any good anxiety product/ebook to sell?

7 replies
Hey guys..

Just checking if anyone has experience with any anxiety related products or ebooks
that are high converting and paying good comms.

I just bought an anxiety website, trying to SEO it and monetize the traffic.

Any advice will be much appreciated!

Cheers, Alvin
#anxiety #good #product or ebook #sell
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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    Have a product at that should appeal to that audience, converting quite well - a product that targets those who are stuck, frustrated, fearful in their lives and who seek to improve their self-confidence dealing with fear and anxiety along the way. Be happy to share more if you want to PM

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  • Profile picture of the author 55sadhikar
    There are lots of plr ebook where you can rewrite , create a new ebook cover and sell it....
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  • Profile picture of the author expmrb
    Originally Posted by holdem8 View Post

    Hey guys..

    Just checking if anyone has experience with any anxiety related products or ebooks
    that are high converting and paying good comms.

    I just bought an anxiety website, trying to SEO it and monetize the traffic.

    Any advice will be much appreciated!

    Cheers, Alvin

    Try to know your audience first. Then present them product. People who are recovering alcoholics or such sort are an easy way to target.

    In your case long tail keywords might do wonders such as 'Are you trying to quit alcohol?' or 'Are you trying to overcome anxiety caused due to withdrawal?' Focus on these type of keywords.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I have a few in my Amazon library you can sell as an Associate.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author sanash
    I know Clickbank has a fair few "anxiety" products - eg Panic Away makes you over $35 a sale and has a gravity of around 11. Might be worth having a look?
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Test various options.

    It's very easy to find reasonably good PLR content on that subject, so you could test that and see if you get sales.

    There are so many variables that testing is the only real answer.

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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    There are many options online find one and test it. You can go to Google and try typing in anxiety affiliate program. You may be able to find something.

    Also you can go to offervault and see if they have anything you can use.

    There are many ways you can find that type of product. Go to and see if there's anything in that niche you can use.

    Once you find something the next thing is to focus on testing. Test until you find a product that sells.

    If you're going the clickbank route you can always ask the person who created the product to try out the product seeing you will try to promote it on your site.

    The aim is to keep testing until you find something that works and it's this simple key why a lot of people don't make it with their online business.

    All the best hope this helps.
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