Max emails per day & email cleaning reccomendations

1 replies
I have a new email list of about a million names. Some have proper contact names but the one's that don't i'm just going to put in "hi" in the name field for the mail merge.

Two questions....I've been recommended by a friend to subscribe to Yesware and also G Suite.

I pointed my domain name servers to G suite already so that's ready to go. Haven't looked into Yesware yet.

Does anyone recommend how I should go about sending as many emails as possible each day without getting my servers banned?

Also, does anyone had a recommended email cleaning service?

I'm manually sending out 200 emails a day....100 at a time thru outlook and am getting roughly a 20% bounce rate which is kind of freaking me out.

I've sent about 1500 emails out so far and have received 50 responses so just over 3% response rate which I'm kind of pumped about.

#cleaning #day #email #emails #max #reccomendations
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexgracias
    There is a lot of email list cleaning services which make it difficult for the users to select the right tools that work best for their business.
    Here is the top 10 list of most accurate email verifications services by BulkEmailVerification, it ranks email verification services by their performances.

    1. ZeroBounce
    2. Xverify
    3. QuickEmailVerification
    4. EmailChecker
    5. HuBuCo
    6. EmailListVerify
    7. EmailMarker
    8. Bounceless
    9. NeverBounce
    10. MailboxValidator

    Here is the list of 25+ email verification services.
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