Hi everyone , need your feedback and more importantly advice on something , I have started writing a small ebook which probably cannot be considered more than a ' mini ebook 'since it most likely won't be more than 8 to 10 pages if you open it in pdf. I am writing about 'the power of patience ' in our lives and how much it can help us . It's basically a very small book about patience and I am quite certain i won't be able to write more than 8 to 10 pages . I don't want to try and write 50 pages and end up writing lousy content just for the sake of writing a lengthy book . My first objective to find satisfaction from knowing that I have written a book about patience . I have 2 questions regarding my project and would appreciate all of your feedback
1. Is if it is less than 10 pages or around that number can it be called a mini ebook ? I read in an article that anything between 5 to 15 pages is considered a mini ebook .
2. Can I sell it if it's around if it's around 8 to 10 pages ? Basically i am asking can i use it for commercial purposes if it's a very small ebook ? People even sell articles right ? Anything with value can have demand right ?
#ebook #mini #question
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