Complete List of Article Distribution Services

82 replies
Hey Warriors,

I love article distribution services, they are getting me some amazing results so I thought I would start a thread to see if there were any services out there I didn't know about and get some feedback on how people are getting on with them.

I am currently using UAW and AMA. I am very happy with the results I am getting using a few "tricks" to make the most of their systems. I am considering buying into every service on the list to see if I can produce some high power results. Could be a good way to lose money though, are there any you would recommend to stay away from?

Here is my list so far, please add in with any feedback or sites I have missed:

Unique Article Wizard - $67/mo
Article Marketing Automation - $47/mo
Linkvana - $147/mo
Neurolinker - $47/mo
Link Juicer - $47/mo
Submit Your Article - $47/mo
Free Traffic System - Free or $47/mo for upgraded service
Content Crooner - $39.99/mo
Distribute Your Article - $29.95/mo

I am a little worried about some of these not delivering or submitting to the same place. What would be the best combination do you think?
#article #complete #distribution #list #services
  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    I think submit your article is a pretty good one. They give pretty good results for the little monthly fee and with EZA being so confusing these days I'll probably be making them my number one.
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    • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
      Originally Posted by pheonix44 View Post

      I think submit your article is a pretty good one. They give pretty good results for the little monthly fee and with EZA being so confusing these days I'll probably be making them my number one.
      Where do they submit your article to?
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    • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
      Originally Posted by pheonix44 View Post

      I think submit your article is a pretty good one. They give pretty good results for the little monthly fee and with EZA being so confusing these days I'll probably be making them my number one.
      No way did I just hear you say that ...

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      • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
        Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

        No way did I just hear you say that ...

        Why is that? Are they a bad service?

        On another note, I remember a warrior saying he was going to create a multibuy discount for subscribing to multiple services at once, did this ever come off?
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        • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
          Originally Posted by GuerrillaIM View Post

          Why is that? Are they a bad service?

          On another note, I remember a warrior saying he was going to create a multibuy discount for subscribing to multiple services at once, did this ever come off?
          I will keep my opinion on those services to myself because I am actually bias... Have I seen, tested, and tried the services mentioned ?? Yes I have..

          @Robin - No self promotion is allowed so can't answer that either....

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          • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
            Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

            I will keep my opinion on those services to myself because I am actually bias... Have I seen, tested, and tried the services mentioned ?? Yes I have..
            Could you be a little more ambiguous please? ... thanks :p

            I guess you may have a competing product to make you bias.
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            • Profile picture of the author mustard76
              I'm curious. How many articles do you guys submit a month?
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            • Profile picture of the author psresearch
              Originally Posted by GuerrillaIM View Post

              Could you be a little more ambiguous please? ... thanks :p

              I guess you may have a competing product to make you bias.
              OK. I'm going to read between the lines here a bit...I think what James is saying is since he has a competing service that he'll appear to be biased or accused of being biased - not that he necessarily *is* biased because of having a competing product or service.

              My experience has been that James is a very straightshooter - which is why I would interpret his comment that way.
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              • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
                Originally Posted by markquinn View Post

                OK. I'm going to read between the lines here a bit...I think what James is saying is since he has a competing service that he'll appear to be biased or accused of being biased - not that he necessarily *is* biased because of having a competing product or service.

                My experience has been that James is a very straightshooter - which is why I would interpret his comment that way.
                Appreciate the comments very much ...

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  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    I just can't seem to win with you Rich Jerk. Okay who do you think is better?
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  • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
    depends what I am doing. But using my method on AMA I can get 300 backlinks from 1 seed article. Seeing as I only pay $15 for that seed article its a good deal, but there is a bit of extra fiddling that takes up a little time.

    Good for SEO and it gives direct traffic also. I don't keep re-submitting articles for same site though, I have lots of sites so I probably do 1-2 seed articles per site per month.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sirago
    Can we keep this thread going? I'm interested who has experience with these services and who they recommend.
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  • Profile picture of the author mbacak
    I was using up until recently. Actually, now I have
    a team doing everthing by hand. But, have used Submit Your Article and
    found they don't hit as many places as I wanted them too.
    The Listbuilding Club (join by clicking below)
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    • Profile picture of the author blue_sky
      there is also 1way, myway 3waylinks...
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      • Profile picture of the author ripperdav
        Yes, I used to use ArticleMarketer as well. It distributed just fine, but wow, they certainly had a lot of restrictions on which articles they would accept. I found it to be the "strictest" service I've ever used as far as getting what I considered regular (not hypey or salesy) articles accepted for distribution.

