Best Way to Promote Online Consulting Business- I Hate Writing

by Stu48
83 replies
Hello Warriors,

I am starting an online Educational Consulting business.

I have very good credentials, so that's not a problem.

Here's my biggest obstacle that I hope you can help me with.

You see, I don't like writing very much. I have 7, 2500 word articles that I have written. They are very detailed and informative for my niche audience. I really don't want to write more. I also don't want to outsource articles because I don't think it will reveal my voice.

I am somewhat comfortable on video but I don't think that parents are flocking to Youtube to get professional educational advice...I don't think that's the best medium.

Would some sort of social media marketing be a good route?

Is there a way I market my consulting business online without articles?

I am looking forward to hearing some suggestions.

#business #consulting #online #promote
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    In what educational subject will you be consulting? Who's your target market?

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    • Profile picture of the author Stu48
      I will be focusing on helping parents of children from kindergarten to high school. I will be consulting on academic, social, and behavioural success.

      My target market are parents, predominantly mothers.
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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Originally Posted by Stu48 View Post

        I will be focusing on helping parents of children from kindergarten to high school. I will be consulting on academic, social, and behavioural success.

        My target market are parents, predominantly mothers.
        I'm not sure I get what you're offering. Are you targeting parents of children with learning difficulties? Do you intend to supplement a school curriculum?

        Maybe if you explained your credentials it would make it clearer.

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        • Profile picture of the author Stu48
          I'm targeting parents who want to improve their child's grades, behaviour, or personal development.
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          • Profile picture of the author Steve B
            Originally Posted by Stu48 View Post

            I'm targeting parents who want to improve their child's grades, behaviour, or personal development.

            IMO, you need to target your focus a little differently. Are there really many parents that don't want to help their children develop and improve?

            Having been both a parent and now a grandparent, I see a great difference between the development needs of a first grader and those of a high school student.

            I understand you want to build as large a potential audience as possible; but the counter-intuitive principle at play in online business is that the more focused and specific you get, the more your audience will feel like you have exactly what they need and the easier your marketing and product creation become.

            For instance, if you were to focus specifically on parents of children advancing to junior high school ("middle school" in some areas), there would be way more prospects in that audience alone than you could ever service in a lifetime in your business.

            We see it over and over again in online business - when the business owner tries to be everything to everyone, the audience becomes way too diverse and their needs/wants/desires become very different.

            Another way to add greater focus in your business (rather than focusing on a child's age) would be to focus on just one type of developmental issue that school children face. You can't solve all the world's problems by yourself . . . choose one and become the authority go-to guy on that particular issue. You will have way more than enough candidates (prospects) and all the business you can handle if you become the trusted authority online.

            The very best to you,


            Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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            • Profile picture of the author Stu48
              Steve, great advice as always. I will definitely take it into consideration.

              You stated,

              "Having been both a parent and now a grandparent, I see a great difference between the development needs of a first grader and those of a high school student."

              Yes and no.

              Of course there are different developmental needs between these two groups.


              The reasons behind the lack of success as usually the same.

              You see, aside from learning disabilities (I prefer the term learning 'difference'), it is my experience that students of all ages do not do well in school due to their home life and a lack of parenting skills. Of course, poor basic skills and lack of motivation are also causes of poor grades, but it really comes down to upbringing most of the time.

              So, in a sense, the problems from kindergarten to high school often have the same root causes.

              I can see a child in kindergarten and have a good idea what the rest of his or her educational experiences will be like. I equate this with the idea that we now know that diet is the root cause for many different types of disorders and ailments.

              This is why I choose a large target audience.

              There isn't much variability.

              But I will consider narrowing it down. You're probably right with regards to marketing.
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              • Profile picture of the author LexusCzeck
                I agreed what Steve B said, but still, there are a huge number of parents may target, as you're telling you want a promotion without sharing content so there is only one way left to contact relevant web authorities to promote your online consulting business, practically take a large investment but at the end I'm sure you'll get what you're looking for.

                Best of Luck
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            • Profile picture of the author John Durham
              Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

              IMO, you need to target your focus a little differently. Are there really many parents that don't want to help their children develop and improve?

