Someone Wants To Pay Me For Allowing Them To Do Guest Articles And Posts Should I Be Suspicious?

9 replies
I like most blog/website owners allow guest content but I don't usually charge for it. The person can post their article/post and in exchange for the content, I allow them to link back to their own website/blog. So imagine my surprise when yesterday out of the blue someone contacted me offering to pay me to post guest articles and sponsored posts on one of my blogs that hasn't been updated in several years. To be honest, I had forgotten about the existence of this blog as I had the domain auto renewed several years ago. Should I be weary here or is a new trend for blog owners to actually get paid for allowing others to post to their blogs?
#allowing #articles #guest #pay #posts #suspicious
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I'd advise caution - why would someone want to pay to post on a blog that has not been updated for some time?

    Others may disagree, but if that person 'pays to post' - do you have editorial control over what is posted on YOUR blog? If they 'copy/paste'- plagiarize - are you liable? If their product is a scam or fraud - are you liable?

    Looking at the worst case...but some red flags on this one to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by Jon Tees View Post

    . . . is a new trend for blog owners to actually get paid for allowing others to post to their blogs?


    I'm surprised that you haven't noticed that marketers pay to get backlinks to their web sites.

    The questions you have to ask about whether this is good for you, as Kay has suggested, have to do with the content itself, the marketer in question, and what it potentially will do for your site and business, either positive or negative.

    Just be aware that even if you decide to move ahead with this proposal, chances are very slim you will ever get paid. If you have a stale site and have forgotten that you even had it, there is no good reason why someone would pay you for posting their content on your site.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Jon Tees
    Something else I find bizarre is that I used a pen-name for all posts on the site and never posted my actual contact details. I also never put up anything about advertising on the site as the site was set up to make money through affiliate marketing. I'm also pretty sure that It is a privately registered domain so how in the world did this person track me down and find out I was the owner?

    This person also has a very common name and there are several prominent people who also have this name.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    Should I be weary here or is a new trend for blog owners to actually get paid for allowing others to post to their blogs?
    We get paid, but take payment upfront if you're going to do it.

    Or use the WP password feature to let them see the article but hide it from public view until payment is made.

    It's hard to tell the scammers from the legit sometimes, the price is often a clue; if the pricing is in alignment with your DA, it's most likely going to be legit.
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  • Profile picture of the author zinakalna
    Many marketers pay to get backlinks to their web sites.
    The questions you have to ask about whether this is good for you

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  • Profile picture of the author franamico
    I wouldn't be surprised at all. Paying to get backlinks on regular blogs is normal practice. I would say though that posting on a blog that hasn't been updated for quite a while is not very effective for SEO.
    Maybe your guest blogger isn't a very experienced marketer?
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Sounds normal to me, but protect yourself. Make sure you iron out all the details before hand.
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  • Profile picture of the author Berasha
    Especially historical facts. Nowadays we can't ignore the fact that telephone is our modern disease. It's not only a sourse of opportunity, but on the other hand it might lead to the different awkward situations. Especially, unknown number. Thanx to progress that we also may solve it with reverse system
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I'd ask a few questions Jon:

    1: Can the blogger write skillfully? Even if they are willing to pay for a link placement and article on your site, skip the opportunity if the blogger can't write quality content.

    2: How much do you charge? Email rates to set expectations; don't barter or haggle. Pro bloggers charged fixed rates.

    3: What does the blogger expect, article-wise? Do they want to place a sponsored post promoting their business? If so, charge more money for a full featured ad. But if the blogger writes a content rich post and mentions their business with a link then charge less.

    Sponsored posts generally include 1-2 links.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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