        The Ultimate "HIgh Ticket" Laptop Lifestyle Business Shortcut - Build The Life You've Always Dreamed Of! - Dream Laptop Lifestyle Club

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        • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
          I use all of the following services at the same time...

          -Unique Article Wizard
          -Article Marketing Automation
          -Distribute Your Articles
          -SEnuke (Social Network Module)

          ...and I have seen good results from doing so.

          I use one seed article (i.e. one article with spinning syntax incorporated) and distribute it through all of the above services.

          Here's a few of my observations for you, should you be considering any of the services that I mentioned...

          Unique Article Wizard - Articles need to be at least 300 words. Accepts spinning syntax. Pretty much all articles submitted are accepted within a day. Can 'drip' articles out at any rate that you choose. Good distribution list. Easy, though a little time consuming, to find out where they have submitted your article to.

          Article Marketing Automation - Articles need to be at least 300 words. Accepts spinning syntax. Article acceptance rate of over 90%. Articles are automatically dripped out at a rate of 2-5 a day. They tell you how many times your article has been published, but don't provide you with any way of finding out where they have been published.

          Distribute Your Articles - This service was formerly called Article Marketer. Articles need to be at least 400 words. No spinning of articles is allowed. Good distribution list. Very difficult to get articles featuring product names accepted. They tell you how many places your article has been distributed to but give no details on acceptance rate. No list of the places distributed to is provided.

          Isnare - Articles need to be at least 500 words. No spinning of artices if allowed. Can be fussy as to the articles that they accept. Takes 2-3 weeks for articles to be reviewed / accepted. Good distribution list. No details of distribution provided.

          Linkvana - A different type of service to others in that you have to take your article and break it down into 100 word posts. 100% acceptance rate. Can only build a maximum of 5 links to a single domain (no limit on the number of domains you can use) each day, though future posts can be queued up.

          SEnuke - Articles must be at least 300 words. Distributes to well-known places, though you'll struggle to get your article to stick at all of the places they claim are on their distribution list. Provide a partial list of urls that your article has been submitted to.

          Let me know if any of you have any questions about these services and I'll be sure to answer them for you
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          • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
            Another point, about overlaps in the places that the various article distribution services distribute to, I'm aware of the following overlaps...

            Article Marketing Automation & My Article Network

            Distribute Your Articles & Content Crooner

            SEnuke & Link Juicer (Partial)

            SEnuke & Submit Your Articles (Partial)

            With SEnuke though, you can specifiy exactly where you want your article sent to, so it is possible to avoid overlaps if you pay a little attention to what you're doing.
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            • Profile picture of the author Scott Patterson

              Thanks for your info, what would be your recommendations for which program to use if you were only going to use 1 or 2 and why?


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              • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
                Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post

                Thanks for your info, what would be your recommendations for which program to use if you were only going to use 1 or 2 and why?
                If you're only going to use 1 or 2, then I would recommend...

                1) Unique Article Wizard

                2) Article Marketing Automation

                ...the reason being that they are the best value, accept nearly all articles, and start distributing within a day.
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            • Profile picture of the author blue_sky
              Article Marketer was good before they split - it must be in a hurry
              (I heard there was even some shooting in the office *joke*)

              poorly executed amateurish to say the least split up....if you look at the distribution list of Content Corooner - Products and Pricing. Content Crooner you will find at least 900 expired blogspot blogs.... the list of DYA cant be very big...and they are still very picky about the articles and like Mark said no published distribution list...

              It all boils down to the distribution list - if you submit your articles to hundreds of low quality sites/blogs (no pr etc) with no seo urls, no sitemap etc the links wont "stick" and getting burried deep down within the site
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              • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
                Originally Posted by blue_sky View Post

                poorly executed amateurish to say the least split up....if you look at the distribution list of Content Corooner - Products and Pricing. Content Crooner you will find at least 900 expired blogspot blogs.... the list of DYA cant be very big...and they are still very picky about the articles and like Mark said no published distribution list...
                For those that don't know, Article Marketer was split into two new companies - Content Crooner and Distribute Your Articles.

                I personally use Distribute Your Articles as I think the features and layout of it are superior to Content Crooner.

                I would imagine that the distribution lists of both of these companies is the same one as Article Marketer used, though I couldn't say for sure.