              Having been both a parent and now a grandparent, I see a great difference between the development needs of a first grader and those of a high school student.

              I understand you want to build as large a potential audience as possible; but the counter-intuitive principle at play in online business is that the more focused and specific you get, the more your audience will feel like you have exactly what they need and the easier your marketing and product creation become.

              For instance, if you were to focus specifically on parents of children advancing to junior high school ("middle school" in some areas), there would be way more prospects in that audience alone than you could ever service in a lifetime in your business.

              We see it over and over again in online business - when the business owner tries to be everything to everyone, the audience becomes way too diverse and their needs/wants/desires become very different.

              Another way to add greater focus in your business (rather than focusing on a child's age) would be to focus on just one type of developmental issue that school children face. You can't solve all the world's problems by yourself . . . choose one and become the authority go-to guy on that particular issue. You will have way more than enough candidates (prospects) and all the business you can handle if you become the trusted authority online.

              The very best to you,



              Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

              You sound like a lazy expert.

              tbh if the written word plays anyplace smart, it is education.

              That is why you gotta tackle this informed content ishoo.

              For sure, no way is any freelancer gonna match your niche expertise -- so you gotta rethink those articles.

              Not likin' writin' 'em out ain't actschwly no reason not to write 'em out.

              tbh informative counts more than detailed.

              An' persuasive prolly counts more than both.

              So start out short an' general -- an easy breezy read for PARENTS, 1000 words.

              They real keen to do good by their kids ... but that don't make 'em academics.

              Keep it upbeat, keep it so it resonates like a serious offer.

              Detail can be addessed in subsequent articles -- bearin' in mind that detail driven home too early is the educator's curse.

              Hook 'em first, then dish the deets.

              Get people to want your stuff -- that's when detail figures.

              But I guess what matters most is how parents can find you online.

              So, like Jason said, you gotta hook up with people in your area -- people who might recognise yr expertise an' figure you a smart cookie.

              This might mean puttin' pen to paper sumtime an' makin' with the communicatorial smarts.

              Seems to Moi you offerin' an informed Level Up with mucho potential appeal.

              You can't be assed to write it out an' share, tbh dunno what we do withya!
              Yet again; Excellent.

              Thank you both. The WF may not always be what it aspires to be in every facet, at all moments... but THESE are the kinds of answers, you can only get HERE. They are both amazing, and so full of truth; if only one could get it, and grasp it..

              Sometimes I wonder if you can only learn it by experience. It sounds too simple, and yet so complicated. Once you DO it, and have a bit of success, then suddenly it all makes sense.

              Very sound advice in these posts.

              Ps. There is alot harder work out there than writing. Maybe try to re-purpose some of your most brilliant material into something else, that serves you better, and in a different way.
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      • Profile picture of the author fire3fly

        I would suggest social media, particularly LinkedIn and Facebook. As a business professional, I have had a lot of luck with LinkedIn.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    A quick and effective way in to this target market is to partner with an organization that already has access to it. Use their distribution channel and get them to talk about you. This is leveraging the trust that has already been built up by the first organization, and it'll result in making sales much easier for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stu48
      Great idea.

      Easier said than done. I like the idea as a secondary or tertiary plan. I think I would have to make more of a name for myself before I do this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    I don't think many parents would be comfortable with a child that age "consulting" with an adult online unless they knew and trusted him. So word-of-mouth or personal recommendations would be key to promotion - rather than your writing preferences.

    Even then, this sounds more like a one-to-one service, preferably in the child's home, and properly supervised.

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    • Profile picture of the author Stu48
      I would be consulting with the parents.

      I will be giving them advice to help their child get better grades, improve behavior, get along with others, finding a tutor, etc...
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  • Originally Posted by Stu48 View Post

    You see, I don't like writing very much. I have 7, 2500 word articles that I have written. They are very detailed and informative for my niche audience. I really don't want to write more. I also don't want to outsource articles because I don't think it will reveal my voice.
    You sound like a lazy expert.

    tbh if the written word plays anyplace smart, it is education.

    That is why you gotta tackle this informed content ishoo.

