Clickbank + Google/Bing (Does it actually work in 2018? Struggling to profit!)
I'm struggling with Affiliate Marketing + Paid Ads and am hoping to figure out what i'm doing wrong. Just to give you a little backstory on my situation, I have tried Affiliate Marketing 3 times now and failed. I have been successful with my Shopify/E-Com business, I've made nearly 2 Million Dollars in revenue just in the past couple years with Shopify while doing it full-time. But when it comes to Affiliate Marketing, I haven't had any profits ever. I'm really wanting to diversify my income streams, so here I am trying Affiliate Marketing for a THIRD TIME!
For Affiliate Marketing, I choose Clickbank offers, build a Landing Page, and run ads on Google, Bing, or Facebook. I've tried every damn combination you can imagine over the years. I've tried every niche I can think of, dozens and dozens of different products with no profitable results. Spent a few thousand dollars and barely made a few hundred dollars in sales, haha.
Just to give an example, here are some of the funnels I try:
Landing Page > Collect Email > Give Free E-Book or Course > Pitch Product at the end of Course
Landing Page > Info on Solution to their Problem > Direct Link to Product
Landing Page > Review on Product > Direct Link to Product
Whether I promote the product on the front-end or back-end, I have literally no consistent results at all, unfortunately.
So my question is, do people actually make money with PAID TRAFFIC using Affiliate Offers/Clickbank/JVZoo? I can't wrap my head around how anyone can be profitable with these offers when you're using paid traffic and when the products are only $30-$40 commissions.
Lets say you spend $100 on traffic. Lets say your CPC is $1 and your Cost Per Lead is $4-$5 (A lot of niches are that expensive recently). You get 15-20 Leads/Emails and if you're lucky, you might get 1 sale for $30, so you're still at a loss.
I have had Campaigns where I got a decent amount of Leads and my opt-in rate was 30-40%. But a majority of the leads didn't make it through the Email Sequence, and the ones who did open all the Emails just didn't convert into sales usually (If they did convert into sales, it wasn't profitable overall)
And the same story for promoting the product on the front-end, you might spend $100 getting 70-100 clicks directly to your sales page, but if you only get 1 sale for $30, then I mean....??? That's pretty much been the story of my life, haha.
I've tried high-gravity products, low-gravity products, I have tried everything I can imagine when it comes to doing Clickbank with Paid Traffic, and I just have no idea what the issue is.
Has anyone here actually had any success with Clickbank Products + Paid Traffic in 2018? Or is it still just a giant gimmick/hype? It seems like the only time I hear it recommended is from scammy Guru's so they can sell their course, haha.
It seems like most of the successful ways for Affiliate products in 2018 is all Free/organic methods:
1. Ranking videos on YouTube to make $$$ from Adsense + promoting Affiliate products for more profit
2. Building a Blog or Website and ranking it for free using SEO to bring in organic traffic
3. Pinterest, Instagram, and other free methods to grab organic traffic
It seems like everyone recently is building big Youtube niche channels to drive free traffic to their offers, which sounds awesome compared to Paid Traffic, so that's definitely something I might try next since I'm out of ideas.
Anyone have any suggestions? I'd really appreciate it! Sorry for boring you with this crazy long post, haha.
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