Please help me with my website! And ideas!
So my website is (affiliate website) and I started in like 4 years ago but haven't really done a lot in order to get it off the ground. It is a self help website for men.
I guess the main reason why I haven't done much with it up until now is that I have been really confused and lacked confidence in which where to go with this website.
Here are my concerns:
1) Im unsure as to whether my website is too broad and not niche enough (should it just focus on dating or should I keep it as it is with multiple aspects of a man's life, like money making, getting healthy etc.)
2) Im unsure about the best path to take in order to start making money from my website. Should I just focus on writing quality articles and be sure that they get out there and read? Or what should I be mostly doing?!?!?!?
3) I am worried that my website will get hacked and it will be all for nothing! Is this a good concern to have? What should I do about this?
I'm just feeling a bit lost! I'd really appreciate it if at least one person could give me some advice and a sense of direction!
Thank you very much!
Mitchell White
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