    For sure, no way is any freelancer gonna match your niche expertise -- so you gotta rethink those articles.

    Not likin' writin' 'em out ain't actschwly no reason not to write 'em out.

    tbh informative counts more than detailed.

    An' persuasive prolly counts more than both.

    So start out short an' general -- an easy breezy read for PARENTS, 1000 words.

    They real keen to do good by their kids ... but that don't make 'em academics.

    Keep it upbeat, keep it so it resonates like a serious offer.

    Detail can be addessed in subsequent articles -- bearin' in mind that detail driven home too early is the educator's curse.

    Hook 'em first, then dish the deets.

    Get people to want your stuff -- that's when detail figures.

    But I guess what matters most is how parents can find you online.

    So, like Jason said, you gotta hook up with people in your area -- people who might recognise yr expertise an' figure you a smart cookie.

    This might mean puttin' pen to paper sumtime an' makin' with the communicatorial smarts.

    Seems to Moi you offerin' an informed Level Up with mucho potential appeal.

    You can't be assed to write it out an' share, tbh dunno what we do withya!

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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    • Profile picture of the author Stu48
      Thanks for the insight.

      Firstly, I'm far from lazy. I don't enjoy writing. I prefer the consulting process as well as creating and implementing assessments.

      Now, if I were to grade your response as I do my high school English students, I would give you a decent grade for originality and content, but your grammar and spelling would be another story.

      Maybe you can be my first consultation
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      • Profile picture of the author Steve B
        Originally Posted by Stu48 View Post

        . . . but your grammar and spelling would be another story.

        The Princess speaks her own language, one in which her grammar and spelling can not be questioned.


        Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
        Originally Posted by Stu48 View Post

        Maybe you can be my first consultation : )
        Lol. As much as I love Princess B. that was kind of funny. : ) Good Luck with your venture by the way: Sounds like you're going to do some great in The World.
        "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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        • Profile picture of the author Stu48

          I'm getting the impression that her oral and written language is similar to that of a well educated English woman and she reveals her genius by adding in all those " n's" and slang.
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          • Profile picture of the author LEE BYRON
            Me too. It is a little difficult for me to understand her slang English.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stu48
    So, yes, I will incorporate Jason's suggestion. I like the idea.

    I think that one of the reasons why I am turned off of writing articles, especially in my niche, is due to the fact that there are tons of articles already out there. I know this applies to every niche, but there isn't much variability in education. That is, helping a grade 5 with fractions is pretty much straight forward. Or helping your child set a homework schedule has little creativity involved.

    It's like the people I see on this forum. They send you to their landing page and ask you to give your email address to receive their special money making offer.


    How do they expect to do that when everyone else is doing the same thing?

    The point I'm trying to make here is that by writing the same articles with the same advice, I don't want to do the same thing 10,000 other people are doing.

    What's the point? The time an effort it would take to write hundreds of articles just to appear on page 5 of Google, doesn't seem to be the best use of my time.

    Jason's idea is good because there aren't too many people in my field partnering with larger education companies and outlets.

    Look at Dr. Berg for example. Instead of writing articles ad nauseum, he pioneered short health videos on Youtube. This is definitely a niche that caters to what he is doing. I am toying with a similar method for my educational consulting business but my research doesn't show that this is the best medium.

    If anyone else has any other unique ideas, I would like to hear them.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    What's your budget?

    What's your plan for building trust? Once you find a market, why should people trust you? What are the SPECIFIC benefits someone will get from your product/service? Make a list for each.

    Who are your competitors, both micro and macro? Where do they promote themselves? Can you do the same? Instead of thinking of them as competition, can you come up with a plan to approach them as potential JV partners?

    What are your connections locally? Can you do any offline promotion? Maybe at least try Craigslist, etc.

    What is your plan for capturing leads and creating an email list?

    Can you create a DIY training course and/or service and recruit affiliates to help get the word out? Many products and services are better off creating an affiliate program for their products/services and spend the majority of their marketing efforts and budget recruiting affiliates as opposed to finding customers.

