Trouble developing my strategy

by caseym
22 replies
Hello all. I would like some help developing my internet marketing strategy. My niche is helping web developers get started on the freelancer platform UpWork. I've been very successful on it and a solid way ahead on how I can help others do the same.

I've started a blog, and have written about 25 pages of my book 'Your First 90 Days on UpWork - Make Money in Your Spare Time'. Which brings me to my issue. I've been procrastinating lately and need a solid 'next step'. Here are the three options I have considered:

Option A:
1. Finish the book
2. Create a long copy web page to match
3. Send traffic to the long copy page via ads on Facebook and Google, which in turn drives sales

Option B
1. Continue to publish articles on my blog
2. Tease the book with a long copy page on my blog, collect email addresses
3. Continue to build a strong email list
4. Publish the book and sell to everybody on the email list

Option C
1. Ditch the book idea and convert it to an online course
2. Merge course in with the blog
3. Focus on blog as a main driver to build customers for the course

My thinking on the course is that I can likely charge more with a course as compared to the book. I'm thinking about charging $24 per copy of the book. I would also like to provide mentoring via a monthly fee at some point.

At this point I have vision and know I can do well with this. But I'm stuck! What would you do as the very next step? I would love to hear your thoughts.
#developing #strategy #trouble
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  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    Finnish the ebook and offer the first chapter or two for free.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by caseym View Post

    Hello all. I would like some help developing my internet marketing strategy. My niche is helping web developers get started on the freelancer platform UpWork. I've been very successful on it and a solid way ahead on how I can help others do the same.

    I've started a blog, and have written about 25 pages of my book 'Your First 90 Days on UpWork - Make Money in Your Spare Time'. Which brings me to my issue. I've been procrastinating lately and need a solid 'next step'. Here are the three options I have considered:

    Option A:
    1. Finish the book
    2. Create a long copy web page to match
    3. Send traffic to the long copy page via ads on Facebook and Google, which in turn drives sales

    Option B
    1. Continue to publish articles on my blog
    2. Tease the book with a long copy page on my blog, collect email addresses
    3. Continue to build a strong email list
    4. Publish the book and sell to everybody on the email list

    Option C
    1. Ditch the book idea and convert it to an online course
    2. Merge course in with the blog
    3. Focus on blog as a main driver to build customers for the course

    My thinking on the course is that I can likely charge more with a course as compared to the book. I'm thinking about charging $24 per copy of the book. I would also like to provide mentoring via a monthly fee at some point.

    At this point I have vision and know I can do well with this. But I'm stuck! What would you do as the very next step? I would love to hear your thoughts.
    I would A finish the book. I would B build the course around the book. I would C sell the book and offer the Course as a discounted upsell. I would D create a private facebook group for those that buy the book and the course. And E the whole time pump like content on the blog. Give to Get. And by Give.. I don't mean give away anything for free...
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author Cybernetmarket
    I would continue with the book and the blog. I wouldn't write such a long sales page but get a professional copywriter to do it. I would also do the courses as an upsell to the book. You have all the right ingredients for a smash hit.

    New To Internet Marketing? Need some Help? check out my free course "Easy Online Marketing" Everything is totally FREE except for website hosting :-) It all starts by taking action

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I like Option A.

    Just make sure the niche exists. If there's a community/website/blog/forum/etc, go look and see how they're used to buying information products (along with price) - and more importantly - make sure that the web developers WANT to be on Upwork. I understand you had success on it, but you don't want to "force" or "create" a niche. It's like talking to a door knob. You have to consider how you're going to build your list, and attract your audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author caseym
    Thanks all for the advice. I'm going to buckle down and finish the book. Like you mention Randall, by marketing and selling the book, I can make sure the niche actually exists. Then I can move onto other things from there.
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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    What do you want your business to be "when it grows up?"

    Books these days are marketing tools primarily - free or paid...they help get you publicity, gain credibility and can work wonderfully as lead-magnets or tripwire (low-cost, intro-level) products on your way to promoting a back-end which can be anything from an extended course, membership program, coaching program, to 1:1 consulting or coaching...

