Warrior Forum MarketPlace Rules July 30th
The WSO section is a marketplace for high quality Internet Marketing products.
Sellers have purchased these threads as advertisements for their products and services.
While the WSO forum offers great deals and Internet Marketing products, buyers should exercise common sense when considering purchasing a product or service.
At any time, buyers and sellers may report any post or offer within the WSO section to Warrior Forum moderators to investigate. This can be done with the red triangle on the lower left side of each post or via the Warrior Forum support desk, located at https://support.freelancer.com.
When browsing through offers, buyers should be aware that Warrior Payments is the only platform that is endorsed and supported by the Warrior Forum, we also support JVzoo, eJunkie, Paypal and many others - We DO NOT SUPPORT OR ACCEPT WarriorPlus as a payment system.
For details about Warrior Payments, please visit https://payments.warriorforum.com/.
All WSO rules and the approval of each WSO is subject to moderator's discretion.
If a moderator deems that a particular offer is not appropriate for the WSO Marketplace, the offer will be rejected and move to the Underground Section.
This means that we reserve the right to accept or reject any WSO .
All listing and bump fees are final.
If a seller acts outside of these WSO rules, no refunds for any payments made to Warrior Forum will be offered.
The onus is on the seller to abide by these rules and to ensure their offer aligns with all rules.
WSO Seller Rules
Rule #1: WSO Compliance with Law and Rules
All WSOs must comply with forum rules, the laws of Australia and the laws of your geographic location.
Sellers must comply with all legal requirements for advertising, both under the laws of Australia and the country in which you live or predominantly reside.
Legal compliance is strictly your responsibility as the seller of the product.
Rule #2: WSO Approval Policy
The following are examples of products that are not permitted to be sold as a WSO:
- Mass Account Creators
- E-Mail Harvesters
- Lead Scrapers
- Cookie Stuffing Scripts
- Mass Automation Tools
- SEO Spam Tools
- Blog Commenting Tools
- Wiki Poster Tools
- Spamming Tools
- Automation Bots
- Forum Posting Tools
- Classified Ad Posters
- PLR Products (PLR Products can be posted under the Underground)
If your WSO is any of the above, your offer will not be approved and your payment fee will not be refunded period.
Rule #3: Moderation and Approval Time
Warrior Forum moderators must approve any offer prior to it being sold on the Warrior Forum.
If your thread is approved, you will receive a private message from a moderator advising your thread is ready to be published with further instructions to post your offer.
If your thread is not approved, you will receive a private message from a moderator advising that your thread has been rejected. If your thread is rejected, you are encouraged to thoroughly read through the WSO Rules posted here and align your offer with these rules. Once this is done, you may submit your revised listing.
All submissions will generally be reviewed within 96 hours. If your submission has not been approved within 96 hours, you may contact the Warrior Forum Help Desk along with your username and thread title.
Rule #4: Seller Support
Sellers must give customers a reliable, common way for buyers to make contact that does not depend on the forum, such as a support email address, support desk etc. This should be placed within the first or second post of your offer. Sellers should set clear expectations in terms of what support is offered for the WSO.
Rule #5: No Scarcity
The Warrior Forum will not accept products where the sales copy announces
Limited Numbers
Only for a few days
Only for a selected number of Warriors
Those type of statements are not allowed in the marketplace. If you offer a product to the Warrior Forum you are making open for the time of the listing and to any warrior willing to buy it.
If you indeed have limited copies, you can delete your post once this number of copies have been sold.
Rule #6: Titles
The Title of a WSO should describe what a WSO is. It should seek to describe what people are buying. Titles should not describe the effects of buying a product which include but are not limited to income claims, traffic guarantees, seo results etc. Apart from this, the following guidelines are put in place.
Non alphanumeric characters, emojis, HTML and ASCII art are not permitted in WSO titles.
Titles can't use FULL CAPS across the title
Titles can't use Exclamation marks (!)
Titles can't include promises or income claims example: I made $1000 using this , now you can make double
Titles need to describe the product itself vs focus on promises of the product result
Rule #6: Paid Testimonials
Under no circumstances are sellers permitted to use testimonials from anyone who has, or will, receive payment, commission, incentive or advantage for their review. All testimonials must be unsolicited.