                Distribution lists and numbers can't be relied upon anyway, as all article distribution services inflate them.

                Measuring results in the SERPs is the only way of finding out how effective a particular service is.
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                • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
                  Originally Posted by ProductCreator View Post

                  By this criterion, which do you reckon are the best services?
                  Unique Article Wizard and Article Marketing Automation.

                  I haven't actually run seperate tests on those two but I started off by just using those two together (i.e. entering the same article into both systems at the same time) and they definitely bring results.
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                  • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
                    Just to give an update to some of my earlier posts on this thread...

                    I've now stopped using SEnuke and Linkvana. Whilst they do bring results, I think in terms of value and effort they weren't as worthwhile as they need to be...

                    SEnuke - There are lots of bugs in the social network / article marketing part of their system. Lots of failed distributions to various sites on their distribution list and lots of deleted articles shortly after they have been published. It also takes ages for the distribution process to go through - you literally can't do anything else on your computer for the 30 or so minutes it takes to send out a single article.

                    Linkvana - Writing unique post after unique post just for Linkvana soon wears a bit thin. It was costing considerably more than the other services and was also taking up the most time. That would be ok if the results were amazing but they weren't.
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    • Profile picture of the author Willmarathon
      Originally Posted by mbacak View Post

      I was using up until recently. Actually, now I have
      a team doing everthing by hand. But, have used Submit Your Article and
      found they don't hit as many places as I wanted them too.
      Well , how many places is that?
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  • Profile picture of the author rajuthan
    Can you rank them now?
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  • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
    Originally Posted by ProductCreator View Post

    Thanks Mark, I appreciate it. Gonna look into one of Unique Article Wizard and Article Marketing Automation.

    Not sure which though. One is all article directories, the other is what might be "questionable" sites. I say questionable because personally I would never use someone else's spun content on one of my own sites (regular articles, yes).

    Decisions, decisions....
    Unique Article Wizard isn't actually all directories. It's a mix of directories, websites and blogs.

    If you're just going to choose one, then it is probably the one to go for. A big advantage that it has over Article Marketing Automation is that it actually lists where your article has been submitted to.
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    • Profile picture of the author maryjane123
      has anyone done testing to see which article submission service produces the most recognizable links in search engines?

      i've used free and paid services. i know the articles have been posted but when i check back links to my site they do not show up.

      i've checked backlinks using seoelite and online checkers.

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      • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
        Originally Posted by maryjane123 View Post

        has anyone done testing to see which article submission service produces the most recognizable links in search engines?

        i've used free and paid services. i know the articles have been posted but when i check back links to my site they do not show up.

        i've checked backlinks using seoelite and online checkers.
        Rather than use backlink checkers (seolite, yahoo site explorer, etc.), simply take the title of your article, or a sentence from it, and search for it in Google with quotes with around it, i.e. "Article Title".

        If a page which has your link on it has been indexed in Google then you can be sure that they know about your link.

        Backlinker checkers are well-known to be unreliable, so I wouldn't base the effectiveness of an article distribution service on one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shana_Adam
    Any one used isnare. Ive read some good things about them here from other warriors.

    I dont believe they submit unique articles though.
    Just the one they distribute.

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    • Profile picture of the author JV3STUDIO
      Articlepool has a good distribution service at $9 per article(500 directories). They deliver within 2-4 days.

      Manual Article Distribution Service
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    • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
      Originally Posted by Shana_Adam View Post

      Any one used isnare. Ive read some good things about them here from other warriors.

      I dont believe they submit unique articles though.
      Just the one they distribute.
      I use Isnare. I posted some details about it earlier on in this thread.

      As for distributing unique articles, no they don't. You give them one article, without any spinning syntax incorporated into it, and they send the same one out to everyone on their distribution list.
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    • Profile picture of the author PatriciaJ
      Originally Posted by Shana_Adam View Post

      Any one used isnare. Ive read some good things about them here from other warriors.

