How To Qualify Your BEST Leads?
I'm using multiple channels for lead generation and it's going great in terms of lead acquisition.
The issue is that with the higher the quantity, it seems the less the quality (in terms of leads responding back on time, closing the deal, them being fully serious, etc).
I want to go for that top 20% that take action the fastest.
I'll still follow up relentlessly with the other 80%, but I want to know how to close the serious investors.
Eg. Questionnaire, scheduling a call/meeting, etc? My original concern was that I didn't want to ask for too much to get them on the phone or in a meeting (But now I realise that's stupid, because if they can't even have a scheduled call or meeting - Then they weren't serious in the first place).
What is the best way to qualify that Top 20% of leads that are the easiest and fastest to close? (AKA, the serious ones who WILL take action).
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