How To Qualify Your BEST Leads?

by GS12
4 replies
I'm marketing a fully automated bot that is generating very high returns for my investors. The set up process requires 1 on 1 help on my end. As I've been sending them a step-by-step set up document to do it themselves, but they don't take action on it and they take ages to respond. So - Now I'm looking into closing the deals more 1 on 1 (in-person, meetings, etc). A large portion of my current clients have been closed through 1 on 1 meetings and 1 on 1 calls.

I'm using multiple channels for lead generation and it's going great in terms of lead acquisition.

The issue is that with the higher the quantity, it seems the less the quality (in terms of leads responding back on time, closing the deal, them being fully serious, etc).

I want to go for that top 20% that take action the fastest.

I'll still follow up relentlessly with the other 80%, but I want to know how to close the serious investors.

Eg. Questionnaire, scheduling a call/meeting, etc? My original concern was that I didn't want to ask for too much to get them on the phone or in a meeting (But now I realise that's stupid, because if they can't even have a scheduled call or meeting - Then they weren't serious in the first place).

What is the best way to qualify that Top 20% of leads that are the easiest and fastest to close? (AKA, the serious ones who WILL take action).
#leads #qualify
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Originally Posted by GS12 View Post

    I'm marketing a fully automated bot that is generating very high returns for my investors. The set up process requires 1 on 1 help on my end. As I've been sending them a step-by-step set up document to do it themselves, but they don't take action on it and they take ages to respond. So - Now I'm looking into closing the deals more 1 on 1 (in-person, meetings, etc). A large portion of my current clients have been closed through 1 on 1 meetings and 1 on 1 calls.

    I'm using multiple channels for lead generation and it's going great in terms of lead acquisition.

    The issue is that with the higher the quantity, it seems the less the quality (in terms of leads responding back on time, closing the deal, them being fully serious, etc).

    I want to go for that top 20% that take action the fastest.

    I'll still follow up relentlessly with the other 80%, but I want to know how to close the serious investors.

    Eg. Questionnaire, scheduling a call/meeting, etc? My original concern was that I didn't want to ask for too much to get them on the phone or in a meeting (But now I realise that's stupid, because if they can't even have a scheduled call or meeting - Then they weren't serious in the first place).

    What is the best way to qualify that Top 20% of leads that are the easiest and fastest to close? (AKA, the serious ones who WILL take action).
    I would look at two things:

    1. How have you closed your current clients? Was it over the phone, in person, through chat?

    2. What's the fastest way to get them to meet with you?

    My personal thought is to ask for a phone meeting and use an in-person meeting only if fully necessary. I do this with my clients (different niche) all the time and often the phone meeting is just necessary to make sure I am who I am and to give them a little peace of mind with the few questions they may have.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Direct them to DO SOMETHING and give you the feedback. Those that do have the problem, are action takers, and want a solution in place.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by GS12 View Post

    What is the best way to qualify that Top 20% of leads that are the easiest and fastest to close?

    When it comes to clients or customers (for any service or product), the very "best of the best" are those that take action on their own because they are convinced by your marketing that they desperately want what you are offering. These folks require no pushing or convincing. There are actually a lot of prospects in this group for marketers that are good at what they do.

    Closely behind this group are those that need a little nudging, a gentle push in order to draw their positive commitment. Like the first group, these people have already qualified themselves as being interested in the offer, but for some reason (and there are many), they either don't feel their pain in sufficient measure or their own individual issue(s) hasn't been addressed well enough in the marketing. For this group, personal contact is almost always the best answer for the marketer. Why? Because it gives the seller an opportunity to quickly probe the reason(s) the sale hasn't come about and to explain how the product/service will fully address the sticking point. At times, the call itself is all that is needed. Some prospects will be satisfied that the seller really does care about him and that he will be there to answer further questions and concerns.

    The final group in the field of prospects that can be "converted" into a sale are those that need a more vigorous push or more hand-holding in order to close a deal. Somehow you have to engage these people either directly (phone, email, skype, chat, etc) or via some other channel that focuses your attention on them. I know a marketer that makes a short personal video of himself personally answering all the questions that might reduce the fears of the prospect and remove the risks of the purchase. Yes, this takes some extra time and effort, but if the potential sale is large it can be worth the time spent. Whatever you can do to initiate a personal connection (one-to-one) should be your goal. Obviously, the methods and strategies will vary greatly depending upon the niche, the offer, and the marketing budget of the seller.

    Here's the thing: great marketers know how to motivate people into purchasing. The understand how to play on emotions, how to appeal to the senses, and wipe away the risks that a prospect feels. They can make such convincing arguments for their case that "low hanging fruit" is plentiful and all that is needed for profitability - even with high-end offers.

    Personal engagement and contact, IMO, will always be the best approach for overcoming prospect objections and reducing risk because it allows the seller to be ultra specific about the prospects concerns and fears.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Evan Blade
    To increase the quality of your leads one thing I've found is to provide a feedback opportunity.

    You want the people who are willing to take action.
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