Meditation for Anxiety & Depression - Niche Market Size

16 replies
I am doing Mindfulness Meditation (about 20 years) which helps me to stay away from Anxiety, Depression, Mental Illness. If I make a Guide Book & One to One Online Guidance, will it be Possible? How to do it? What is the Size of this Niche Market? Can I earn some amount of Money in each
Month for my Survival?

Of course, I have Plan to start my Own Blog after reveiw. But, I want Monet to Deposit in Paypal or Payoneer. Can anyone Guide me in detail?
#anxiety #depression #market #meditation #niche #size
  • Profile picture of the author erez25
    This market (depression,anxiety) huge.
    You can make live video Treatment to customers. I know woman that do it. I can send you her website. But you must have website and create campaign in Google in order to get customers.also u can use live video chat tool.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    You can try lifecoaching

    There are dedicated forums focused on end users in your target niche

    Start marketing on those forums by sharing your expertise
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    • Profile picture of the author Biswajit B

      Thank you so much for great advice.

      Bet Regards,

      Biswajit B
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by Biswajit B View Post

    I am doing Mindfulness Meditation (about 20 years) which helps me to stay away from Anxiety, Depression, Mental Illness. If I make a Guide Book & One to One Online Guidance, will it be Possible? How to do it? What is the Size of this Niche Market? Can I earn some amount of Money in each
    Month for my Survival?

    Of course, I have Plan to start my Own Blog after reveiw. But, I want Monet to Deposit in Paypal or Payoneer. Can anyone Guide me in detail?
    A few ideas.. a BLOG for sure - that sells your book.. I would suggest a podcast, and I would even direct you towards video. If the blog is the cenrteral location of all of your infomration, you want to set a parimeter of social points around that hub with content. So twitter, Instagram, YouTube,, Podcast, facebook ( for 50 and over ) and LinkedIn ( change this content to read like How to remove stress within your workspace - or how to seperate the stress of work from home - meaning keep this content specifically work related )

    Lots of work, but will be worth it in the end.

    And a side note.. if you are thinking you want some auto pilot source of income.. it does not exist, its a pipe dream. what you are asking for is lots of work and time. keep your day job for now and between Working to keep a roof over your head and food in your belly and sleeping.. there is plenty of time to be working on this project.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author Biswajit B

      Thanks a lot for such a valuable advice. Great!

      Best Regards,

      Biswajit B
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  • Profile picture of the author Highest And Best
    Anything is possible my friend!

    Turns out it is a large market, but I urge you not to choose to make your products based on what you think you can make in terms of money.

    As long as you are providing value to the market, you can develop a following. And it sound to me like you have value to provide. I say go for it.

    As far as developing products, find out what your market needs. What's their pain, or what problems need to be solved (seems like you may already know). Fulfill the need, solve the problem. There are many ways to monetize this.

    Start your blog first, money comes second. You cannot reasonably get around that. (ie: you must put the wood in the fireplace before you get the heat).

    Don't let Internet Marketing overwhelm you... let's take the journey together! Build Money Machines!
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    • Profile picture of the author Biswajit B
      Hi Scott,

      You are absolutely right & Many thanks for your wise advice. They Key Point is - Must provide Value to solve Problems. Otherwise, it wouldn't work at all. Thanks again & Have a great day.

      Best Regards,

      Biswajit B
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  • Take a look at what they're doing here (not aff link)

    Notice how they are targeting 14 different individuals with anxiety issues?

    If I have performance anxiety and there's a specific headline which calls out that problem, I'm much more likely to buy that, than I am a meditation program which solves a general anxiety problem.

    That's the route you need to take.

    The product itself doesn't need to be different for all problems, but your marketing does.

    The best way to solve a problem is understand it, not in a general way, but in a much more specific way that I believe you created this program just for me.

    Most often it's not the product that fails; it's the messaging used to attract people to it.
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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    • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
      Originally Posted by Declan O Flaherty View Post

      Take a look at what they're doing here (not aff link)

      Notice how they are targeting 14 different individuals with anxiety issues?

