product and you do not need to compete with these marketers. It all boils down on how you present the product to the market and how you leverage it by adding more value (inn the form of bonuses) to the product.
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    • Profile picture of the author rizabbasi
      Originally Posted by affilorama-portal View Post

      If the product is popular and people are actually buying it, yes I will definitely promote it. If you worry about competition, don't be. There are a lot of ways to promote a popular product and you do not need to compete with these marketers. It all boils down on how you present the product to the market and how you leverage it by adding more value (inn the form of bonuses) to the product.
      "It all boils down on how you present the product to the market and how you leverage it by adding more value (inn the form of bonuses) to the product."

      Can you please put in bullets some key values (bonuses) added with the product.
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  • Profile picture of the author Suddengreen
    If the product is famous (and remains so over a period of time), it means a few things:
    1. It provides consistent value: Nowadays people buy mostly based on testimonials. This means that it is difficult to sustain sales over a period of time unless your product provides good value. Word of mouth (even typed) is a powerful thing.
    2. It enjoys strong support from the seller and affiliates: Unless the promoter is ready to pump in a lot money to promote and update his/her product, it is difficult to sustain momentum in a dynamic marketplace.
    3. It has been making money for affiliates: Affiliates will continue to promote the product only if it makes them money.
    If the product is very famous, you may have to look for unique strategies to promote the product as most of the common strategies would have got saturated. But you can make a lot of money if you design your own unique way of promoting - discount coupons, raffles, free trials etc and use media that is not already saturated. I've earned a good affiliate income promoting on Pinterest using my own unique (at least I think so) strategy.

    The thing I love about a product like Click Funnels is the recurring income.

    Simple Free Method that took me from Zero to a Six-Figure Income on ClickBank

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  • Profile picture of the author albertovino
    I think you have to follow the wave, mate. If something is being a top seller and you promote, you can get all that sales! And it's better promoting a product that it's been already sold than wasting time promoting something that will never be sold
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by acchao View Post

    Hi warriors,

    Will you still consider in promoting digital products like courses or software if it's already very famous in the market? (They are great products, in my opinion)

    1) Click Funnels software services
    2) Mindvalley products
    3) Udemy
    4) Robin Sharma's courses
    5) Brendon Burchard course

    What do you think? Some suggestion I got was, "If the product is so famous already, why should they still get it from you? They can directly got it from the sites or join the notification list themselves.

    What do you suggest?

    I see this as a positive, if the trust is already built then it makes it easier to sell.
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  • Profile picture of the author MaxDavis024
    If the product is famous and really good, then of course.
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  • Profile picture of the author sulelechat
    Hi acchao,
    One of the factors to promote a product is fame. Only a good product with lot of positive reviews is famous in the first place. So take advantage of that to promote product in hot demand already.
    However, people will still buy the product from you but not always from its site because they know you as trusted affiliate. Affiliate goes extra miles promoting product through pre-sale services of constant reviews of the product and other marketing strategies.
    Also your previous trust with your list will always sell your
    recommended products. So maintain your reputation by offering only good product.
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  • Profile picture of the author jt120651
    If the product is of high quality and over delivers on value, then a well known product is the perfect choice...
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  • Profile picture of the author ctrlaltdelete
    More publicity is always good for the product, so why not? It makes your job easier too, since you don't have to work (or write) as hard to prove that the thing works well. You're adding to the number of good reviews online that help convince the person it's a product worth buying.

    But if you want your "review" to stand out from the rest, well, better get creative with the way you write your content.
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  • Profile picture of the author pedromatosbeja
    Sure, it means you will get lots of conversions.

    Need help with building an online business?
    Private message me so i can coach you for free!

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  • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
    If the product is already a hot seller, then there is always a different way to market it online to reach new people to sell to and make money with it, so don't think if there are tons of people promoting it that it's going to be hard to sell that's not true, you just have to reach the right target of people and you will make sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Yes. It all depends on your ability to get a fresh set of eyeballs to the affiliate offer.

    Even if you were offering well-established products to an audience familiar to the products, you can do the following

    1) bundle as part of a course
    2) upsell
    3) downsell
    4) as part of custom coaching
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  • Profile picture of the author maxsi
    No problems....
    You have your mailing lists, your contacts, your brand. You can promote everything to your market and make cash
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    If you don't have a competition, you don't have a market.


    You CANNOT be PRODUCT-CENTRIC cause if the product get dropped down, you end up with nothing.

    And it's not so good.

    You need to be NICHE-CENTRIC where there are very well known and tested products, coming from different sellers.
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  • Hey,
    It is always a great idea to promote the famous product. There are many reasons why the customers will still buy it from your affiliate link. One of them is the trust that they have in you. With your unique and strong marketing strategies, go ahead and promote the product in the best way possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    The good thing about promoting a product that is already famous is that you know the product is selling. The only downfall you may have is the amount of competition that comes along with promoting that type of product. You don't have to worry about competition if you do everything right. In fact competition is good.

    Find a unique way to promote the product. Get high quality traffic to the offer and test your results. Keep optimizing based on your results and you should always be able to make money whether the product is famous or not. So yes it does make sense promoting a product that is already popular.
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  • Profile picture of the author ashwinsd
    Many people are not aware of these products, so yes you can still promote them.
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  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
    Do you think they're famous but saturated?
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  • Profile picture of the author Angie Alonzo
    Yes! Promoting digital products like courses or software that is already famous in the market will still bring you profit. If it is famous then it means that it is good, and it can sell itself. If many others are making a profit from it, then you definitely can too!
    Need help with building an online business? Private message me so that I can coach you for FREE!
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Yep A; definitely promote the products.

    And people will buy an affiliate product from you versus from the famous person if you give them a reason to buy from you; this reason involves helping them with free, valuable content, so they trust you know what you are talking about. Help them for free persistently and you prove your expertise; no problems selling anything at that point.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • There is never a top. Advertising forward on and never hurts for sure. Just the direction should be shifted. Go for revenue, other than brand awareness. If the brand is known - you can start getting smaller companies under the wind, thus profiting even more.
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