      I dont believe they submit unique articles though.
      Just the one they distribute.
      I've used Isnare for a couple of years and get good results from them. Sometimes the service is very slow, but this week it only took a few days for my articles to be approved. Distribution is quite varied, when I've tracked my articles submitted there I've found them on blogs, yahoo groups, newsletters and article directories. They are very cheap, only a couple of dollars per article so absolutely worth it.
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      • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
        Originally Posted by PatriciaJ View Post

        I've used Isnare for a couple of years and get good results from them. Sometimes the service is very slow, but this week it only took a few days for my articles to be approved. Distribution is quite varied, when I've tracked my articles submitted there I've found them on blogs, yahoo groups, newsletters and article directories. They are very cheap, only a couple of dollars per article so absolutely worth it.
        Just wanted to throw another good word in here for Isnare. They are now taking around a week to approve articles, rather than the month or so they had been taking. Good distribution list too.
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  • Profile picture of the author SamanthaHall
    I too recommend that Articlepool is one of the best article distribution service.
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  • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
    has anyone tried link juicer?
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Marshall
      I would be curious if anyone is using Magic Article Submitter. I like Magic Article Rewriter a lot, but haven't had as much luck with Magic Article Submitter.

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    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      Hey this is good info here everyone. Thanks for participating!

      As a newbie at this article thing, I've learned that even if the article submission service or software says they have "1000 article directories" to submit to (or whatever), that obviously doesn't mean you can submit your "weight loss for morons" article to all 1000 of those article directories because not all of them will even have a "weight loss" category. The point is that your article must be compatible with the category of the specific article directory you submit your article to.

      I just started using Magic Article Rewriter which is set up to make your spun articles compatible by clicking a button with,, and

      For submitting I also started using the other software he developed called Magic Article Submitter which distributes to over 1000 built-in directories although for some reason I can only get approved for about 860 of those directories.

      I just submitted two articles to the free version of What do you guys think about Is is worth paying $47 to be able to submit to about 800 directories or just stick with the free version which submits to 120 directories?

      Anyone using ?

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      • Profile picture of the author Kevin Marshall
        Originally Posted by magentawave View Post

        Hey this is good info here everyone. Thanks for participating!

        As a newbie at this article thing, I've learned that even if the article submission service or software says they have "1000 article directories" to submit to (or whatever), that obviously doesn't mean you can submit your "weight loss for morons" article to all 1000 of those article directories because not all of them will even have a "weight loss" category. The point is that your article must be compatible with the category of the specific article directory you submit your article to.

        I just started using Magic Article Rewriter which is set up to make your spun articles compatible by clicking a button with,, and

        For submitting I also started using the other software he developed called Magic Article Submitter which distributes to over 1000 built-in directories although for some reason I can only get approved for about 860 of those directories.

        I just submitted two articles to the free version of What do you guys think about Is is worth paying $47 to be able to submit to about 800 directories or just stick with the free version which submits to 120 directories?

        I only got submitted to 160 directories with Magic Article Submitter. I keep running the program and I don't seem to be able to get much further with it. I don't know what I need to do with it to submit to 800 directories. It creates a bunch of accounts but only actually submits about 160 articles.

        Confused about SEO? Facebook? Adwords? Send me a PM to apply for your free 30 minute consultation today!

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        • Profile picture of the author magentawave
          It seems our message here overlapped.

          Here are a couple things you might try with MAS...

          1) Click on the wrench options icon at the top and set the threads count down a bit. I had mine at only 1 but set it up to 7 today and it is scorching fast.

          2) When you choose the categories you want your article to be submitted to, be sure you type only one keyword in the MAS search box at a time and then hit search - then delete the last keyword and hit search again, then delete that keyword and type in the next...and on you go until you exhaust every possible category title that might be appropriate to your article. It won't work if you type in a bunch of keywords separated by a comma, okay? For example: If I was submitting an article about 'weight loss', then I would start by typing in weight loss, then delete weight loss and type in fat loss...then fitness...then exercise, then maybe health...etc., etc. By doing that you will pull up a lot more categories (i.e. article directories) that you can submit to.


          Originally Posted by kevinmarshall80 View Post

          I only got submitted to 160 directories with Magic Article Submitter. I keep running the program and I don't seem to be able to get much further with it. I don't know what I need to do with it to submit to 800 directories. It creates a bunch of accounts but only actually submits about 160 articles.
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          • Profile picture of the author Kevin Marshall
            Originally Posted by magentawave View Post

            It seems our message here overlapped.

            Here are a couple things you might try with MAS...

            1) Click on the wrench options icon at the top and set the threads count down a bit. I had mine at only 1 but set it up to 7 today and it is scorching fast.

