The Very First Thing I Do When Starting a New Business (Online or Offline)

14 replies
This first step I take in any business
I start isn't really a "physical" one.

In other words, I don't buy the
hosting, domain, or any of that.

I can honestly say, there's a much more important
step to take, before you buy anything.

Let me ask...

You know when you decide to buy a certain make
and model of a car... once you do, you start seeing that
same car everywhere?

Well, that car and all of those cars you're seeing were
ALWAYS there.

You just brought them into your focus and your conscious

They were always on the road... they just drove by you
and you were oblivious to them, because you weren't
focused on them.

You MUST do the same thing when you decide to start
ANY business, online or offline.

You gotta bring into your awareness and focus
EXACTLY what you want.

You gotta see it in your mind, before you can
create it in the real world.

If you don't, you'll just build yourself a 9-to-5
job you HATE, even though it's still your business.

If you don't know what it is you want for a lifestyle
or a business, how can you get it?

How can you build something that you don't know
what it is?

It would be like a contractor building a house without
any kind of plans.

Where do you start?

Well, this is where I start.

I take out a word doc and at the top, write "This is my Ideal
day with my own business"

Then, I write out what kind of business I'm thinking of doing,
where I'm doing it, is it at home or on the road?

Is it online or a physical store, etc...

I just write down what my ideal day and business would look like.

What time do you get up?
What time do you go to bed?
What time do you stop working?
Where are you working from?
What kind of thing are you selling?

Are you selling products or info-products, or
are you selling services?

Are you working with people or are you selling

Be specific and be exact in terms of the outline
of your ideal day.

What we're doing is the same thing we all do when
we decide to buy a car.

We're bringing that specific make and model into
our real, physical world.

We're creating what we are seeing in our minds...
which is why you GOTTA be honest with yourself.

Because we always create what we first imagine.
We see it in our minds, then we build it in the real world.

That's why it's the first step towards the entire business
foundation that I'll build.

We want to build the ideal, perfect business from the start...
so we first have to see it in our minds.

Once you have the outline, then you can learn the actual
steps it will take, to bring it all into reality.

But we start to build the entire thing in your mind first.
#business #offline #online #starting #thing
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  • Profile picture of the author AndreiMorariu
    Yes you are right, before starting a business we should make sure we are not building something that will make us feel trapped in a 9-5/ not enjoying it.

    It takes time to make a business work and if you are not passionate about the subject and don't really enjoy working on it you will most likely fail and give up at some point where the road blocks seem impenetrable.

    But after sketching out the ideal business and sketching several business ideas another hugely important step is to validate your ideas and see which one has the highest chance to succeed.

    By validating your idea I mean market research. Before building a product or a service you have to make sure there is demand in the marketplace for the product you want to offer. If you find demand and other people that are successful selling a similar product with yours, you are in business. Building something without market research is in my opinion a waste of time and limits your chances to succeed tremendously.

    Another problem is that a lot of people get caught up in market research and never seem to start working on getting their business of the ground. People have to realize there is no perfect moment to start a business and that more ACTION will bring more RESULTS in their lives.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adeshile Victor
    Really enlightening and very true. Thanks for the rich content.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11433803].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by shawnlebrun View Post

    This first step I take in any business
    I start isn't really a "physical" one.

    In other words, I don't buy the
    hosting, domain, or any of that.

    I can honestly say, there's a much more important
    step to take, before you buy anything.

    Let me ask...

    You know when you decide to buy a certain make
    and model of a car... once you do, you start seeing that
    same car everywhere?

    Well, that car and all of those cars you're seeing were
    ALWAYS there.

    You just brought them into your focus and your conscious

    They were always on the road... they just drove by you
    and you were oblivious to them, because you weren't
    focused on them.

    You MUST do the same thing when you decide to start
    ANY business, online or offline.

    You gotta bring into your awareness and focus
    EXACTLY what you want.

    You gotta see it in your mind, before you can
    create it in the real world.