    This is GOLD that you have experience doing it yourself and now you want to teach should be all over sharing case studies, tips, examples of results - ideally versus video content that you eventually boost on FB and Insta ads targeting freelancers, etc...

    Ideally before you do have a funnel set up where you offer either free or low-cost book which feeds into a marketing funnel for back-end offering (course, coaching).

    You could literally start with a Skype-based + email 30 or 90-day coaching system for say $399-$599 as your back-end offer - get some customers under your belt, fine-tune the coaching and then raise the price on the next round.

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    • Profile picture of the author caseym
      Originally Posted by jbsmith View Post

      What do you want your business to be "when it grows up?"

      Hi Jeff. I would love to do mentoring and coaching some day. I don't have a sales funnel or anything working right now. But I think my problem is I've tried to approach this idea from every angle at once, and gotten nowhere. I have a blog with some articles ( I have a draft of my book. I have a trello notebook full of content, strategy, ideas, etc.

      But I really need to work on ONE THING and then move to the next. That's what you all are helping me with so much. And honestly you are motivating me too! I'm getting excited thinking that this is at least possible. I really appreciate all the help so far.
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      • Profile picture of the author boblev
        Glad to help

        Based on your answers in this thread I would say that you have a pretty good handle on your target audience. You are certainly doing the one thing that 100% of struggling marketers don't do, and that is going out in the marketplace and finding out what your peep's needs. Often IM'ers get caught up in the process and technical details, forgetting that there are real people, with real emotions and real problems on the other end of our marketing messages.

        as to your you specific project....

        I would consider going a little more general on the front end (the book) for the sake of mass appeal (every freelancer out there wants to know how to get more work without a race to the bottom on pricing) and follow it up with some form of coaching on the upsell.

        You already helped your friend through the process, so there is you first testimonial!

        Keep in mind I'm only bouncing ideas around, ultimately you know your talents and the needs of your audience better than I.

        Good Luck


        "The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." Colin R. Davis

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    • Profile picture of the author digitalm
      I'm doing a similar thing where I plan to sell my book upsell to some consultation work in the back end. At the moment I'm working on the SEO factor which is a slight challange at the moment, but plodding on! I suggest keep up with the book and blog!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by caseym View Post

    At this point I have vision and know I can do well with this . . . would love to hear your thoughts.

    Let me suggest you "hope" you can do well with this . . . you don't know anything until you actually put it to the test and see how the market accepts your product.

    As Randall M mentioned . . . "Just make sure the niche exists."

    What kind of online market research have you accomplished to prove that web developers are willing to pay for guidance on using the Upwork platform? Just because you've seen some developers at Upwork, that's no guarantee that any of them will fork over cash to get some assistance in finding their way around.

    I am only asking because here's the stark reality: many marketing ventures die a painful death because the creator assumed he knew the marketplace and what was in demand. You are not your market.

    So to me, the first order of business before you do anything else is to perform your market research. It will not only validate what type of demand that is for your product (ebook or course), but it will also tell you if your book or course contains the right type of education and solutions that web developers are seeking.

    Remember - the Internet is littered with lots and lots of products, books, and courses that the creators thought were "sure things."

    The best to you,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author caseym
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      Let me suggest you "hope" you can do well with this . . . you don't know anything until you actually put it to the test and see how the market accepts your product.
      You're right. I don't know if this will do well, but I have a hunch.

      As for market research, I've been on a lot of freelancing forums, and many other freelancers experience the same problem I did, in that it is very hard to get started when you have 0 reviews or hours worked. A lot of developers give up. Many developers treat applying for freelance jobs like applying for a full-time job... talking about their resume and how many years they have been coding. But clients don't care about any of that. They want someone to solve their problem, and they want to see detailed proof that you are capable because they have no reason to believe you or trust what you are saying.

      So my book will walk them through establishing proof via a solid demo project, choosing a niche, and saying the right things to get those first few jobs. From there the ball will continue to roll. But starting is the hardest part.