            2) When you choose the categories you want your article to be submitted to, be sure you type only one keyword in the MAS search box at a time and then hit search - then delete the last keyword and hit search again, then delete that keyword and type in the next...and on you go until you exhaust every possible category title that might be appropriate to your article. It won't work if you type in a bunch of keywords separated by a comma, okay? For example: If I was submitting an article about 'weight loss', then I would start by typing in weight loss, then delete weight loss and type in fat loss...then fitness...then exercise, then maybe health...etc., etc. By doing that you will pull up a lot more categories (i.e. article directories) that you can submit to.

            Thanks man for your help! For 1) I went and did exactly what you said, and I was able to submit to many more directories. I also realized that for the niche I am promoting, there are a lot of directories that don't have a category for it. That makes a big difference.

            Confused about SEO? Facebook? Adwords? Send me a PM to apply for your free 30 minute consultation today!

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    • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
      Originally Posted by GuerrillaIM View Post

      has anyone tried link juicer?
      Yes, I have been a subscriber for 3 months or so now I think it's a fantastic system, but to be completely honest - I haven't got as much out of it as I should have, and it's completely my fault I'm currently only promoting my top level domains, and not the internal pages, or any articles/web 2.0 properties. The reason? I hate having to sit down and make each article unique with Spyntax. I've got my domains up to a decent percentage of uniqueness(the higher the percentage, the more weight your links have apparently) but I need to do it for some internal pages, articles and web 2.0 properties. That's how you get the most out of it
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  • Profile picture of the author Mobosorous
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    • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
      Originally Posted by Mobosorous View Post

      What kind of results are we talking about here? Would like some numbers please ?

      How many hits to your website after using article distribution services? How much conversion is increased?
      These services are aimed at building backlinks rather than directly increasing the number of visitors to your website.

      Though, the more backlinks you build, the higher you rank in the search engines, and the more visitors you ultimately get.

      As for results from one article, it totally depends on the topic and quality of the article, and the competiveness of the keywords that you're trying to increase your rankings for.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    Originally Posted by magentawave
    Anyone using ?
    I did pay for them for 5 months.. and I got approx 3,500 articles republished on blogs. I had approx 35 articles in the system so basically you have to ask yourself is it worth $250 to have 3,500 articles out there on other sites. Keep in mind that some of the blogs I could never even find in google and some I did.

    I dropped after the 5th month because I had over 500+ articles waiting for approval for over 30 days.. It seems the activity of the blog owners slacked down. My articles covered about 10 different topics including affiliate marketing, article marketing, membership sites, blogging, wordpress, and etc..

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    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      Hey Laura,

      Your little mindmap for this is awesome! Thanks for doing that. Will you continue to update it as we go along here, and if so, will you let us know when you have made the updates?


      Originally Posted by richdirtygirl View Post

      guys... very nice thread, thanks!!!

      you have been mindmapped...


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      • Profile picture of the author magentawave
        I just started using Magic Article Rewriter and Magic Article Submitter about a week ago and already have 546 articles published (for two sites) with 2936 articles in review. Considering all the money I spent on a monthly basis with Linkvana and Nextgenlinks (with not very good results) I'm pretty stoked about the progress I'm making with these two programs...and all with no stooopid monthly fee's!

        I also just started using the free version of (which claims to submit to about 120 article directories - about 800 for the paid $47 per month version) and one thing about that service is that your links must go in the body of the article instead of having a resource box. Incorporating your keywords into the body of the article will require that your articles be about the same subject of the site you are promoting. That requires a little more work instead of throwing up any old plr article with a resource box just to get the backlinks.

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      • Profile picture of the author richdirtygirl
        Originally Posted by magentawave View Post

        Hey Laura,

        Your little mindmap for this is awesome! Thanks for doing that. Will you continue to update it as we go along here, and if so, will you let us know when you have made the updates?

        Hi Steve,


        yes, I will update, not sure about posting here changes... Allen can get nervous with the backlinks.This is not the only mindmap I am doing, I'm having a lot of fun!!!

        We setup the list of the blog to pass updates.

        We will go rss from inside the blog... but with the ajax pop up window to call the mindmap, it is not as clean looking as the actual page.

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  • Profile picture of the author tdotbaby
    Hey mark@1to101

    So, would Distribute Your Articles + Isnare be a worthwhile combination?
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    • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
      Originally Posted by tdotbaby View Post

      So, would Distribute Your Articles + Isnare be a worthwhile combination?
      If you don't have time to spin your articles, then, yes, it would be a good combination.