    If you don't, you'll just build yourself a 9-to-5
    job you HATE, even though it's still your business.

    If you don't know what it is you want for a lifestyle
    or a business, how can you get it?

    How can you build something that you don't know
    what it is?

    It would be like a contractor building a house without
    any kind of plans.

    Where do you start?

    Well, this is where I start.

    I take out a word doc and at the top, write "This is my Ideal
    day with my own business"

    Then, I write out what kind of business I'm thinking of doing,
    where I'm doing it, is it at home or on the road?

    Is it online or a physical store, etc...

    I just write down what my ideal day and business would look like.

    What time do you get up?
    What time do you go to bed?
    What time do you stop working?
    Where are you working from?
    What kind of thing are you selling?

    Are you selling products or info-products, or
    are you selling services?

    Are you working with people or are you selling

    Be specific and be exact in terms of the outline
    of your ideal day.

    What we're doing is the same thing we all do when
    we decide to buy a car.

    We're bringing that specific make and model into
    our real, physical world.

    We're creating what we are seeing in our minds...
    which is why you GOTTA be honest with yourself.

    Because we always create what we first imagine.
    We see it in our minds, then we build it in the real world.

    That's why it's the first step towards the entire business
    foundation that I'll build.

    We want to build the ideal, perfect business from the start...
    so we first have to see it in our minds.

    Once you have the outline, then you can learn the actual
    steps it will take, to bring it all into reality.

    But we start to build the entire thing in your mind first.
    This should be mandatory reading for every new Warrior, and then, maybe a template or fill in the blank worksheet for them to use and follow this great advice.

    Super duper post. A keeper.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11434284].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sscot
    Originally Posted by shawnlebrun View Post

    This first step I take in any business
    I start isn't really a "physical" one.

    In other words, I don't buy the
    hosting, domain, or any of that.

    I can honestly say, there's a much more important
    step to take, before you buy anything.

    Let me ask...

    You know when you decide to buy a certain make
    and model of a car... once you do, you start seeing that
    same car everywhere?

    Well, that car and all of those cars you're seeing were
    ALWAYS there.

    You just brought them into your focus and your conscious

    They were always on the road... they just drove by you
    and you were oblivious to them, because you weren't
    focused on them.

    You MUST do the same thing when you decide to start
    ANY business, online or offline.

    You gotta bring into your awareness and focus
    EXACTLY what you want.

    You gotta see it in your mind, before you can
    create it in the real world.

    If you don't, you'll just build yourself a 9-to-5
    job you HATE, even though it's still your business.

    If you don't know what it is you want for a lifestyle
    or a business, how can you get it?

    How can you build something that you don't know
    what it is?

    It would be like a contractor building a house without
    any kind of plans.

    Where do you start?

    Well, this is where I start.

    I take out a word doc and at the top, write "This is my Ideal
    day with my own business"

    Then, I write out what kind of business I'm thinking of doing,
    where I'm doing it, is it at home or on the road?

    Is it online or a physical store, etc...

    I just write down what my ideal day and business would look like.

    What time do you get up?
    What time do you go to bed?
    What time do you stop working?
    Where are you working from?
    What kind of thing are you selling?

    Are you selling products or info-products, or
    are you selling services?

    Are you working with people or are you selling

    Be specific and be exact in terms of the outline
    of your ideal day.

    What we're doing is the same thing we all do when
    we decide to buy a car.

    We're bringing that specific make and model into
    our real, physical world.

    We're creating what we are seeing in our minds...
    which is why you GOTTA be honest with yourself.

    Because we always create what we first imagine.
    We see it in our minds, then we build it in the real world.

    That's why it's the first step towards the entire business
    foundation that I'll build.

    We want to build the ideal, perfect business from the start...
    so we first have to see it in our minds.

    Once you have the outline, then you can learn the actual
    steps it will take, to bring it all into reality.

    But we start to build the entire thing in your mind first.
    This is low of attraction. It means, ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. Nice share! tasteful presentation.

