Generating Sales for Niche Offers on Auto Pilot

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Hey all,

Let's start this thread with simplicity in mind, shall we? I mean, selling online is very hard, so we don't have to over-complicate the whole thing.

I'd like you to share some of the tools and tactics you used and what works, when it comes to selling/promoting niche CPA or other offers.

Let me add my 2 cents:

- FB ads (very effective, if done right. Many marketers made thousands of bucks with them, but they need to be tested many times to get them right)
- Lead gen services (some of them are cool, others not, but most of them just charge you for usage, where the actual IM has to be done still by you manually)
- CPM ads (Blah. At least for me.).

Ok, now it's your turn. Pls share

Take care!
#auto #generating #niche #offers #pilot #sales
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