What is Your Experience Promoting Top Tier Affiliate Companies?

4 replies
Hello, Warriors.

I'm creating this thread to see if you have ever promoted any top tier affiliate programs (at least $500 commission per sale) and what has your experience been like doing so?
#affiliate #companies #experience #promoting #tier #top
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  • Profile picture of the author Haris Tahic
    The results usually depend on how optimized is the landing page and the funnel in general for a particular campaign/affiliate program. If it is a proven and credible affiliate program, we could assume that they've optimized their funnel(s) the best, since they have previously made some money through it and (let's hope) they re-invest the profits in optimization, so those programs could make you the best EPC. However, you should have an initial budget larger than what one conversion pays out.
    Great investment opportunity! Click HERE! <-- Permanent traffic!
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrewsfm
    I've promoted a fair share of them, but now I've found creating my own front end products and then 14 days after promote affiliate high ticket webinars is the best way.

    By doing it that way you also don't need to buy into $2000 products etc just to be able to earn the commissions.

    Gotta be careful with such programs these days even MOBE has just been shut down, so it's kinda a dodgy/grey area atm.

    Building your own high ticket product will also be a good idea and you get 100% commissions.
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    • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
      Originally Posted by Andrewsfm View Post

      I've promoted a fair share of them, but now I've found creating my own front end products and then 14 days after promote affiliate high ticket webinars is the best way.

      By doing it that way you also don't need to buy into $2000 products etc just to be able to earn the commissions.

      Gotta be careful with such programs these days even MOBE has just been shut down, so it's kinda a dodgy/grey area atm.

      Building your own high ticket product will also be a good idea and you get 100% commissions.
      I've done well with Elite Marketing Pro for almost 10 years now. I'm now leaning toward making my own coaching program, something like $997 per year, but where I get to keep 100 percent of the profits. Never knew MOBE got shut down. Interesting....
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  • Profile picture of the author myob
    I often get $500+ orders from Grant Cardone's affiliate program. My target market is business owners, corporate middle management, and professionals (real estate, insurance, doctors, lawyers, dentists, etc.)

    Leads are generated through online/offline content marketing in relevant newspapers, magazines, trade journals, newsletters, ezines, etc. Traffic is driven to a landing page for followup by email, postal mail or telephone.
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