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  • Profile picture of the author Pinkysoll
    You're absolutely right! I'll quickly add this
    "Focus on your own grass and water it, nurture it, weed it...
    Your business will not grow if you're spending time stalking your competitors and watching celebrities on the gram or any online platform. Stop day dreaming, start acting".
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  • Profile picture of the author Obermair
    Although the emotional side of things is valuable... I start with an investor pitch - even though there are no investors yet.

    1. What problem have I identified?
    2. What is my solution to the problem?
    3. Is there a reasonably sized market that has this problem to make solid sales?
    4. Do I have a "moat"? That is, is there something about my solution that makes it unique to my customers and keeps the competition at bay? Otherwise, very quickly competition arrives and my margins are squeezed.
    5. What is my go to market strategy? Am I a brand? Am I a white label offering?
    6. What is my funding and my spend plan? Do I have the funds necessary to market the offering, build inventory (if necessary), pay any other bills (VAs etc...)?

    Once the investor pitch is in place and it aligns with my "lifestyle", then I am good to go!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11438348].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Great thread of classic business advice.

    Here's my takeaway:

    When you have an idea you think might be a potential business, don't start your venture in a haphazard way. Think strategically and create a vision of what that business looks like, how it will operate, whom you will service, what you will offer, how you will generate traffic and convert that traffic to sales, and how you will scale and eventually exit the business.

    Create your business in your mind and put your ideas down on paper - it will help you to have focus of where you're going, how you'll get there, and what "blanks" or gaps you need to fill in so that you can create a selling system from start to finish. Know the end from the beginning and have an exit strategy so that you can sell the business for considerable profit whenever that timing is right for you.

    It's important to also do your market research so you can validate or verify that there is existing marketplace demand for whatever your business is going to offer.

    All this should be done before you spend dollar one on your new business. It will help you to keep from spending money on things you don't need and it will guide you to focus your time and effort on the things that truly matter in your business.

    A little bit of planning in the beginning is critically important to your business future. Course corrections will happen along the way and your business will adapt, and refine, and change along the way. But not planning in the beginning because you know changes will happen is simply foolish. You should always begin the journey with the route and destination in focus.

    Thanks for the thread Shawn.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Raihan Noman
    Hay shawnlebrun!

    I really want to thank you for the guidance. I have been trying to force myself to do something. At first, I thought I need more training, than I thought I need more time, then money. Pretty much I was making excuses after excuses for myself but never taking action. The reason I figured right now is that I fear what the outcomes are going to be.

    I am going to take a page on my journal and answer your guided questions. I am going to design my future. Thank you Sir.
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  • Main take-away? Sit down. Think before doing something. Really think. Visualize. Imagine.
    "Brain studies now reveal that thoughts produce the same mental instructions as actions."
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  • Profile picture of the author Obermair
    I really like Steve B's comment regarding course corrections occur along the way. Sometimes you will build a solution and your customers will directly or indirectly the changes the you need to make. For example, a number of years ago my team developed a mobile application for Enterprise software. It basically allowed a user via a single icon to access his/her authorized reports in and ERP system. The middleware portion allowed for the deployment of the app in a parallel fashion. One day, we received a call for an order for 500 licenses but they only wanted the middleware. That didn't make sense to us since they were not purchasing the mobile device container. We found out that the ERP providers software only worked as serial deployment which meant 500 developers had to line up to deploy the app. With our product, they could do it all at once. We quickly relabeled the offering creating a new product and bingo sales jumped and the business was sold a year later...
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  • Profile picture of the author ehlee
    Hello Shawn...

    Did you have more success with your own product or in affiliate marketing?

    I'm in the fitness niche-fat loss. Don't mind the competition. Actually loving it.

    Thank you!

    Ethan Lee
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  • Profile picture of the author christyjpp
    Excellent advice. If we're not actively trying to create the business and life we want, it's not that likely to pan out.
    A nice reminder to focus back in on the important things - thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Great re-visit here Shawn. Timely bro. Thank you.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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