      If I have performance anxiety and there's a specific headline which calls out that problem, I'm much more likely to buy that, than I am a meditation program which solves a general anxiety problem.

      That's the route you need to take.

      The product itself doesn't need to be different for all problems, but your marketing does.

      The best way to solve a problem is understand it, not in a general way, but in a much more specific way that I believe you created this program just for me.

      Most often it's not the product that fails; it's the messaging used to attract people to it.
      Good to see you, Declan!

      People on this forum need more input from those who know what they're doing.
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      • Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

        Good to see you, Declan!

        People on this forum need more input from those who know what they're doing.

        Good to see you again too, Jason. It's been a while buddy.
        Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
        for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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  • As a Yoga person, I would srsly wanna point up the diffrence between HANGIN' OUT ALL WEIRDSY-SHAPED IN COOL-LOOKIN' JOGGERS as a means of chillin' ... versus proven techniques for elevatin' people from outta their specific mental praaahblems.

    That is why I nevah prostrate myself way bendy as any kinda ONE IN FOURTEEN phenomenon.

    Prolly plenty people here figure my MENTAL HEALTH is questionable bcs I clearly a ditz-assed goofmonger ... but I smart enough to understand how if I lost the plot TOTALLY I nevah wanna be saved jus' bcs some smart assed loser identified 14 cashcow persons AIN'T MOI.

    NOW FOLLOW ...






    means I don't gotta get RUDE, MEAN or FROOTY ...

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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    • Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      As a Yoga person, I would srsly wanna point up the diffrence between HANGIN' OUT ALL WEIRDSY-SHAPED IN COOL-LOOKIN' JOGGERS as a means of chillin' ... versus proven techniques for elevatin' people from outta their specific mental praaahblems.

      That is why I nevah prostrate myself way bendy as any kinda ONE IN FOURTEEN phenomenon.

      Prolly plenty people here figure my MENTAL HEALTH is questionable bcs I clearly a ditz-assed goofmonger ... but I smart enough to understand how if I lost the plot TOTALLY I nevah wanna be saved jus' bcs some smart assed loser identified 14 cashcow persons AIN'T MOI.

      NOW FOLLOW ...






      means I don't gotta get RUDE, MEAN or FROOTY ...

      First, who said anything about a cash cow?

      The product didn't change. The marketing did. So by your logic, you shouldn't create different ad campaigns targeting different people with different problems, because that's somehow unethical?

      Are you kidding me???

      Pull your head out love.

      If your job is to help people, then you do what's best to help them, right? So, if your product does help, but your marketing stinks, then how are you doing what's necessary to help?

      You can piss and moan because you don't like a certain style of marketing, and that's fine, but don't kid yourself here - if we both have the same product, and I'm willing to pull out all the stops to get the attention, then I help MORE people. Period.
      Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
      for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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  • Profile picture of the author SPCH97124
    Surely you can start your own blog for Meditation. You can tech peoples how to do -meditation. Because you have 20 years of experience of it.
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  • Profile picture of the author StevenKenneth
    Yes. Everything became digital. You could start a blog, forum discussion and even you can start a youtube channel to give some experimental advices which will be helpful for people to recognize you and your methodologies much better.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by Biswajit B View Post

    I am doing Mindfulness Meditation (about 20 years) which helps me to stay away from Anxiety, Depression, Mental Illness. If I make a Guide Book & One to One Online Guidance, will it be Possible? How to do it? What is the Size of this Niche Market? Can I earn some amount of Money in each Month for my Survival?
    You will have to do some market research on your own. We can guide you on what to do to improve your site and profits - but asking us to do your homework for you probably won't get you far - unless you do it for yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author sgalla414
    Someone mentioned this might be similar to "Life Coaching" there is a woman named Brooke Castillo who does a podcast where she provides very valuable information to her listeners. She also has a school I believe? You might want to check her out and see what she is doing. From what I understand she is doing well serving her audience.
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