Rule #7: Bonus in Exchange for Review
Sellers must not offer payment, commission, incentive or advantage in exchange for reviews. For instance, sellers cannot offer a bonus report that is only given to people who leave a review.
Rule #8: Off-Site Reviews
Sellers must not link to off-site reviews or review videos from within a WSO thread.
Rule #9: Selling Email Lists and Leads
Sellers must not sell, trade or give out the email addresses of their WSO customers.
Rule #10: Spamming and Unsolicited Bulk Mail
You may not sell any product here that endorses, enables, or facilitates the sending of unsolicited bulk messages via email, private messaging systems, or other channels meant for one-to-one communication, or the spamming of forums, blogs, chat systems, or social networking sites.
Rule #11: Significantly Similar offers are not permitted
Sellers are not permitted to have more than 2 significantly similar offers in any section of the forum.
If an existing offer appears to be significantly similar to your new offer, sellers may be required to explain product uniqueness to staff moderators before the offer is approved.
Rule #12: Buy Buttons Must Be Present
To sell a WSO in the WSO Section of the forum, your offer must have a Buy Button that takes the user to a checkout. This link cannot take the user to your website, an order form or an opt-in page.
This rule applies to the main WSO Marketplace.
Rule #13

Seller must be have a proper payment system like Warrior Payments, JVzoo, Paypal, Stripe, Clickbank, eJunkie.
We do not accept Warrior Plus as a payment platform.
Rule #14: Income Claims & Guarantees
Sellers are not to make claims around income that has been made unless this income can be verified through Warrior Payments. Sellers are not permitted to make claims about or imply that income will result from purchasing a WSO.
This will be strictly enforced to protect the Warrior community.
This is applicable to the WSO Marketplace, if you have a post that includes income Claims , you an post it under the Underground.
Rule #15: Etiquette
Sellers may not harass, personally attack, blackmail, spam or bully buyers and/or other Warrior Forum members.
Rule #16: No Blind Ads
Sellers must not post blind ads. This is an ad where you advise what the product is not rather than what it is. Your product should be clearly understood by both moderators and members.
Rule #17: Guarantees / Policies
It is not required to offer guarantees or refunds for your WSO. If you do offer a guarantee or money back guarantee, this needs to be clearly explained in the first or second post in your WSO thread.
Rule #22: Offers on First Page
Sellers may only have 3 threads on the first page of the WSO Marketplace and applicable sub-forums. Sellers are permitted to have 4th offer on the first page if it is listed as a Sticky thread. All offers must be unique.
Applicable marketplaces: WSO Marketplace, Warriors for Hire, Warrior Classified Ads.
Rule #23: Warrior Forum trademark
Sellers are not permitted to use the Warrior Forum logo, branding or name in their sales copy. The name of your product should not imply that the product is affiliated with the Warrior Forum in any way.
Examples include using the Warrior Forum logo in sales copy or including the word "Warrior" in the product title.
Rule #24: Offering Review Copies
Review offers are NOT allowed.
Preparing your WSO to be Published
Specifications for Posting a Warrior Special Offer (WSO):
1. To format your Thread you need to use BBCode. The list of available tags can be
found here:Warrior Forum - The #1 Digital Marketing Forum & Marketplace - BB Code List
You can also activate the Full WYSIWYG editor in your User Control Panel at:
If you are using Warrior Payments to sell your product, you can use the Preview thread function to preview how your offer appears inside the forum. The Preview function can be accessed in the final stage of the Create A WSO process.
2. Give people as much info as they will need to make an informed decision about your product.
3. Warriors have used this section of the forum to launch 6 and 7 figure businesses. Treat your buyers well, provide exceptional value and buyers will reward you with loyalty and positive reviews.
4. Become a contributing member and establish your reputation before trying to post a WSO.
All listing, bump and sticky fees are final and non-refundable. This includes if your WSO listing is removed from sale.
