Trouble developing my strategy
I've started a blog, and have written about 25 pages of my book 'Your First 90 Days on UpWork - Make Money in Your Spare Time'. Which brings me to my issue. I've been procrastinating lately and need a solid 'next step'. Here are the three options I have considered:
Option A:
1. Finish the book
2. Create a long copy web page to match
3. Send traffic to the long copy page via ads on Facebook and Google, which in turn drives sales
Option B
1. Continue to publish articles on my blog
2. Tease the book with a long copy page on my blog, collect email addresses
3. Continue to build a strong email list
4. Publish the book and sell to everybody on the email list
Option C
1. Ditch the book idea and convert it to an online course
2. Merge course in with the blog
3. Focus on blog as a main driver to build customers for the course
My thinking on the course is that I can likely charge more with a course as compared to the book. I'm thinking about charging $24 per copy of the book. I would also like to provide mentoring via a monthly fee at some point.
At this point I have vision and know I can do well with this. But I'm stuck! What would you do as the very next step? I would love to hear your thoughts.
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"The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." Colin R. Davis
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"The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." Colin R. Davis
Mia is a Maverick Online Business Strategist, Entrepreneur & Obliterator Of Wasteful Online Activities & Helping Businesses Uncover Growth
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