    YouTube may still be an option, you may just need to find a different angel (keywords). How about a podcast that can be repurposed and used as audio for a PowerPoint style video? This gives you two marketing avenues. Once in PowerPoint, you can convert the presentation to a PDF/slide deck and submit it to sites like SlideShare, giving you another promotional option using the same content, just in a different format.

    Do you participate in forums and Facebook groups dedicated to Moms? How about FB ads? It may take some trial and error (and money) but I'd be surprised if you can eventually find your target market...maybe something like "mothers ages 30-45 with incomes over $75,000 interested in Parenting Magazine" for example. Maybe single Dads over 40 will be your best target audience. You won't know until you test.

    I'd also try to target people who have the occupation "teacher" and set up some type of JV with them. What can you come up with that is beneficial to them, to you and to your clients?

    What keyword phrases can you use with Google Alerts to be notified of relevant pages and discussions?
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stu48

      A podcast, getting affiliates to do the legwork, and FB ads.

      Thanks Kurt!
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      • Profile picture of the author Kurt
        Originally Posted by Stu48 View Post


        A podcast, getting affiliates to do the legwork, and FB ads.

        Thanks Kurt!
        If you're going to do podcasts it's pretty easy and inexpensive to have someone transcribe the audio into text. This gives you the ability to create text versions of articles, reports and ebooks in your "own voice".

        I'm not positive, but I think the going fee for transcription services is something like $1 per minute of audio.
        Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
        Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    Paid advertising.

    Videos - but not like sales pitches. Videos that are like mini TED talks, Provide value and tips which will build confidence in your skills and authority.

    Rethink outsourcing writing. It may take some experimenting but you should be able to find someone that can come close to matching your voice. An experienced and skilled ghost writer can adapt and write nearly just like you. They can use the articles you have already written as templates for your writing style. Pay them well!

    Without doing any research in your field a good Linkedin presence comes to mind.

    As a general rule of thumb - the more great content that is already out there, the more marketing you will need to do.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stu48
      Thanks Janice.

      Yes, paid advertising is an option.

      I like the video ideas.

      I like what you said about the writing but I'm very particular...I may try it.

      LinkedIn is definitely a good idea. I've been on for a bit now and I have been offered and have initiated some joint venture partnerships. It's definitely part of my plan.

      I agree that the more great content that is out there the more marketing is needed. I would go further by saying that the more content there is in general, the more marketing is needed.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
        Yeah like Janice said if you can do informative/educational videos that would be awesome. (For both helping your market and establishing your expertise etc.)
        "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Aaaaaaaaaawkay, so now we got Stu48 fronta the camera.

    My Pitch. My Expertise. Your Gain.


    Thing is, what's he sayin' on said vid -- an' how?

    ima question here bcs ... Stu48 ... ima wondrin' how much more difficult it gonna be beyond writin' out yr material to (blush now) readin' your script to camera -- less'n we ditchin' the script bcs you can orate persuasively to the planet to max effect, jus' kinda improv, like most PUBLIC-SPEAKING-IS-A-DOOZY types DON'T.

    tbh, remove YOU from the vid -- lazily scripted or captivatingly improv -- then how the messagin' gonna work?

    Way I see it, either you gonna need a spokesperson or an animated explainer -- neithera whom pump forth the proclamatory pizzazz without they got clear direction 'bout fixin' up the showtime smarts.

    Bottom line tho -- broad market you lookin' in on is nuthin' specialist.


    All parents want the best for their kids or there is sumthin' seriously awry gowin' on.

    That is why I question yr reticence for writin' stuff out.

    tbh PARENTS dowin' good by their KIDS prolly means as you got plenty competition in this area.

    So be sure to imbibe alla the wise counsel generously proffered an' romp your stuff out there.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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    • Profile picture of the author Stu48
      Princess B,

      The wayz I seez it, you be tellin' good vice here.

      Mes reticent 4 writn' thangs out iz because I'd rather be a speakin'.