Payment For WSO Threads and Bumps:
WSO Listing Fee - $20
WSO Bump Fee- $19.95
Payment for Sticky:
WSO Marketplace - $20
Complete Web Sites for Sale - $20
Warrior For Hire - $20
Web Hosting Offers - $20
The Underground - $20
Wanted - Members Looking To Hire You - $20
Affiliate Program Database - $20
Buyers: WSO Rules
Rule #1: Asking for Review Copies / Offering Reviews
We do not allowed asking for reviews copies or offering review copies. This is a marketplace and you need to have a product that has been already tested by your market audience.
So no "free reviews" "or limited reviews are allowed"
Rule #2: Reporting Fraudulent or Misleading Offers
If the seller fails to deliver the product or service as advertised, or does not honor a posted refund policy, please report the problem using the Report tool or contact the Helpdesk.
In your report, include enough details to allow them to look into the claim properly, including the thread Url and the seller's username. To report a problem, use the red triangle to the lower left of the post you're reporting. Fill in the necessary information and submit the form. Please keep in mind that investigating a claim requires time and multiple reports should not be submitted.
The forum is not part of the transaction between a buyer and seller. We have no ability to force a refund or any other action by a third party. We are limited to reducing or removing access by parties we believe may be acting improperly or who violate the forum or WSO rules as described here.
Rule #3: Resolving Issues
Buyers should attempt to resolve any issues with sellers privately so the seller has the opportunity to fix any issues. Should the issue remain unresolved, buyers may report the problem or offer for moderators to investigate.
Buyers should be aware that if you have purchased an offer, you may also review the product or service in the seller's thread.
Rule #4: Reviewing a WSO
You may post 1 honest review for any WSO that you have purchased. Reviews should be factual and not mislead in any way. If the product you purchased was sold via Warrior Payments, you can honestly review the product from within both Warrior Payments and also on the seller's thread.
Review guidelines:
- If you are an affiliate or received a review copy of a product, you must state this when posting a review of the product.
- Do not debate the sales process. If you believe something is deceptive, then report this to the moderators.
- You may list the OTOs associated with a product as a part of your review, once
you've purchased the initial offer. Do not argue about them, or make statements beyond the list of what is offered. The seller decides his or her own sales process. You decide if you wish to buy what's offered.
- Multiple reviews within a sales thread are not tolerated.
- Reviews must be of the product, not the seller nor the seller's previous products.
- Personal attacks, name-calling, and unproven accusations are not tolerated. YOU WILL BE BANNED.
While buyers are encouraged to review products and services, buyers must follow these guidelines.
Rule #5: Refunds
While many WSO's are digital products and services, buyers are not automatically entitled to a refund if they are unhappy with the product or service.
If the seller offers a refund period as part of their offer, this will appear on the sales page or in the FAQ of their offer. If there are no mentions of a Refund Policy, buyers should assume all sales are final and no refunds are offered.
If you wish to request a refund from the seller, you should contact the seller privately - either through a private message or via the seller's external support channel. Requests for refunds should only be made on the seller's thread if you do not receive a response from the seller within 2 business days. Keep in mind, sellers may be in a different time zone to you.
If a seller fails to honor a posted refund policy, please report the offer to the moderators.
Products sold on the WSO marketplace are not sold by the Warrior forum but are rather just hosted by the Warrior forum on behalf of the product creators. We allow sellers to set their own policies and processes for refunds. We advise buyers to check the refund policies of products before buying whether by reading the sales copy or by contacting and clarifying with the seller beforehand. Requests for refunds should only be made on the seller's thread if you do not receive a response from the seller within 2 business days. Keep in mind, sellers may be in a different time zone to you.
Imagine this analogy, let's say you bought some dodgy fruit in a farmer's market at a park. In this case, you would demand refunds from the farmer who sold you the fruit, not the park administrators. As with this case, you would get the refunds from the seller of the product, not with Warrior forum.
Rule #6: Etiquette
Buyers are entitled to ask questions and post 1 honest review within the WSO thread for products they have purchased. However, Warrior Forum members are not to engage in running feuds. This applies to both buyers and sellers.
Buyers may not harass, blackmail, personally attack, spam or bully sellers.
Rule #7: No File Sharing
If you have purchased a product or received a review copy, you are not permitted to share, reproduce or sell the product, or part thereof, without the seller's explicit consent.
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