What Youtube video player to use on a sales page?

16 replies
What Youtube video player to use on a sales page?

YouTube made changes to their players on Sept 25th I noticed. Now it's got problems. They force related videos and video descriptions.

I'm wondering what people are using now instead on sales pages to embed their videos?

please help!
#page #player #sales #video #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    Originally Posted by Nina Petrov View Post

    What Youtube video player to use on a sales page?

    YouTube made changes to their players on Sept 25th I noticed. Now it's got problems. They force related videos and video descriptions.

    I'm wondering what people are using now instead on sales pages to embed their videos?

    please help!
    I still see an option to disable "Show suggested videos when the video finishes". Are you logged into a Youtube account?
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    There are lots of URL modifiers that can be tacked-on at the end of YouTube URLs that make it possible to do things such as not show related videos, start or stop at a certain place, etc. In your case, you would add ?rel=0 to the end of the URL to make it not show related videos. Make sure that what you add is still within the quotation marks (i.e. "...youtube.com/embed/123563idfekbh57?rel=0").
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  • Profile picture of the author Nina Petrov
    ?rel=0 .... that now causes your own related videos to show up. So for a sales page people might often click on those, and then you lose the sale. It use to be before Sept 25th that it just stops the video and no "related videos" pop up. Now they changed that.

    Just seeing how I can have the video play and stop at the end with no related videos, no distractions. Because you don't want to have the viewer click on the next video and go youtube.
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    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Originally Posted by Nina Petrov View Post

      ?rel=0 .... that now causes your own related videos to show up. So for a sales page people might often click on those, and then you lose the sale. It use to be before Sept 25th that it just stops the video and no "related videos" pop up. Now they changed that.

      Just seeing how I can have the video play and stop at the end with no related videos, no distractions. Because you don't want to have the viewer click on the next video and go youtube.
      I did not realize that they changed this a few weeks ago. From what I understand, there is nothing you can do. It will automatically show videos from the same channel; that is, IF there are other videos from that channel. I haven't tried this, but I'm wondering if you can set up a unique channel for each individual video. That way, there would be nothing else for the player to show as a suggested video if it is the only one from that channel.

      Other than that, you'll need to embed another kind of player and this article puportedly shows you how to do that - https://www.davideocompany.com/blog/...t-video-embeds
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      • Profile picture of the author Nina Petrov
        Originally Posted by dave_hermansen View Post

        I did not realize that they changed this a few weeks ago. From what I understand, there is nothing you can do. It will automatically show videos from the same channel; that is, IF there are other videos from that channel. I haven't tried this, but I'm wondering if you can set up a unique channel for each individual video. That way, there would be nothing else for the player to show as a suggested video if it is the only one from that channel.

        Other than that, you'll need to embed another kind of player and this article puportedly shows you how to do that - https://www.davideocompany.com/blog/...t-video-embeds

        Ya that makes sense too. It's worth a test.

        but I found 2 fixes which are:
        Vimeo ... (now for the free version they too add their own videos at the end. But there just super small boxes. I think they did that to compete with Youtube maybe. It's very unintrusive. so It's one solution, better than youtube by a slight margin. Not ideal though unless you buy their upgrade which gives you some options to do anything you want. I'm just seeking free stuff, but even there free thing is better than YT new ebedded changes. But I was sort of thinking about it and really I guess if you were youtube, why would you want to be feeding all these sales pages but not getting much back. I guess your brand is there but you don't get any traffic off them. So now they're getting probably a slight pop in traffic off all the people clicking over to youtube now. But changes are all inevitable i guess. )

        The 1 others I havne't yet tested only found them which are:

        VIDEO PLAYER FIXES but I haven't tested them. The amazon one would be good if it works correct as you get the little amazon brand on your site. Which could be good or bad. I just think big brands on your site help a bit.

