by Navid
20 replies
Hi everyone , need your feedback and more importantly advice on something , I have started writing a small ebook which probably cannot be considered more than a ' mini ebook 'since it most likely won't be more than 8 to 10 pages if you open it in pdf. I am writing about 'the power of patience ' in our lives and how much it can help us . It's basically a very small book about patience and I am quite certain i won't be able to write more than 8 to 10 pages . I don't want to try and write 50 pages and end up writing lousy content just for the sake of writing a lengthy book . My first objective to find satisfaction from knowing that I have written a book about patience . I have 2 questions regarding my project and would appreciate all of your feedback

1. Is if it is less than 10 pages or around that number can it be called a mini ebook ? I read in an article that anything between 5 to 15 pages is considered a mini ebook .

2. Can I sell it if it's around if it's around 8 to 10 pages ? Basically i am asking can i use it for commercial purposes if it's a very small ebook ? People even sell articles right ? Anything with value can have demand right ?
#ebook #mini #question
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  • Profile picture of the author HarrieB
    1. Yes it is called a Mini book. Amazon considers any book upto 40 pages as short reads if ud ecide to publish on amazon kindle.

    2. Yes, u can sell it or even give it free of cost to build a list (lead magnet) and then maybe launch a bigger product in future like private coaching or anything to make more money.
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  • Profile picture of the author andrewwarner101
    You can Use it as a lead-magnet to get messenger or Email subscribers !
    You can sell it also in amazon kindle or Clickbank !
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by Navid View Post

    Hi everyone , need your feedback and more importantly advice on something , I have started writing a small ebook which probably cannot be considered more than a ' mini ebook 'since it most likely won't be more than 8 to 10 pages if you open it in pdf. I am writing about 'the power of patience ' in our lives and how much it can help us . It's basically a very small book about patience and I am quite certain i won't be able to write more than 8 to 10 pages . I don't want to try and write 50 pages and end up writing lousy content just for the sake of writing a lengthy book . My first objective to find satisfaction from knowing that I have written a book about patience . I have 2 questions regarding my project and would appreciate all of your feedback

    1. Is if it is less than 10 pages or around that number can it be called a mini ebook ? I read in an article that anything between 5 to 15 pages is considered a mini ebook .

    2. Can I sell it if it's around if it's around 8 to 10 pages ? Basically i am asking can i use it for commercial purposes if it's a very small ebook ? People even sell articles right ? Anything with value can have demand right ?
    Sell it as; a report, a folio, guide, manual, hotsheet, cheatsheet, you don't need to call it an ebook.

    You can create a one page INFOGRAPHIC, and offer that as a way to get names on a lists and then a very low cost sale of your work.

    What is your backend? What do you want this to do for you? Who is your target market?

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Navid,

    1: Yes.

    2: Yes.

    I'd add; how you label it means little, but the value you put into it, and how freely you promote it, means a bunch. Feel free to charge 3 to 5 smackers for it.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    You can make even more money off your booklet by doing the following

    Step 1) Write a longer and more comprehensive book

    Step 2) Link to the larger book's sales page from the smaller book

    Step 3) Reach out to blogs in your niche and ask them if they'd publish your guest post if you give them REBRAND/DISTRIBUTION RIGHTS to your booklet

    Step 4) Write guest posts that promote your sales page

    You win TWICE OVER
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11454472].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Really, it can be called anything. It's really up to you what you call it.

    You could try selling it. If it has good content it may sell but there is no way to know without trying.
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  • Profile picture of the author Navid
    Guys thanks for all replies . However one thing is almost certain . I cannot use this book to create a lead magnet . So I am going to have to try and sell this one ( If possible ) aince using this to create a bigger book most likely won't be possible . So moving beyond the first option to the second one -Advice for selling a book with 8 to 10 pages ?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11454609].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Gambino
      Originally Posted by Navid View Post

      So moving beyond the first option to the second one -Advice for selling a book with 8 to 10 pages ?
      Whatever you decide to do with it, plan to have a more expensive back end product to sell to people who buy or opt-in for the first product.
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by Navid View Post

      Guys thanks for all replies . However one thing is almost certain . I cannot use this book to create a lead magnet . So I am going to have to try and sell this one ( If possible ) aince using this to create a bigger book most likely won't be possible . So moving beyond the first option to the second one -Advice for selling a book with 8 to 10 pages ?
      So, who would want this information? Best advice for selling ANYTHING, is, find a market first, a market of BUYERS, who buy and want the thing (or information) you have.

      Since this question has been asked, and you failed to answer, my opinion, without any details is, you have fallen in love with your work, but it may be something NO one wants.

      Is it wanted? By whom? Where will you find them? How will you approach them? What kind of offer will you make?

