IM Made Me Indecisive. How Would You Spend Your First $600 If You Could Start Again.
I'm a very methodical person though, so I didn't dive in buying as many products as I could, hoping I would discover the 'secret' so many MMO products promise. I studied, and I studied hard, every day, my whole life was immersed in IM.
Then came crunch time, and that's when I realized, I didn't know how I wanted to make money online or even what methods would work because they're were so damn many.
So, after months of planning and researching and trying to put something tangible in the works, I give up. I just couldn't afford to commit to something which didn't earn me a single penny. Of course, my mind was still very much focused on the MMO niche and every other day I'd hear about a new great, unstoppable technique or product or system or software...and my mistake would be casting aside my old stuff so I can develop new, better material.
Anyway, after 2 years of being slapped in the face with offer after offer, no direction and thousands of pages of notes, I decided to give it up. It was exhausting and I evidently didn't know what I was doing.
Since, I fully embraced web development, which I love, but I so desperately want to earn passive income, communicate with clients, produce great material and actually go abroad (first holiday in a week in 22 years!). It's frustrating, because I know it's so very achievable and I have so much determination, in the long run, I will prevail.
But I suffer from what most newbies do or people who haven't earned anything yet:
I have no direction.
And that's exactly what I need help with. So, really, what would you spend your first $600 on if you had to start all over again, with the knowledge you have now?
I don't expect anybody to uncover their secrets or gold mine niches, just need some general advice...and if anybody would be willing to help me out a little more, please send a pm.
Appreciate your time.
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