How to Get Affiliates To Promote Health And Fitness Product

5 replies
Hey Warriors.

I've spent the past 2 months working on a health and fitness product that I plan to list in the Clickbank marketplace. I have a few questions though.

What are the best ways to get affiliates to promote a health and fitness product? My first stop is getting it listed in the clickbank marketing place.

Although I heard a lot of good things about, JV calender and JV notify pro. I'm thinking of creating a JV Invite Page for the product and advertising on each of these websites. But there seems to be a lot of marketers adverting digital marketing products instead. I want to create a JV Invite page and post to each of these websites. Do you think this is a good strategy or would I be better off running Facebook ads?

I look forward to your comments


#affiliates #fitness #health #product #promote
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  • Profile picture of the author thomasleon
    Good! nice work bro i have good plan about promote click bank product it long tram base work not shot tearm...

    1. buy domain relate you product and get one hosting
    2.install WordPress and butlit a good site of your product
    3.write a 3000 word
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    You need to fully test your own product and have all aspects dialed in and be able to show that it's a high converting offer and have the stats to back it up?

    I'm what is considered a super affiliate. I have what I have always termed opportunity costs. During any given day/week I can only promote a certain number of offers. So I'm obviously going to promote those that have proven to produce the greatest income....provide me with the best opportunity to make the most amount of money.

    I get contacted all the time by those wanting me to promote their offers. If they can't convince me that it is worth testing (worth risking my opportunity cost) then I tell them I will run a test on CPM. That way I am guaranteed a return. Of course, this is rarely acceptable, as they want me to bear all the risks of testing their unproven offer. Which shows the lack of confidence in their own offer.

    Something to think about.
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    • Profile picture of the author mrdeflation
      Originally Posted by DIABL0 View Post

      You need to fully test your own product and have all aspects dialed in and be able to show that it's a high converting offer and have the stats to back it up?

      I'm what is considered a super affiliate. I have what I have always termed opportunity costs. During any given day/week I can only promote a certain number of offers. So I'm obviously going to promote those that have proven to produce the greatest income....provide me with the best opportunity to make the most amount of money.

      I get contacted all the time by those wanting me to promote their offers. If they can't convince me that it is worth testing (worth risking my opportunity cost) then I tell them I will run a test on CPM. That way I am guaranteed a return. Of course, this is rarely acceptable, as they want me to bear all the risks of testing their unproven offer. Which shows the lack of confidence in their own offer.

      Something to think about.

      100% agreed but how do you "prove" stats on a network you haven't run on before? Especially something like ClickBank where unless your gravity score is first page marketplace, nobody will care.

      I have a product that crushes on FB with our own PPC but tired of the FB account banning games and wanted to go 100% affiliates instead.

      Ran $100k of traffic ourselves to know our KPI's, but spoke with other CB platinum vendors, super affiliates and nobody will promote unless we can show those stats on ClickBank first..... even though we have our screenshots from our own cart.

      Its like the old saying.. how to get a job without experience, how to get experience without a

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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    DIABL0 hit the nail on the head. You have to be able to prove your offer converts.

    I don't do affiliate marketing. But, I used to have my company listed on shareasale. What I found was that probably about 99% of affiliates aren't worth having and only about 1% will ever drive 2+ sales.

    I ditched the shareasale program and began to host our own affiliate program. It was more of a hassle than a benefit, honestly.

    Now, I manually reach out to bloggers in my niche/industry and 'sponsor' their blogs. They receive 100% of the profits they bring in and we receive a lead for a paying customer.

    I've found the success rate for this to be significantly higher than signing up with a major affiliate network and hoping good affiliates find you. You have to find them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamel Hassell
    I am going to answer the first 2 questions.
    I have taken note that you have spent the last 12 months developing a product. The first thing is that you should have built your product in phases and testing it in the market of your community to get feed back.

    As far as getting others to promote your products I would think that this product would have to be valuable unique and beneficial for others to promote. Brand advocavy is needed.Who believes in your product besides you ? Do you have testimonials ? You have to build some momentum and a good way of doing that is to get some approval .In my opinion i think that it is good to get approval near by in your area before you take on larger scale. This is just one way of getting others to believe in it so by the time you launch full scale you would already have believers so a result I think that others would be more willing to promote it.
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