Can I do like that for CPA marketing?

8 replies

Specifically for CPA Marketing:

Before sending traffic to the advertiser's page I want to have my Landing Page (pre-sell) in between.

I would like to know from the warriors:

(a) Do I need to have an a hosted blog in the niche for placing the ad?

(b) Would creating a new/fresh page as a Landing Page (pre-sell) makes any sense? (I want to use subdirectory/folder (eg. [Note: The is about internet marketing but the subdirectory/folder can be of any product/service offer]).

Looking forward and thanking you in anticipation.


#cpa #folder #landing page #marketing #squeeze page #subdirectory
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    You don't need a blog, but you do need a page that you have control over.

    If the landing page converts the traffic into leads, instead of sending them directly to a sales page, you'll most likely see better results.
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  • Profile picture of the author tristatemedia
    i use instabuilder which is very easy to use. the best part you can get a copy for $5-$10 from but you do need a simple wordpress site to install the plugin. but it is very easy to use.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eric Lovelace
    Hey There,

    A) I always recommend having a squeeze/bridge page in front of any offer you are promoting. Why? Because you can continue to market to the list continually.

    B. I install a new site on domains based on the niche. If you are promoting CPA offers geared to IM than there is no need to get a separate domain name, you could just use a sub directory as you want.


    If you are promoting health, love, etc meaning something not related to the cpa offers you are promoting I would get a whole new domain/site.

    Hope this helps you.
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  • Profile picture of the author troy04rm
    Interesting topic:

    I didn't understood, why put a landing page between a CPA offer, for exaple:
    If this convert in SOI, and I send traffic to a landing page between me and the real offer that convert, maybe I will have the risk that the user get bored to do double registration?

    for exaple: I'm user surfing the web, I see a offer, click there, I read "put your email",
    I put my email.... and then in this email I receive an emeil where I see another link, where put again my email, It's very booooring. May be I'll quit this.

    It's really make sense a landing page on a CPA SOI offer?

    Or make sense only when I build an entire business on this offer, and this sell a product?

    It's my first question about CPA affiliate marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author rizabbasi
      Originally Posted by troy04rm View Post

      Interesting topic:

      for exaple: I'm user surfing the web, I see a offer, click there, I read "put your email",
      I put my email.... and then in this email I receive an emeil where I see another link, where put again my email, It's very booooring. May be I'll quit this.

      It's really make sense a landing page on a CPA SOI offer?
      Hi Troy,

      Your point has a weight. Let's see what opinion the experts have on this.


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  • Profile picture of the author bestcouponstore
    You should use a landing page.I highly recommended use proper optimized landing page.landing page looks must be catchy and professional looking.
    I'm still learning cpa marketing
    I hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrewsfm
    All you need is a landing page to capture the email and then straight to the offer. You can then follow up with email.

    Pre-selling is good, but it has to be a video of you talking about how your life has changed etc or a review on the product, if not go straight to the sales page from your lander, it works.

    Fresh traffic sources like youtube ads, google ads etc are all best rather than solos, but solos do work you just have to find the winners.

    Go for desktop traffic only, converts much higher in my opinion.

    Clickfunnels, Leadpages can make the pages you need or you can buy hosting and install wordpress and buy a plugin called Thrive, then you only have a small monthly fee of hosting, up to you.
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    • Profile picture of the author rizabbasi
      Originally Posted by Andrewsfm View Post

      Clickfunnels, Leadpages can make the pages you need or you can buy hosting and install wordpress and buy a plugin called Thrive, then you only have a small monthly fee of hosting, up to you.
      Hi Andrewsfm,

      To start with I am not going for WordPress options.

      What I have in my mind is a ONE-PAGE advertorial type of landing page, that I can make myself.

      What are your views?


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