      If you distributed about 30 articles a month, then the total cost of distribution per article would be about $2.50, which is pretty good.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Byrde
    Tried UAW with poor results.

    Don't use them anymore.

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    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      And would you be willing to share what the problems you had with UAW were?


      Originally Posted by Tom Byrde View Post

      Tried UAW with poor results.

      Don't use them anymore.

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    • Profile picture of the author John34
      I personally use UAV and Article marketing Automation, i got decent results using both (its only been 3 months).

      Anyone using
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      • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
        Originally Posted by John34 View Post

        I personally use UAV and Article marketing Automation, i got decent results using both (its only been 3 months).

        Anyone using
        My Article Network and Article Marketing Automation distribute to the same blog network so there is no point in using both.

        I personally use Article Marketing Automation, which works great, so I have had no reason to give My Article Network a try.
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    • Profile picture of the author ExRat
      Hi ProductCreator,

      50 per day? Were they even spun? Does UAW let you submit non-spun articles? I'd love to know. Thanks
      I'm just guessing, but I reckon rather than them meaning 50 different articles, they mean they submitted one spin-ready article and set UAW to submit 50 versions of it per day to different sites, thus giving them somewhere near 50 backlinks per day, which is why the site(s) got flagged.

      But I might be mistaken.

      Roger Davis

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      • Profile picture of the author Alminc
        Can someone elaborate what are 'good results' from article marketing
        using these distribution services? How are you measuring your results?
        What is typical good ROI?

        If you are paying say $200/month for articles distribution how much are
        you making from those articles?
        No links :)
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        • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
          Originally Posted by Alminc View Post

          Can someone elaborate what are 'good results' from article marketing using these distribution services?

          How are you measuring your results?
          I classify good results as building lots of backlinks and moving up the search engine rankings for multiple keywords.

          Originally Posted by Alminc View Post

          What is typical good ROI?

          If you are paying say $200/month for articles distribution how much are
          you making from those articles?
          Difficult to say as I'm not using the articles as a means of direct selling, and I have other link building methods on the go too.

          The overall strategy works though.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    Great post. I have been using Isnare its quite good but their submission kind of take time this days.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trieu
    good list you have there. Will save me time when looking for those services. I've actually bought some software to this for me, but not sure how reliable they are so having these services available should be useful if needed.

    "$100 On eBay with just 10 Minutes Work! {120+ copies SOLD}"

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  • Profile picture of the author jacksonlin
    UAW works.

    I know because I got 3 sites sandboxed (new domains) due to aggressive usage of UAW for 2 weeks (50 articles a day) then after 2 weeks, UAW stopped distributing articles.

    Boy my SERPs dropped like crazy and only now (after like 5 months) are they SLOWLY starting to rise.

    As for my other sites, UAW does work because they are ranking!

    Takes a few months to see the full effects, but trust me it works.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1488750].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
      Originally Posted by jacksonlin View Post

      UAW works.

      I know because I got 3 sites sandboxed (new domains) due to aggressive usage of UAW for 2 weeks (50 articles a day) then after 2 weeks, UAW stopped distributing articles.

      Boy my SERPs dropped like crazy and only now (after like 5 months) are they SLOWLY starting to rise.

      As for my other sites, UAW does work because they are ranking!

      Takes a few months to see the full effects, but trust me it works.
      There is no 50 articles a day that got you so-called sandboxed (which is a myth but I will leave that for another thread)... I build 1,000's of backlinks every single day and never seen this mythical sandbox.

      I am sorry but if 50 publishers picks up your article and republishes it everyday will not hurt you... This is the same as submitting your articles to 50 sites a day. If I do a major press release it will slap that press release on hundreds of sites for about 1 - 2 weeks every single day and it does not hurt you... Again this is the same thing as submitting to 50 article directories a day.

      If and I do say "IF" you got "sandboxed" then you was doing something else besides submitting articles.

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  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    UAW works.

    I know because I got 3 sites sandboxed (new domains) due to aggressive usage of UAW for 2 weeks (50 articles a day) then after 2 weeks, UAW stopped distributing articles.

    Boy my SERPs dropped like crazy and only now (after like 5 months) are they SLOWLY starting to rise.

    As for my other sites, UAW does work because they are ranking!

