Naming a website / business

by wuzov
21 replies
Hello, I have a quick question.

I am starting a website where I will teach local people how to make money online - many different techniques, where I will also sell affiliate stuff and my own products.

Now before I start writing everything I am stuck at naming the business / website. Sould I name it something like SuccessFromHome, HomeSucces or more "brand name" that wouldnt have any of those words in it?
#business #naming #website
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  • Profile picture of the author NetMan
    Originally Posted by wuzov View Post

    Hello, I have a quick question.

    I am starting a website where I will teach local people how to make money online - many different techniques, where I will also sell affiliate stuff and my own products.

    Now before I start writing everything I am stuck at naming the business / website. Sould I name it something like SuccessFromHome, HomeSucces or more "brand name" that wouldnt have any of those words in it?
    A good business NAME should be either of STRONG brand name -which takes time and money to build- or well explicit of what you are doing.

    So, if you are to teach people from your area how to make money online it would be best to have something significant as a name. Example could be in the like of what you suggest yourself or even sometime what works well is by composing a brand name with what you are doing. For example: Moneycademy, Online Living School etc. These are not well thought, just out of my head quickly, and may be lame loll but you got the point right?

    Good luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author Seow Wayne
      Strongly agree with this reply above here, your business name are not only have to be strong but also easy to be memorize. Besides that, don't be too cliche which the whole market are using the same name. Give a name that easy for potential customer to recognize your website and the most important is to be straight forward to your business nature.
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    • Profile picture of the author wuzov
      Originally Posted by NetMan View Post

      A good business NAME should be either of STRONG brand name -which takes time and money to build- or well explicit of what you are doing.

      So, if you are to teach people from your area how to make money online it would be best to have something significant as a name. Example could be in the like of what you suggest yourself or even sometime what works well is by composing a brand name with what you are doing. For example: Moneycademy, Online Living School etc. These are not well thought, just out of my head quickly, and may be lame loll but you got the point right?

      Good luck.

      Thank you very much, I got even better idea after reading your suggestions so now I have it Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I'd go with a name that one can easily see, related to making money online, since we think in pictures, W. People get your brand, your niche, and your core message loud and clear when they easily see your domain name.

    I chose blogging from paradise because readers easily see themselves blogging from paradise, connecting with the blog and brand instantly. No effort. No confusion, or lack of clarity. Aspiring travel bloggers or world traveling bloggers get my niche, buy in and I have more readers to serve.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Oostra
    Yeah, agree with the above posters. Bottom line though remember that web pages (quality content) own keywords and web domain names are important but not the only thing in regards to getting on the first page of a search.

    Focus on the content and things you'll put on there. I do have a couple of domains that are generic within my niche so I can create re-directs easily.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve L
    Originally Posted by wuzov View Post

    Hello, I have a quick question.

    I am starting a website where I will teach local people how to make money online - many different techniques, where I will also sell affiliate stuff and my own products.

    Now before I start writing everything I am stuck at naming the business / website. Sould I name it something like SuccessFromHome, HomeSucces or more "brand name" that wouldnt have any of those words in it?
    I know I've spent way too long on picking names for stuff, but in the end, honestly, the name isn't that important so long as it's somewhat short and somewhat memorable. Even that isn't a must since most people will probably be clicking on a link to access your website anyways.

    What's most important is that you just take action and decide now so you can move forward with more important tasks. You can always change this later especially if you're building an email list.
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    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Originally Posted by Steve L View Post

      I know I've spent way too long on picking names for stuff, but in the end, honestly, the name isn't that important so long as it's somewhat short and somewhat memorable. Even that isn't a must since most people will probably be clicking on a link to access your website anyways.

      What's most important is that you just take action and decide now so you can move forward with more important tasks. You can always change this later especially if you're building an email list.
      WOW, what can't we hear? lol

      Sorry, this "advice" wins the price of the lamest one of the day!

      Tell me what's more important than a NAME ??? Whether in business or whatever!


      It's not because you had spent too much time on a name that it suddenly turns to be "not that important" ... and, well, if ever someone asks "what was that site again?, or where did you get that ... ? I guess the answer would be "it's not important JUST CLICK A LINK anyway" ?

      Somehow, I know what you mean but nevertheless a BUSINESS NAME is very important! Period.

      Think about it...

      Best regards,
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      • Profile picture of the author Steve L
        Originally Posted by NetMan View Post

        WOW, what can't we hear? lol

        Sorry, this "advice" wins the price of the lamest one of the day!

        Tell me what's more important than a NAME ??? Whether in business or whatever!

        The NAME is EVERYTHING!

        It's not because you had spent too much time on a name that it suddenly turns to be "not that important" ... and, well, if ever someone asks "what was that site again?, or where did you get that ... ? I guess the answer would be "it's not important JUST CLICK A LINK anyway" ?

        Somehow, I know what you mean but nevertheless a BUSINESS NAME is very important! Period.

        Think about it...

