Looking offers to convert Wi-Fi traffic

2 replies
Hi guys,

I'm looking for offers to convert my wi-fi traffic in the following GEOs:

- Wi-Fi Netherlands (NL)
- Wi-Fi France (FR)
- Wi-Fi Brasil (BR)
- Wi-Fi Germany (DE)
- Wi-Fi Egypt (EG)
- Wi-Fi Finland (FI)
- Wi-Fi Thalland (TH)
- Wi-Fi Yemen (YE)
- Wi-Fi Mexico (MX)
- Wi-Fi Argentina (AR)
- Wi-Fi Nigeria (NG)
- Wi-Fi Bangladesh (BD)

Any suggestions?
#convert #offers #traffic #wifi
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  • Profile picture of the author Haris Tahic
    Why don't you capture the email addresses of from that source through an "optional" subscription form and create yourself an even better source of traffic - email list?
    Great investment opportunity! Click HERE! <-- Permanent traffic!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11410084].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jose Franco
    Do you have trafic from brasil?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11454228].message }}
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