    Takes a few months to see the full effects, but trust me it works
    That is why I build backlinks to other sites and I simply point them at my site to avoid the sandbox issue.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1489879].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
      Originally Posted by pheonix44 View Post

      That is why I build backlinks to other sites and I simply point them at my site to avoid the sandbox issue.
      You can set UAW to 'drip' articles out at just a few a day if you are concerned about getting your site sandboxed.
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      • Profile picture of the author magentawave
        I've been pinging all the articles that can published that I have access to. I set up in my firefox bookmarks so all I have to do is hit the PING bookmark and that page is pinged. Fast and easy.

        Originally Posted by mark@1to101 View Post

        You can set UAW to 'drip' articles out at just a few a day if you are concerned about getting your site sandboxed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Slin
    With auto services how well do articles get indexed?

    Do you guys ping any articles after wards? I have never used these services but am now thinking about it. I would just hate to get an article sent to 1000 directories and only have 1 backlink.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1490182].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
      Originally Posted by Slin View Post

      With auto services how well do articles get indexed?

      Do you guys ping any articles after wards? I have never used these services but am now thinking about it. I would just hate to get an article sent to 1000 directories and only have 1 backlink.
      If your article gets sent to 1000 places, some of those won't accept it and some of the places it does get published at won't get indexed. Still, a 25% success rate is pretty good mileage from a single article. Better than manually building 250 links.

      As for the indexing of the articles, some get indexed straight away, some take a while to get indexed, and some never seem to get indexed (even after pinging them).

      I don't actually bother with trying to ping them now though as they'll mostly get indexed eventually, and if they don't then the site your article has been published at wasn't worth getting a backlink from anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    You forgot two very good ones.....ARTICLEBOT and isnare

    I actually prefer these two over all others because they are easy to use. Unique article wizard is not very good and i didnt like the way that system worked.

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  • Profile picture of the author Willmarathon
    Originally Posted by GuerrillaIM View Post

    Hey Warriors,

    I love article distribution services, they are getting me some amazing results so I thought I would start a thread to see if there were any services out there I didn't know about and get some feedback on how people are getting on with them.

    I am currently using UAW and AMA. I am very happy with the results I am getting using a few "tricks" to make the most of their systems. I am considering buying into every service on the list to see if I can produce some high power results. Could be a good way to lose money though, are there any you would recommend to stay away from?

    Here is my list so far, please add in with any feedback or sites I have missed:

    Unique Article Wizard - $67/mo
    Article Marketing Automation - $47/mo
    Linkvana - $147/mo
    Neurolinker - $47/mo
    Link Juicer - $47/mo
    Submit Your Article - $47/mo
    Free Traffic System - Free or $47/mo for upgraded service
    Content Crooner - $39.99/mo
    Distribute Your Article - $29.95/mo

    I am a little worried about some of these not delivering or submitting to the same place. What would be the best combination do you think?
    I am wondering why no one is using Dustin Cannon's service?

    and on a completely different direction, what about using Mass Article Control? Doesn't that come with an Article spiner and a distribution service and it only costs $77 if you buy it without clicking the exit button and getting the $20 discount. And if you buy it from your own affiliate site you'll get a commission, so why pay a monthly fee when you can pay a small one time payment and get just as much.
    I use Free Traffic System and next year I will upgrade to a lifetime membership and hope they do not go out of business too soon. I love them but I have had some problm inputting urls that end with .html. Has anyone had the same problem?
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    • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
      Originally Posted by Willmarathon View Post

      I am wondering why no one is using Dustin Cannon's service?

      and on a completely different direction, what about using Mass Article Control? Doesn't that come with an Article spiner and a distribution service and it only costs $77 if you buy it without clicking the exit button and getting the $20 discount. And if you buy it from your own affiliate site you'll get a commission, so why pay a monthly fee when you can pay a small one time payment and get just as much.
      I use Free Traffic System and next year I will upgrade to a lifetime membership and hope they do not go out of business too soon. I love them but I have had some problm inputting urls that end with .html. Has anyone had the same problem?
      LOL .. I was trying to figure out why people pay so much for those services when they can do better and not pay no where near as much ...

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    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      I just started using and had a heck of a time when it wouldn't accept my links. It kept telling me to make sure my links were formatted correctly...and they were! And there is no way to contact them to let them know they have a problem with their system unless you are a paid customer. If anyone that is reading this is a paid member of FTS, can you please let them know about this glitch and what a pain in the arse it is? Thanks.