      Bin on the tube many a timez...hosted my own jus' kinda improvin' iz my thingy.
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  • Profile picture of the author msulcs
    Well, since you said you are comfortable with video, I'm sure that's the right path for you.
    You'd be surprised how well small niches work. You can crush your niche and be an authority.
    Also speaking on a subject is easier than putting it on paper. By doing 5 min videos, you can expand your 7 articles into at least 30 videos.
    I'm sure you'll find more topics to talk about once you'll start making videos.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stu48
      I agree! Thanks.
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      • Profile picture of the author Virginia Sanders
        Us your business model like a membership or pay as you go. Have you seen any business online that is like the one you want to start. Empowering Parents is a subscription based online magazine that actually helped meand m daughter wth her only male child who was exhibiting some behavioral problems and some grade issues. Your concept sounds interesting can't wait to see how it turns out
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Promote other consultants in your niche via social media.

    - no writing necessary
    - 1 click per RT or FB Share
    - effective method to make friends
    - effective method to get over the fear of competition aka lack and limitation mindset

    Note; use a video or podcast to prove you are a human being. Words on a screen usually don't goad folks to buy into you and your biz like seeing or hearing human beings being human.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author Stu48
      I'm not following...what do you mean promote other consultants?
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      • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
        Originally Posted by Stu48 View Post

        I'm not following...what do you mean promote other consultants?
        a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage.
        synonyms: yes-man, bootlicker, brown-noser, toady, lickspittle, flatterer, flunky, lackey, spaniel, doormat, stooge, cringer, suck, suck-up
        He's always suggesting kissing people's asses in hopes they will acknowledge you in some manner.

        Best to ignore.

        Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
        All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author Almoravide5
    Great idea.I like the video ideas.
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  • Profile picture of the author taylorrachel89
    very nice but It's too long
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin evans
    Well, social media is the best way to spread out. It helps you to get to the target audience, and all you need is the knowledge of your niche audience. You can use multiple social platforms like Linked In, Facebook, Twitter and many more by joining different groups and communities to create engagement and among the audience. You don't need to have content for this you can talk to them educate them about business. Similarly, on social media, you don't need to have a huge amount of material you can use info-graphs and images its more effective way to reach to your target audience.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stu48
      Justin, this seems to be the best path for me. I will add this to some paid ads.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jamel Hassell
    You need to be producing content ,whether it is micro,short video snippets,podcast . Over all social media is about getting attention on your brand.Content is the main source of entertainment. If you don't like writing ,use video,podcast or micro blog . Try to look at content marketing as 1 big hub that people flock to when doing a search for product services,education,Inspirstion.
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    you are very negative.
    I understand you dont want to write a long articles...

    But you also dont want to do other work to promote yourself.
    Im sure YoutTube is a very good source of traffic and be sure that parents are looking for this even on youtube,

    Just try it maybe you will love it.

    Good luck
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    • Profile picture of the author Stu48
      When did I say I don't want to do the work to promote myself?

      I was more than receptive to doing social media, linkedin, ads, facebook, etc...
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  • Profile picture of the author succeedonline789
    I see your point about not wanting to outsource articles, but Iwriter is a VERY good source to outsource writing. I have tried them before myself and they have some seriously good writers out there. I wouldn't under estimate YouTube either. Really ANY audience can be found on YouTube. You name it, there is an audience on YouTube. You just have to use the right keywords to find them. Another idea would be make content videos for YouTube. Outsource articles, and turn those articles into videos so that you can get discovered on YouTube. I hope this gives you some ideas.
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  • Profile picture of the author David thealpha

    I don't agree with your point about YouTube, you see YouTube is more parent friendly social platform these days, because our parents used read newspaper a lot back in their days, so i don't think they will be able to adopt digital reading so quick, but rather they will be able to see quick videos of what your topic is, My suggestion if you convert your content to videos that can help you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    One way to promote an educational consulting business would be by doing webinar JV's . . . create a webinar which gives some relevant valuable free info, and explains how there are big challenges for anyone trying to do this themselves, which naturally leads into you explaining how your consulting service(s) can help solve these problems, get better results etc.

    Then find suitable audiences for that webinar, giving a percentage (typically 40% to 50%) of sales to the owner of the mailing-list or social-media following who promotes the webinar.

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  • Profile picture of the author AndreiMorariu
    I have to disagree about how you view YouTube. YouTube is mainly used for 2 things: education or entertainment. So in my opinion if you are comfortable on camera you should create a channel with great & helpful content and by doing that you will build your personal brand.