      It is doubtful you'll ever do anything with this, but good luck to you if you try. Seems to be the typical Warrior Way, falling in love with your own idea, then wanting to sell it, and it is the reason so many Warriors spin their wheels and get bogged down.

      Create what is wanted, and anyone stands a chance of making sales. Even one page products info as Warrior Barb Ling has demonstrated, can generate thousands of dollars if used correctly.

      BECAUSE she had her target market clearly identified.

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      • Profile picture of the author Navid
        It is going to be a self help book about patience .People are write stuff about gardening and there is a demand even for such a topic . Patience comes under self help . Selling is not the first thing in my mind though . Another thing is most people try to get rich by selling their product but I would genuinely be very happy making just a few few hundred bucks a month because in my country that's a lot of money for me
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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    Your backend could be to have people pay a deposit for a product you haven't developed yet.

    You can create a series of emails following up their deposit on how they will have to be patient whilst you deliver the upsell.

    Best regards,

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  • Profile picture of the author andrewwarner101
    you can use it as a lead magnet
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by andrewwarner101 View Post

      you can use it as a lead magnet
      For what? In your haste to spam the forum today, with little one sentence (not even a sentence) droppings of bull dung, did you even read the thread?

      What will he use it for as a lead magnet? Just more WF silliness.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    Do you already have a blog or email list to sell the book/report to?

    What price point are you planning to use?

    If will be difficult to sell a low priced book with paid advertising and make a profit.

    You can list it on Amazon at no cost but you'll still need to do some promotion.

    Did you do any research in advance to see if this book has a potential audience? Are buyers looking for a book about patience? Are books on the subject selling well on Amazon?

    Are there any Facebook groups on this topic?

    You can add some to the book by creating a "30 day step by step plan" or a list of resources, etc.

    The size of the book is not as important as who the audience is and where you'll find them.


    P.S. I was typing this at the same time as Gordon so I apologize for being redundant.
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  • Profile picture of the author Navid
    I am going to go back to the cave , work on my book and try to finish it within the deadline (I
    have given myself until February 18th 2019 ) and then hopefully feel a sense of satisfaction
    knowing that I have actually written a book . And then get back to see what I can do with it
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    • Profile picture of the author King Manu
      Originally Posted by Navid View Post

      have given myself until February 18th 2019
      I am sorry, I don't want to put you down or something, but almost 3 months for a 10 page ebook?

      Why are you doing this?

      If you want to get money, I am sure you can find many books like that to promote and earn a commission. If you want to provide value with a book, why you settle for so little? I'd rather spend 2 years writing a book than putting out one that doesn't satisfy me.

      Now, I am not saying you can't sell it. But to what extend? You need to provide a ton of value for those pages to appeal to someone to buy. I did over 100 articles that are free to read on my blog in my starting days just to provide some value. There are free books of 50+ pages out there on various topics. Why would someone buy yours? What need you will meet with your book?

      I am a book author myself and I don't try to put your ambition off. But I think your problem is not finding a proper marketing method, but creating a product worth marketing. Just my opinion.
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  • Of course you can sell it but just don't price too high. Nowadays, many people have no patience to read lengthy book, mini ebook is just nice if the content is good. The title is attractive as more and more people in this new era really lack of patience.
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    • Profile picture of the author Navid
      Originally Posted by InternetMarketingMadeEZ View Post

      Of course you can sell it but just don't price too high. Nowadays, many people have no patience to read lengthy book, mini ebook is just nice if the content is good. The title is attractive as more and more people in this new era really lack of patience.
      It is ironic that you meantioned that many don't have 'patience' since my book is about patience . Now I need to have patience and work on the book . And yes if I am ever able
      to sell it i plan to keep the price low . A catchy title is important too
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11455656].message }}
  • Thing 'bout patience is ... you gotta have more of it to sit through a 50 page ebook 'steada an 8-10 number.

    So ... short & sweet is the way to go here bcs yr target market can't acschwlly tolerate more by definition.

    This means yr content gotta offer the whole skyscraper article deal & max out also on real tight synopsis smarts.

    tbh yr market sems to be firebrand assh*les ain't got time for what you offerin'.

    Rework the patience deal on a mindfulness ticket, Google is rockin' out to helpya rn.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11455725].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Navid
      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      Thing 'bout patience is ... you gotta have more of it to sit through a 50 page ebook 'steada an 8-10 number.

      So ... short & sweet is the way to go here bcs yr target market can't acschwlly tolerate more by definition.

      This means yr content gotta offer the whole skyscraper article deal & max out also on real tight synopsis smarts.

      tbh yr market sems to be firebrand assh*les ain't got time for what you offerin'.

      Rework the patience deal on a mindfulness ticket, Google is rockin' out to helpya rn.

      I didn't understand most of the things you said
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