Creating an Affiliate Website

25 replies
Please pardon me to ask this question.

I am planning on creating phone comparison website with different price tags (amazon, eBay, Ali express, etc) using wordpress Rehub theme and content egg Pro plugin but I have been procrastinating.
Now my question are
1 How $$$ will i be making monthly?
2 Will phone niche a good decision to make, is the niche converting or should I change to weight loss or health niche?
3 Where do I find a place to buy the theme and plugin at cheaper price?
#affiliate #creating #website
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  • Profile picture of the author Suddengreen
    In my experience, the amount of money you make is directly linked to a few things:
    - How consistently you take actions related to your business - SEO, content updation, promotion etc.
    - The quality of your website content. No theme or plugin can help you if people don't see value in your web content. There are thousands of price comparison websites out there. Unless you are able to add your own flavor, you won't be able to attract buyers in the long run. Any attractive theme just won't cut it. Try giving discounts, helpful tips, honest reviews (preferably video) etc.
    - Phone niche is both good and bad - it's popular - so demand is more. But unfortunately, so is the competition.
    But is you are able to get great content and promote it - like using social media media - competitions, coupons, discounts etc, then you can make some good money.

    Simple Free Method that took me from Zero to a Six-Figure Income on ClickBank

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    • Profile picture of the author Sunday Swart
      Thanks for your comment.
      Most of the price comparison websites i have seen is multi niche site, i just want it to be a single niche to avoid much completion.
      What niche do you think I will switch? as am from Nigeria.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B

    Let me be blunt . . . I see disaster written all over your plan.

    You will be entering the cutthroat, extremely competitive phone marketplace that will eat you alive! Phone and access providers are everywhere and they are dropping millions of dollars on their marketing. You, as newbie marketer, won't be able to survive this kind of competition.

    Solo entrepreneurs, IMO, do best by carving out niches that are not on the radar screen of multi-national corporations. IM is a wonderful way to make a living, but you have to be smart about "picking your battles" and focusing on marketplaces where you can enter with an impact and something valuable for the prospects.

    I don't see how you can offer something valuable in this area unless you niche down, way down, and offer some type of analysis, tutoring, or help to the prospects.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author webmarke
    If you are asking the question..."How Much Will I Make" you are not ready to launch the site.

    Have you done your market research yet?

    No one here can tell you how much money you will make.

    Do some market research.
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  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    you have to be smart about "picking your battles" and focusing on marketplaces where you can enter with an impact and something valuable for the prospects.
    Find a small niche you can dominate.
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    • Profile picture of the author Sunday Swart
      Thanks for your comment. I have done so many researches and found out that there are more competition on the niche. But there are not much competition if is Nigeria targets but the problem is that most of Nigerians don't buy online.
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      • Profile picture of the author Successtoyou
        Originally Posted by Sunday Swart View Post

        Thanks for your comment. I have done so many researches and found out that there are more competition on the niche. But there are not much competition if is Nigeria targets but the problem is that most of Nigerians don't buy online.
        If you focus on international calls, I think Nigerians abroad will be interested in your site. They should contact their relatives in Nigeria right? I think you should focus on them.
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  • Profile picture of the author 55sadhikar
    Originally Posted by Sunday Swart View Post

    Please pardon me to ask this question.

    I am planning on creating phone comparison website with different price tags (amazon, eBay, Ali express, etc) using wordpress Rehub theme and content egg Pro plugin but I have been procrastinating.
    Now my question are
    1 How $$$ will i be making monthly?
    2 Will phone niche a good decision to make, is the niche converting or should I change to weight loss or health niche?
    3 Where do I find a place to buy the theme and plugin at cheaper price?
    Competition is a good thing.

    If the right strategy to get the traffic at low acquisition cost, you can definitely do it. One idea would be to run a contest and give a free iPhone. You can gets lots of pool of prospects to whom you can sell. If you got 5000 people on contest and 100 bought the phones; chances are you will make profit. At the end of the day that's what we want. People who buy phones will also buy cases for protection. You can buy bundles from alibaba and sell them at higher margin.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by Sunday Swart View Post

    Now my question are
    1 How $$$ will i be making monthly?
    2 Will phone niche a good decision to make, is the niche converting or should I change to weight loss or health niche?
    3 Where do I find a place to buy the theme and plugin at cheaper price?
    Sounds like you built the product/site before selecting the niche. Just because you built the site, that doesn't mean "they will come". I have no idea how much money you would make with this site. You may have to scrap the site and start over - focusing on the niche FIRST, then giving them exactly what they're looking for.

    Because right now you don't have an idea of what to do. Never build the site or product first, and then go in search of someone to sell it to. You have it backwards.

    And you want to go into the weight loss and "health niche". Why these niches?
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    • Profile picture of the author Sunday Swart
      Thanks but I have been doing alot of niche research but all the niche i can go into have been crowded and competition is much. I have been considering book review, app review or product review, i don't know which one will profit me?

      Please your suggestion will be highly welcomed
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    You're doing it wrong.