    Then after you get some traction on YouTube you should send your audience to a custom made sales funnel designed to further educate your audience and to sell your consulting services.

    You should figure out your main goal of the funnel ( for example, a phone call appointment with a potential lead, using Calendly for ex. ) . After that you should be able to build a simple funnel with the main objective to create goodwill with your audience by educating them on the subject your an expert on whilst selling your consulting services. Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author dioni
    I think social media would be one of the best options for you if you want to start it Free. Facebook I guess is best because posts or videos can be shared easily and then you can move further to paid ads.

    Probably do a quick, informative, creative video to entice your target market into signing up for the service you offer. Have it shared by your friends as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jared Cummings
    Hi Stu,

    I don't have much personal experience with online advertising, but I have done a lot of research on the matter. Many previous posters have already suggested this, but Facebook ads can really help you reach your preferred target audience; it gets almost ridiculously specific as to who your ad is delivered to. Another option on the social media front is to join Facebook or Twitter groups that are related to your business, in your case, probably parent help groups, and start engaging in the conversations and asking if they require any professional consultation.

    The last thing I can think of as a suggestion is to start posting or uploading some free, general information. I understand that your goal is to make some profit from your counseling services and giving information for free may seem counter-intuitive, but this is a worthwhile option to consider. A video I watched on how to structure a successful online business presence said to start with free products or information that you can afford to give away. The idea behind this is to build an online presence and credibility as an expert in your niche, and that audience that is seeking more in-depth advice will convert into clients. An example of a video you could post would be something like, 'this is a common problem children have in being successful, and this is what can help.'

    'This' would be some general advice that can help some parents with their child, and for more detailed advice they would contact you at your website or email address in the video's description.

    I hope my suggestions have helped you in some way, and I hope you can find success with your consulting business, as it seems to be an admirable aspiration.

    Best regards, Jared.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stu48
      Good suggestions.

      Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sufyan47
    As a consultant, I tell you the best way to promote Online Consulting Business, new, fresh leads are the lifeblood of your business. Without them, you will soon run out of services you can sell to your existing clients. You need to ensure there is always an influx of new leads pouring into your business daily. Many will not pan out, and others will want something for free. Resist the temptation to give your services away for the promise of a larger payday down the road. This almost never pans out, and your clients will only keep asking for more. This is not to say you should never help someone out, but be selective and remember this is your business! Treat it as such.
    Thanks for this post.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stu48
      Good points but I have do disagree with you on the fresh leads, at least in my niche.

      You see, I will have ongoing consultations...that is...check ins every few months or so. I will consult around report card times, before exams, at the end of the year, and back to school. Just like tutoring, I will be part of a families' ongoing learning process.
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  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    Why don't you try to use videos in order to promote your business? If you don't want to put your face behind the videos you don't have to. You can use someone else or just use text.
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  • Profile picture of the author JoostMediaDev
    I would suggest creating info-graphic content if you hate writing.
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  • Profile picture of the author willington
    Why not to do some local listings for your business. This will help you to get lots of traffics for your website. Also will help you to increase your website reputation in google eyes.
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    • Profile picture of the author Idontmention
      Originally Posted by willington View Post

      Why not to do some local listings for your business. This will help you to get lots of traffics for your website. Also will help you to increase your website reputation in google eyes.
      Well, that's right. And such things need to be done as first steps if you want to grow a stable business.
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      • Profile picture of the author Stu48
        Thanks but I've already targeted my local area. There's so many more opportunities online.
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      • Profile picture of the author willington
        Yeah, google give much more preference in this kind of links. So try for that.
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  • Profile picture of the author SeanDezoysa
    Dan Kennedy says you need to speak or write to build authority. Speaking sounds like your path due to not enjoying writing
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  • Profile picture of the author bethpridgen
    A powerful and fast way into this target market would be to partner. Utilize their supply station and make them speak about you. The confidence that has been built up from the company is being leveraged by That, in making sales for you and it is going to result.
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  • Profile picture of the author kohjihondrade
    Target the kids through your videos. The message should be contained within the video and the kids should be interested then they would ask their parents. Parents would then notice the importance of your line of work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sufyan47

    The rise of social networking platforms has made networking and relationship management considerably easier, but at the same time, has negatively impacted the importance of face-to-face interaction.
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  • Create best education video and create also educated channels
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  • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
    1. You only need to make 1 autoselling website.