        1) embed-flv-video-in-html embed player on your own hosting account basically.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nina Petrov
    vimeo is a bit of a fix I discovered. So that fixes the mute setting, and at the end they show 3 very small thumbnails so it's less clickbait but the problem is that you have to upgrade to get that endscreen customizable. I just wonder how you'd embed it up to run without having to put up with all these intrustiveness of the player itself. It should just play and end, and that's it, no extra videos or any other crap to steal your traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nina Petrov
    Well I tried most of them. They don't work. Only Vimeo and or embed it direct.
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    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Originally Posted by Nina Petrov View Post

      Well I tried most of them. They don't work. Only Vimeo and or embed it direct.
      Did you try setting up the videos on their own separate channels on YouTube yet?
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      • Profile picture of the author Nina Petrov
        no. I suppose you could do a test. Just find someone who has 1 video on their channel. Then add that. I think that should be a regular test since it's just code on your site. ...

        someone try it and REPORT THEIR FINDINGS... my guess is that won't work
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11442056].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
          Originally Posted by Nina Petrov View Post

          no. I suppose you could do a test. Just find someone who has 1 video on their channel. Then add that. I think that should be a regular test since it's just code on your site. ...

          someone try it and REPORT THEIR FINDINGS... my guess is that won't work
          Or, you could copy the video, re-upload it to YouTube and put it on a channel of its own, yourself.
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          • Profile picture of the author Nina Petrov
            Originally Posted by dave_hermansen View Post

            Or, you could copy the video, re-upload it to YouTube and put it on a channel of its own, yourself.

            Your suggestion worked. Just hope they don't change that anytime soon.

            So you just have 1 video on 1 channel and then your ?rel=0 and it will just end and not show any related videos of any sort.
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            • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
              Originally Posted by Nina Petrov View Post

              Your suggestion worked. Just hope they don't change that anytime soon.

              So you just have 1 video on 1 channel and then your ?rel=0 and it will just end and not show any related videos of any sort.
              Every now and then, I guess right! :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Ember Leona
    If you have the webhosting plan why not use your own web bandwidth and hosting to host the video? If it has to be professional then you rid yourself of the EULA agreement or whatnot.

    Flash Player also has hotkeys like ? or was it h or my favorite shift + > or < to control playback speed in *tube

    Originally Posted by Nina Petrov View Post

    What Youtube video player to use on a sales page?

    YouTube made changes to their players on Sept 25th I noticed. Now it's got problems. They force related videos and video descriptions.

    I'm wondering what people are using now instead on sales pages to embed their videos?

    please help!
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  • Profile picture of the author MrShabir
    Try YouTube API Values to embed YouTube Player.
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  • Profile picture of the author Johnny12345
    Another very popular option is Wistia. It's used by a lot of marketers.

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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    I'm using a brand new video player called Explaindio Player. It takes care of all of the ridiculous changes that YouTube implemented.

    It's bad enough that Google basically has a monopoly on traffic, now they have decided to poach as much as they can from our private websites as well.

    Make no mistake, that is exactly what those changes are designed to do. They siphon traffic from embedded videos on your website right back to YouTube.

    It's really ironic, too, because just last week YouTube shut down several very large Internet Marketer's channels and the suspected reason was that these people were redirecting too much traffic away from YouTube. So now YouTube turned around and is basically doing the same exact thing to the "little guy" who works hard for all the traffic he/she can get to his/her website.

    Anyway, Explaindio Player is a cool software and it was created by Andrew Darius, who made the original Explaindio software that creates explainer videos.

    I just picked up an account last night and I am very pleased. It doesn't address every single problem as of yet, but it addresses a lot of them, and he said he is working on the rest.

    Other than something like that, you can go with a Vimeo Business account for around $50 a month or host your videos on Amazon S3 and use a plugin to create your video player. I'm using a plugin that works with S3 called "EZ WP Plug-n-Player." It's a premium plugin but was not very expensive, and it lets you create pretty decent custom players and all you have to do is plug in the path where your video is hosted on S3 and the plugin spits out a shortcode that you embed.

    Neither of these is really ideal if you are not looking to shell out extra cash, but in this case it seems like it's going to be necessary.
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