I'm stuck
I've been stuck on what to do for quite some time now.
I want to make a lander and offer a free PDF if you enter your email. Once they enter their email it redirects them to a second page where it says something like "WAIT UP!" and another offer comes up but this one is purchasable.
The problem is, once I have an email list, I don't know what to send them.
I want to choose a nice niche like yoga, but I can barely find any good offers on yoga (I can only find 1).
I'm wondering how I can promote a niche like yoga when I can only find 1-2 good offers on it? Can I promote similar offers? Are there any similar offers to yoga? Do you guys have any suggestions or niches?
I'll try promoting with Bing first, and if it doesn't work out I'll move onto facebook, google, instagram, etc.
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