    2. Promotion.

    If you don't have money.
    That is a big problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Hunsons
    If you have your own website, then I recommend you to make linkbuilding on the niche forums.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Bridgen
    The best way is to have some one do the writing for you or use video I use video sales letters. and it works.
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  • Profile picture of the author marindependent
    Perhaps you have other qualifications that may help you.

    Can you create graphics?
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  • Profile picture of the author KinneyJ2014
    Remember, the higher your rate, the better you look. If you saw two ebay luxury watches-- one for $10 and the other for $5,000, which one would you think was superior? Obviously the more expensive watch is a better timepiece.

    The same goes for consultants. A consultant whose fees are $100 per hour will be valued far less than a consultant who charges $5,000 per hour.

    If you're expensive, then you'll be more likely to get the clients who pay expensive. And that's where you want to be.
    Set S.M.A.R.T. goals
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  • Hi Stu,
    Wow! First and foremost I just love your educational consulting business idea. I find it so heartful and meaningful!

    Secondly, I decided to hit the reply button to give you good news haha:

    Q: Is there a way I market my consulting business online without articles?
    A: Of course there is a way to market your consulting business online without articles.

    Q: Would some sort of social media marketing be a good route?
    A: Yes, social media would be great. Given the fact that you said in one of the replies below that you want to create a name for yourself, my recommendation would be to create a Facebook community where you invite soul mate clients only (the people you absolutely love helping and working with, and of course people who are willing to pay for your consulting services as well).

    Best of luck with your business!
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    • Profile picture of the author Stu48
      Thanks Amalia. Facebook does seem like a wise choice.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve L
    Originally Posted by Stu48 View Post

    Hello Warriors,

    I am starting an online Educational Consulting business.

    I have very good credentials, so that's not a problem.

    Here's my biggest obstacle that I hope you can help me with.

    You see, I don't like writing very much. I have 7, 2500 word articles that I have written. They are very detailed and informative for my niche audience. I really don't want to write more. I also don't want to outsource articles because I don't think it will reveal my voice.

    I am somewhat comfortable on video but I don't think that parents are flocking to Youtube to get professional educational advice...I don't think that's the best medium.

    Would some sort of social media marketing be a good route?

    Is there a way I market my consulting business online without articles?

    I am looking forward to hearing some suggestions.

    If you're not trying to write articles or blog I'd start with Google Search Ads before trying SMM. Search visitors are further down the sales funnel because they're actively searching for what you have to offer whereas on social media they may not have a problem the moment you're running the ad, and so therefore they're not as motivated to take action.

    I've seen several service businesses try and fail with social media marketing then switch over to Google Ads and finally start to see some traction.

    With that said, I think Facebook retargeting ads can be worthwhile but that's only because you're retargeting people who already searched on Google and reached your site that way.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monica Meiers
    In addition to Steve's suggestions, I would suggest having a good portfolio of your stuff.

    Like, have some video or written testimonials from past clients you have had.

    Regardless of which platform, whether social media, emails, or YouTube, having your own portfolio, case study, or data to show that your method works will engage your target audiences.

    I think parents are looking for results all the time. As a parent, that's what I'd look for in an online tutor for my son.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ian5
    I think that you have to try yourself with video-consulting. More and more people prefer to watch the video from Youtube, than read the article. You have to spend more time time on reading and you can make 1 min video with the same information. You watch video 1 min, meanwhile you read article 5 min. Try something new! Without it you will not understand what is good for your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cybernetmarket
    I agree with Janice Sperry. You can also make short catchy videos and promote them on Facebook and youtube as ads. Video ads are very cheap.