        Best regards,
        I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

        IMO what's most important is whether your not your offer is of value to a particular audience or not. Also, it has to be an audience that buys on value, cause not every audience does!
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        • Profile picture of the author NetMan
          Originally Posted by Steve L View Post

          I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

          IMO what's most important is whether your not your offer is of value to a particular audience or not. Also, it has to be an audience that buys on value, cause not every audience does!
          At least it's an agreement

          What's important for you is certainly the most important things and no one can certainly tell you otherwise or make you change your mind. What's important for you is apparently justified by the "way" you seem to "do business" online and I've nothing against that either.

          Except, the OP ask for a way to find a good BUSINESS NAME, so coming in and telling him it's not important, and he can just shoot links to click on to people would be COUNTER PRODUCTIVE wouldn't it? Kind of trying to make him "change his mind" which won't happen right? Because he seems to want to CREATE A BUSINESS vs finding ways to MAKE MONEY online, which could be the same BUT also two different things at the same time.

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I like SuccessFromHome. Not sure if the domain name is taken, but you should check and see if it is, or if other domain name extensions are available. Keep brand names out of your domain name and business name.

    Just make the name related to what you're doing, and also... make sure YOU yourself are qualified to make this a success, and teach others how to do it.

    Are you making money online? How will you find a list of targeted people within your local area? If you dont know much about direct mail and offline marketing in general, you should learn how to do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author sean1776
    A good name is a good start.
    You should make sure it actually sounds like a brand.
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  • Profile picture of the author BacklinkzTopper
    Name should be unique most importantly. Does not matter if its brand name or a simple one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Here's just one way to find a business name and the corresponding dot com domain:

    Go to and input your search term or phrase, for example, "homesuccess."

    Then "sort" results by "popularity" and filter by checking "starts with search term" (IMO, putting your keyword(s) at the front is best).

    I just did this and all of the following are currently available:
    and about 1,650 other names. If you don't like any of these, change your

    homesuccess keyword phrase to something else.

    My point is . . . you should have no trouble coming up with a business name and it's corresponding domain name you can register.

    Once you find "the perfect name", I would spend a little time online and make sure it is not being used by someone else or that your business won't be confused with another closely named business in the same niche.

    IMO, I would find a keyword or phrase more specific to your business purpose than "homesuccess" . . . maybe something like "onlinesales_______ ."

    BTW, contrary to what has been said in this thread, I believe choosing a good business name is important.

    To your success,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by wuzov View Post

    I am starting a website where I will teach local people how to make money online - many different techniques, where I will also sell affiliate stuff and my own products.

    Now before I start writing everything I am stuck at naming the business / website. Sould I name it something like SuccessFromHome, HomeSucces or more "brand name" that wouldnt have any of those words in it?
    Yet another make money online website will have approximately zero chance of success without something major to differentiate it. Without that, the name is the least of your worries.

    You mention you're targeting local people. If that's the case, you should include the name of your location (village, town, neighborhood, community group, whatever) within the domain name. Unless you have a unique/compelling personal story to tell, that local angle would seem to be your best bet.

    The contents of this post may settle in transit.

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  • Profile picture of the author crackhouse
    This is absolutely the least of your concerns. The fact that you're posting about it in a message board already means you're over thinking it.
    I sell backlinks on some of the most lucrative editorial websites in the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author samsunite3
    In my opinion, a name is useless unless it's a strong brand.

    See for yourself if you ever visited,, and others. But rather, some names stuck with you because their brand was amazing: google (, facebook (, instragram (, twitter (?),

    My suggestion is looking at the name differently. Instead of finding the keywords that you want [home, success]. Rather try to tell a story: GuyWorkingFromHome, SuccessWithMyPijamas,

    I hope this helps
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    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Originally Posted by samsunite3 View Post

      In my opinion, a name is useless unless it's a strong brand.

      I hope this helps
      I'd tend to agree, however before a name becomes a "strong brand" it has to exist first. No name is born as a strong brand. A brand has to be built. And, it's built around A NAME it's that process that eventually makes it a STRONG brand.

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  • Profile picture of the author Corban Yang
    To get it ranked asap, you can try filtering the keyword of your competitors and check which ones are generating the most traffic. Then combine a few of them, make a brand. This is one way to look at it, if you need every exposure you can get.
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  • Something short and "brand"able. It does not have to be keyword-rich but focus on a name that will speak for your business/niche in general. Try to also stick to short names that is easy to remember. There are tools that can help you play with words if you want to spark some really good ideas. You can check out tools like Namelix or Names4Brands
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  • Profile picture of the author Eric Lovelace
    Hey There,

    It all comes down to your end goal.

    Do you plan on selling the business in the future?

    Do you plan on expanding past your local market into let's say other cities/states/countries?

    What words relate and can fit into your domain name for your niche/market?

    Also, just a personal opinion, but make sure the domain name is 18 characters or less, easy to remember, and doesn't contain any numbers or special characters.
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