      Like others said I think I just need to finish the book and see if it strikes a chord. If not, no big deal.
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  • Profile picture of the author boblev

    Firstly, congrats on your success.

    I don't like to be a Debbie downer but I agree with Steve B, slow down and poke around a little to gauge demand,

    I did a quick search on Amazon and Udemy for your topic and while there is some demand for your subject specifically, and more for freelancing and side hustles generally, I would definitely think about your angle and proposition.

    What will your product accomplish that the competition has overlooked. The first one that caught my attention on udemy was "How to Dominate Freelancing on Upwork" which has had over 17,000 students in the last couple of there is demand but the questions I have are:

    Is there a problem specific to web developers and upwork that doesn't affect other types of freelancers?

    Why would someone pay you for coaching when the same type of info can be had in $4 kindle book?

    One of the biggest pain points that stuck out to me right away ( in my very limited research) was how to write better proposals and close the deal without having to lower the price of your services.

    I'm not saying you don't have a winner, what do I Know.....I'm just suggesting you have a look around and give it a little thought.

    Of course, these are just my opinions, I could be wrong!


    "The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." Colin R. Davis

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    • Profile picture of the author caseym
      Originally Posted by boblev View Post


      Is there a problem specific to web developers and upwork that doesn't affect other types of freelancers?

      Why would someone pay you for coaching when the same type of info can be had in $4 kindle book?

      One of the biggest pain points that stuck out to me right away ( in my very limited research) was how to write better proposals and close the deal without having to lower the price of your services.

      Hi Bob. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my post. The pain point you mention is exactly what I am going after. My book will give developers a path to go from $30 an hour to $75 an hour in one year. Like I mention in my last post, I do this by developing proof, then leveraging that with a solid proposal. My goal is to get 3 jobs at $30 an hour, then raise the rate to $40, stair-stepping quickly to $75 or more.

      I helped a friend do this same process and it worked out very well. Many developers fail because they 1) don't develop a solid demo project, and 2) don't stay in a niche, which keeps them from raising their rates.

      The reason I am focusing on developers is that the rates I'm quoting, demo project strategy, the niches, etc. don't really apply broadly to all types of freelancing. The broad concepts do. But if I go broad I feel my concept will be watered down and not as effective.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Keep blogging, finish the book, network in your niche and keep expanding your success. Keep that blog growing; you can have all types of success through this platform, as you can sell the eBook then create and sell a course through a respected, trusted blog.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Mia Gordon
    Option B
    1. Continue to publish articles on my blog
    2. Tease the book with a long copy page on my blog, collect email addresses
    3. Continue to build a strong email list
    4. Publish the book and sell to everybody on the email list

    Above is more along the lines of what I would do but remember that you need to deliver value in small chunks, which can be done by breaking down chapter snippets of your books into tweets or topics. Create teaser content for social and offsite promotion but MAKE SURE it links back to valuable content on your site that satisfies the readers intent. If you do that with the mindset that the offsite post is the teaser, or starter, the onsite content is the entree and the main meal (the most satisfying thing to come) is the book.

    If you know what your audience engage with by tracking all of this, and what chapters people like, then you can formulate a course people will respond to.

    All good long term marketing strategies require trust and relationship building, but there is no reason why you can't do this at the same time as bringing short term traffic to your site. I am always looking for ways to encourage other sites to link to my content pages too...(which I could go on and on about) because links to all of you nest content = organic ranking and long term free traffic.

    Bringing the right people to your site who are likely to want to buy your book right? So serve them up some delicious starters that lead them to your book, and maybe your (main pardon the pun) course later on.

    Mia is a Maverick Online Business Strategist, Entrepreneur & Obliterator Of Wasteful Online Activities & Helping Businesses Uncover Growth

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  • Profile picture of the author Meech
    Finish your book then use paid ads. I've been selling my ebook on social
    Media development for a long time now. If you want more information DM me !
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  • Profile picture of the author jazbo
    You won't be any good at mentoring if you can't even decide what to finish!

