Need suggestions for designing an in-house Resource Guide.

6 replies
Good afternoon, I am looking to create a company resource guide. I would like preferably for it to be an 8 1/2 x 11 booklet in color. I am able to print this myself. I have considered MS Publisher & PowerPoint as options as I do not have any graphic design programs in-house at this time. I would like to design it so that my sales representative can hand it out on visits and would like to make it available in PDF form so that it can be attached to emails for blasting. Ideally, I would like to add this to our Home page on our site as well. I am trying not to outsource this. If anyone knows of any free templates that can create this as seamlessly as possible or perhaps a template in MS that would be ideal for this particular layout, please advise. Any suggestions would be helpful! Thank you! D-
#designing #guide #inhouse #product #resource #suggestions
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by Darlene2018 View Post

    Good afternoon, I am looking to create a company product resource guide. It will contain our company info., services info. as well as pages of items that we are selling with details and pictures. I would like preferably for it to be an 8 1/2 x 11 booklet in color. I am able to print this myself. I have considered MS Publisher & PowerPoint as options as I do not have any graphic design programs in-house at this time. I would like to design it so that my sales representative can hand it out on visits and would like to make it available in PDF form so that it can be attached to emails for blasting. Ideally, I would like to add this to our Home page on our site as well. I am trying not to outsource this. If anyone knows of any free templates that can create this as seamlessly as possible or perhaps a template in MS that would be ideal for this particular layout, please advise. Any suggestions would be helpful! Thank you! D-
    I would and actually DO use MS Publisher for this kind of stuff. As for templates... try They also have a good selection of free templates
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    It will contain our company info., services info. as well as pages of items that we are selling with details and pictures.
    Commonly known as a "Catalog."
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    • Profile picture of the author Darlene2018
      Hi I Got Mine, It is actually a resource guide in my industry. We sell fabricating machinery and so I am looking to reference the manufacturers that we have relationships with, showcase some of the new machinery available to market and describe all of the services that we offer. But thank you for helping to try and clarify what my project is, it is always great to get others feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Another starting point is to look for a catalog that you really like - one that you can use as a model, preferably from an industry that is different from yours. Don't copy that example, but you can certainly model your catalog after theirs to include the same kind of layout, similar organization and structure, etc. The point is . . . you don't have to begin from scratch! (Be sure to pick a catalog from a profitable company - one that makes money as a result of their catalog).

    The best to you in this project,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author Darlene2018
      I do have one to use as a model, thank you for the suggestion. I just need a program that will help me create it in-house as seamlessly as possible. I just started it in Publisher and hope that it comes out the way I envision. Thank you!
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