      Originally Posted by Willmarathon View Post

      I use Free Traffic System and next year I will upgrade to a lifetime membership and hope they do not go out of business too soon. I love them but I have had some problm inputting urls that end with .html. Has anyone had the same problem?
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    • Profile picture of the author Willmarathon
      Originally Posted by Willmarathon View Post

      What about using Mass Article Control? Doesn't that come with an Article spinner and a distribution service and it only costs $77 if you buy it without clicking the exit button and getting the $20 discount. And if you buy it from your own affiliate site you'll get a commission, so why pay a monthly fee when you can pay a small one time payment and get just as much.
      Has anyone used MassArticle Control? and if so does it do Article Distribution and spinning?

      I think there is a problem with Free Traffic System on purpose. They put that roadblock in the way after your first free articles so you need to pay to get support ! Would anyone else agree? Sort like giving the printer away so they can gorge you on the ink cartridges?
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  • Profile picture of the author Christop
    Do you guys submit just one spun article to be pushed out to 1000 places or do you have to spin them for each submission?

    Is it ok to take an article that has already been accepted by ezine and push that exact article out through these services?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1496917].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
      Originally Posted by Christop View Post

      Do you guys submit just one spun article to be pushed out to 1000 places or do you have to spin them for each submission?
      The way the Article Marketing Automation and Unique Article Wizard work is to send out a different spun version of your article to each of the places on their distribution list. You just need to give them one article with spinning syntax incorporated and they will do the rest.

      For Isnare and Distribute Your Articles, you have to take two of your spun versions and submit one to each service, as they don't accept articles with spinning syntax in them. Therefore, they send the exact article out to each of their places on their distribution lists.

      Originally Posted by Christop View Post

      Is it ok to take an article that has already been accepted by ezine and push that exact article out through these services?
      For Isnare and Distribute Your Articles you can do that. For the other services you will have to add some spinning syntax to your original article.
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      • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
        Originally Posted by mark@1to101 View Post

        The way the Article Marketing Automation and Unique Article Wizard work is to send out a different spun version of your article to each of the places on their distribution list. You just need to give them one article with spinning syntax incorporated and they will do the rest.
        Can both services generate up to different 1,000 articles from one article then distribute the 1,000 articles to hundreds of article directories?
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  • Profile picture of the author Christop
    Thanks Mark! Great information, do you guys use a tool for adding the spinning syntax or do you do it by hand/outsource?
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    • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
      Originally Posted by Christop View Post

      Thanks Mark! Great information, do you guys use a tool for adding the spinning syntax or do you do it by hand/outsource?
      I do it myself but I use a tool ('Power Article Rewriter') to help me. I know some people prefer 'Magic Article Rewriter'.

      You really need one of those two if you're planning on spinning / rewriting articles.
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  • Profile picture of the author abelacts
    Has anyone got good experience with any manual submission services?

    BTW, nice thread. Thanks for putting this up.
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    • Profile picture of the author vstar650
      One thing I need to mention and I hope the folks over at read this.... Their support ABSOLUTELY SUCKS BIG TIME, In fact there is NO SUPPORT AT ALL!!!

      I Have contacted their support department on several occasions and have NEVER HAD A REPLY... N-E-V-E-R!

      I did some research afterwords and found numerous post on several other forums that indicate the same thing... Their Support Sucks and is totally non existent

      Oh and another thing... I referred a friend of mine to their service and he signed up through my affiliate link and guess what... I Did Not get credit for the referral, so I contacted their affiliate support THREE fu**ing times and once again NEVER got a reply

      Needless to say... we have both quit their service and have moved on to others who have great service with great customer support

      On a last note... I own an off line business where customer support is the back bone to my success... I'm here to tell you, "without customer support every business will eventually fail", and I hope goes Tits Up... looks good on them
      You Only Come This Way Once... So Go For It!
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      • Profile picture of the author mark@1to101
        Originally Posted by vstar650 View Post

        One thing I need to mention and I hope the folks over at read this.... Their support ABSOLUTELY SUCKS BIG TIME, In fact there is NO SUPPORT AT ALL!!!
        This is true. I've contacted them a couple of times and have never heard back from them.

        Though, the support on none of the article distribution services that I've used could be called 'good'.
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  • Profile picture of the author deaddogdesign
    Correction Content Crooner is $29.99/month. I have two accounts there. One for me and one for seo clients. Mine is $89.99 quarterly They are truely one of the best services I have used for the money.
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