    Are you qualified for this project alone?
    CONTENT WRITER. Reliable, UK-Based, 6 Years Experience - ANY NICHE
    Click Here For Writing Samples & Online Ordering
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  • Profile picture of the author salsym
    Originally Posted by caseym View Post

    Hello all. I would like some help developing my internet marketing strategy. My niche is helping web developers get started on the freelancer platform UpWork. I've been very successful on it and a solid way ahead on how I can help others do the same.

    I've started a blog, and have written about 25 pages of my book 'Your First 90 Days on UpWork - Make Money in Your Spare Time'. Which brings me to my issue. I've been procrastinating lately and need a solid 'next step'. Here are the three options I have considered:

    Option A:
    1. Finish the book
    2. Create a long copy web page to match
    3. Send traffic to the long copy page via ads on Facebook and Google, which in turn drives sales

    Option B
    1. Continue to publish articles on my blog
    2. Tease the book with a long copy page on my blog, collect email addresses
    3. Continue to build a strong email list
    4. Publish the book and sell to everybody on the email list

    Option C
    1. Ditch the book idea and convert it to an online course
    2. Merge course in with the blog
    3. Focus on blog as a main driver to build customers for the course

    My thinking on the course is that I can likely charge more with a course as compared to the book. I'm thinking about charging $24 per copy of the book. I would also like to provide mentoring via a monthly fee at some point.

    At this point I have vision and know I can do well with this. But I'm stuck! What would you do as the very next step? I would love to hear your thoughts.
    Problem in your niche is that your customers are experts in their field. So, I will personally not take the course route. I have a gut feeling that it won't work in your niche.. and I strongly feel that that option B is the way to go and I am sure you will do quite well there...
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by caseym View Post

    Hello all. I would like some help developing my internet marketing strategy. My niche is helping web developers get started on the freelancer platform UpWork. I've been very successful on it and a solid way ahead on how I can help others do the same.

    I've started a blog, and have written about 25 pages of my book 'Your First 90 Days on UpWork - Make Money in Your Spare Time'. Which brings me to my issue. I've been procrastinating lately and need a solid 'next step'. Here are the three options I have considered:

    Option A:
    1. Finish the book
    2. Create a long copy web page to match
    3. Send traffic to the long copy page via ads on Facebook and Google, which in turn drives sales

    Option B
    1. Continue to publish articles on my blog
    2. Tease the book with a long copy page on my blog, collect email addresses
    3. Continue to build a strong email list
    4. Publish the book and sell to everybody on the email list

    Option C
    1. Ditch the book idea and convert it to an online course
    2. Merge course in with the blog
    3. Focus on blog as a main driver to build customers for the course

    My thinking on the course is that I can likely charge more with a course as compared to the book. I'm thinking about charging $24 per copy of the book. I would also like to provide mentoring via a monthly fee at some point.

    At this point I have vision and know I can do well with this. But I'm stuck! What would you do as the very next step? I would love to hear your thoughts.
    I would focus on finishing the book and growing your blog (and collecting emails), if the books sells, then start the online course.
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  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    I will say Option B is the best for you.

    Though it does not make you money immediately, it will long-term.

    But that is just my option.

    Another alternatives you may want to look into are video marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    The problem is that a of people think that it's good to write a book and become millionaire with it.

    The fact is that your book will become a best seller IF YOU ARE ALREADY A PUBLIC FIGURE.

    And the money is not in the book itself, i mean real money.

    What i suggest you is selling a coaching.

    Put your book in kindle store and put a banner inside in the book, every 2 pages, advertising your opt in page.

    Offer a book as a giveaway in a different opt in page,

    In the opt in page advertised inside the book, you offer a 3 videos of tips wich ends in your high ticket consutation.

    What you want to accomplish is selling an high ticket coaching, and a course in the front end.

    So you can make money with:

    - front end course
    - high ticket coaching
    - membership site after coaching and course.

    That's where the real money is.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    For best results I recommend creating a high-quality course, and marketing it using a webinar.

    I can help creates the webinar and put together JV's to get audiences for it, if you like.

    Let me know if you might be interested.

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