    New To Internet Marketing? Need some Help? check out my free course "Easy Online Marketing" Everything is totally FREE except for website hosting :-) It all starts by taking action

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  • Profile picture of the author karlmay1980
    I think you would be best advertising in relevant publications & magazines. If you contact local schools and see if they can send a flyer home to all their pupils with the promise of a commision for any referrals coming through them that should be a benefit to you both. Also if you could identify other consultants in the same field and try to assess how they promote themselves and maybe where their website traffic is referred from, you should have a good starting base of which you can build your business initially.

    I hope this helps, these are the areas I would explore first.
    Want To Make Your First £10,000 Online?
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  • generate audience through social media networks, publish content for users and engage audience
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  • Profile picture of the author isadora88
    Good subject, I also hate writing
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  • Profile picture of the author Monica8297
    In what educational subject will you be consulting? Who's your target market?
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  • Profile picture of the author PaulLanders
    Many people think about starting their own business, but not everyone eventually opens it. Was it easy for you to decide to become an entrepreneur? How did you decide to start this particular business?
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  • Profile picture of the author ChristianC
    There are several ways you could approach this, it really just depends on what you want to do. You can build your "brand" and offer a free ebook or course that gives them a sample of what they will get. You can leverage someone larger than you and pay them for exposure. I would suggest you get comfortable with ad spend on all platforms, obviously narrowing down your audience.

    Truth be told, there is no RIGHT answer. This would be more of something that you will have to decide upon what method you are comfortable with and exploring that.

    I am actually doing this myself with my consulting business, I want to do it completely free and sell the knowledge I gain from that. I'd also love to be able to help others do it in a "mentor" way. Gotta cut myself off before this word vomit gets out of control!
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  • Profile picture of the author Johnny12345
    So, the problem is that you want to sell something. Got it.

    To do that, you need THREE things:

    1) You need to know who your market is. (Not in vague, general terms, but in very specific terms.)

    2) You need a way to reach that market. (Preferably with paid traffic because it tends to be fast and scalable.)

    3) You need to match your message to your market. (In other words, you need a sales letter.)

    There you go. Problem solved.

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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Here's my humble opinion. Hope it helps.

    Originally Posted by Stu48 View Post

    Hello Warriors,

    I am starting an online Educational Consulting business.

    I have very good credentials, so that's not a problem.

    Here's my biggest obstacle that I hope you can help me with.

    You see, I don't like writing very much. I have 7, 2500 word articles that I have written. They are very detailed and informative for my niche audience. I really don't want to write more. I also don't want to outsource articles because I don't think it will reveal my voice.
    The right writer will capture your voice. Yes, you may have to test a few, but Content is King...I repeat, Content is King.

    While not all content needs to be written, the written word isn't going anywhere and the very best long-term marketing strategy for just about any business is blogging/content.

    My first suggestion is to take the time to find a writer that will capture your voice.

    Originally Posted by Stu48 View Post

    I am somewhat comfortable on video but I don't think that parents are flocking to Youtube to get professional educational advice...I don't think that's the best medium.
    Personally, I think you're missing a huge opportunity here. Youtube is becoming the place people turn for just about everything and videos also get listed on Google. They can also be used on your blog, social media and in many ways. Don't look at Youtube as just a place to market through video, but look at it as a place to store a video you can use for more than just Youtube.

    Originally Posted by Stu48 View Post

    Would some sort of social media marketing be a good route?
    Yes, but content is usually one of the keys to social media marketing. Again, it's just one of the vehicles, like Youtube is, and has to be used in conjunction with other marketing methods to work properly.

    Originally Posted by Stu48 View Post

    Is there a way I market my consulting business online without articles?

    I am looking forward to hearing some suggestions.

    There are plenty of ways. you can use pay-per-click ads, banner ads, email marketing and a bunch of other options if you want to invest cash.

    Online marketing can be a wheel with many spokes or simply one method you use over and over again. I prefer the wheel with many spokes that way if one marketing method dries up or dies I have others I can work harder on.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Profile picture of the author Rich Jamison
    Yeah there is always room for more consultants in any given niche. If you're good at what you do and you can help people, and save them time you will always have an audience.

    You need to market what you do and build a brand and voice with video so you can connect with your niche and gain their trust.
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