    Don't start with a NICHE.

    Start with DEMAND.

    Where are YOU currently hanging out online?

    What are those places' traffic potential?

    What are those people's needs?

    How do they like being marketed to? (ex: content > review > aff links)

    Start with A TRAFFIC BASE first and everything will flow from there.

    Otherwise, you'll suffer the fate of over 95% of FAILED marketers. It's not pretty and is COMPLETELY AVOIDABLE
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  • Profile picture of the author Shubho C

    I went through all the comments and I agree with them..

    Nowadays almost every famous niche has cut throat competition (and phone comparison is definitely one of them).

    I am not demotivating you, just making you aware that you need to do proper market research before you enter a niche.

    Putting up a phone comparison website is a good idea, but you must do something which makes you stand out from the crowd (create a sub-niche preferably..)

    Now answering your questions:

    1. For the money you will be making, let me very blunt. You would hardly be making anything in the first few months, until your website gets traffic and you can monetize that traffic, your website would not be making any money.

    2. Changing from one mega-niche to another won't change anything. You would again need to carve out your piece of the mega-niche.

    3. You can buy the theme from whichever is giving you the cheapest. there are multiple options available and you can choose whatever you like.

    I am not trying to demotivate you mate. But what you are planning requires a lot of hardwork. Be prepared to commit yourself for some hours atleast on a daily basis.

    With your consistency and intelligence you should see some results.

    Till then,
    Keep Hustling, Keep Winning!

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  • Profile picture of the author darkevil

    If it was from US..Australia..UK..NZ..Canada the same advice you give it to him !?! I do not think !!

    help him with examples not tips..! each for him..It is !!?
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  • Profile picture of the author chenbui
    Creating Affiliate site like Amazon Niche Site is a good way to make money online.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pradeep k
    It Depends on the Quality of your content and also you should maintain an user friendly site ,which helps in people for the easy navigation from one page to other and asking some extra information should like card details should not be there as you people looses interest in filling these kind of details.
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  • Profile picture of the author kola kalyani
    Social Media Marketing is Of the type of Online marketing which is more helpful to us,Like if You Want To Share Your Company Information this is the best Way
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  • Profile picture of the author maxsi
    Did you make some research on search engines? ( to know the market)

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  • Profile picture of the author andrewraj
    Content that adds value in some way is generally received well by consumers because it solves a problem in their everyday lives or teaches them something new
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  • Profile picture of the author hudsonbell79
    1 How $$$ will i be making monthly?
    >> It depends on how much traffic will come to your website
    2 Will phone niche a good decision to make, is the niche converting or should I change to weight loss or health niche?
    >> All of your choices are good, which one do you have experience/interesting? let try the interesting one first.
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  • Profile picture of the author romon132
    Use a variety of methods to show website visitors affiliate products

    1. Decide on a niche for my website.
    2. Find affiliate products in that niche to promote on my websites.
    3. Choose a catchy, brandable domain name.
    4. Buy the domain through a registrar, and set it up to 5
    5 .work with a web host.
    6. Install Wordpress.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wan Azman
    Phone niche is very competitive so it's best to try other less competitive niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    1 How $$$ will i be making monthly?

    Depends Sunday on the energy, persistence and generosity of your actions.

    2 Will phone niche a good decision to make, is the niche converting or should I change to weight loss or health niche?

    Follow the niche you enjoy working. This is the niche you work patiently, calmly, for the joy of working the niche, where the greatest serving and earnings are.

    3 Where do I find a place to buy the theme and plugin at cheaper price?

    Don't think cheap; losers thing cheap. Winners think the best theme and plug in, for your site and brand.

    Google will be your best friend buddy Use it to find ideal matches for your affiliate site.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author newton
    1 How $$$ will i be making monthly?

    Impossible to answer. How long is a piece of string? It depends how much effort you put into it.

    2 Will phone niche a good decision to make, is the niche converting or should I change to weight loss or health niche?

    The niches you have mentioned are the most competitive you could ever enter. If you have no experience then you might be better looking at lower competition niches that are easier to enter.

    With technology in particular, you'll constantly be having to add new reviews because products change so much and new models are launched all the time.

    3 Where do I find a place to buy the theme and plugin at cheaper price?

    If you're looking to buy a paid theme and/or plugin not from the original owner but looking for someone to sell it cheaper, that's not a good way to do business. Just start with a free theme and do the content yourself.
    Check Out My Blog For Affiliate Marketing Tips => Click Here <=

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  • Profile picture of the author Eric Lovelace
    1.) Your income is directly related to the work you put into it. There is no guarantee or promise of money that can be made by anyone here.

    2.) Phones may be good, shoes may be good,etc. I have had many try one niche and become successful, others 10x that to hit a winner. All comes down to testing at that point.

    3.) Hit up places like fiverr, upwork, etc. Many people may have the theme and plugins your looking for and install it cheaper than it would be to buy them out right.
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  • Profile picture of the author gadislade
    Well, You have a good idea. But first, You have to prefer some Market research and comparisons.
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