selling rights to Classical wealth books

by smak
17 replies

I am looking for some old calssics wealth books that are now copyright free that I can use to sell or offer as bonus.

'Think & Grow rich' comes to mind and I think there are guys online selling or giving it away for list building.

Do you know where I can get this book and similar wealth books that I can use either to resell or giveaway as bonus to some other product.

If you have any info, much appreciated if u can direct me to the right place.

#books #classical #rights #selling #wealth
  • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
    Wallace Wattles' The Science of Getting Rich and Financial Success Through Creative Thought are both in the public domain.

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    • Profile picture of the author smak
      Hi John

      I managed to locate the Science of getting rich but nit the other one you mentioned.

      Do yiu know where it can be downloaded from? As you stated, both of them are in public domain So I presuem its fine by me to be using them as add on bonuses to the main product offering (I have seen few other Marketers giving these away).

      Its just that my own product is to do with wealth mindset so these 2 products would be perfect fit.

      Much appreciated and thanks.

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      • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
        Originally Posted by smak View Post

        I managed to locate the Science of getting rich but nit the other one you mentioned.
        I may have been looking at a botched bibliography that listed them as separate books. It appears that the latter title may merely be a subtitle of the first.

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        • Profile picture of the author smak

          Is 'Think and Grow rich' public domain as well now.

          And there is another one that comes to mind with the title something like 'Master key to Riches' probably by Nopoleon Hill again.

          And does Public domain mean it bis fine to use them as eboon bonuses for main product offer.

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        • Profile picture of the author Rebecca
          Originally Posted by John Rogers View Post

          I may have been looking at a botched bibliography that listed them as separate books. It appears that the latter title may merely be a subtitle of the first.

          John, "Financial Success ..." was the original title of The Science of Getting Rich and does sometimes appear as a subtitle. I don't know if was the author or the original publisher who changed the title to the spicier one, but it sure kicked it up a notch. I don't think I'd have been enticed to read the book under the original title -- and I would have missed out on a life-changing experience.

          One tip, smak: If you're going to use a public domain book, make sure you actually get the public domain version. So many of these old prosperity books are floating around in many versions now that they're popular. Most of the latter-day publishers (including me) have done some work on the books (just light editing often) that makes them "derivative works" and NOT in the public domain in that form. You can't use those without permission. (Oh, and btw, you can't just lift other people's headlines, copy, or their artwork for the books they're publishing either. It's surprising how often I see that, and I think it's just a lack of knowledge mostly.)

          A fellow here on the forum offered a WSO a while back for a public domain how-to and huge archive of resources. I got it and thought it was fabulous. Don't know if it's still available, but you might search for his name: Kneb Kneibah. (Hope it's ok to mention that here; I'm not an affiliate or anything.)
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          • Profile picture of the author smak
            Hi Rebecca

            Do u have more details on this:

            "A fellow here on the forum offered a WSO a while back for a public domain how-to and huge archive of resources. I got it and thought it was fabulous. Don't know if it's still available, but you might search for his name: Kneb Kneibah. (Hope it's ok to mention that here; I'm not an affiliate or anything.) "

            Much appreciated.

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            • Profile picture of the author Hesaidblissfully
              Originally Posted by smak View Post

              Hi Rebecca

              Do u have more details on this:

              "A fellow here on the forum offered a WSO a while back for a public domain how-to and huge archive of resources. I got it and thought it was fabulous. Don't know if it's still available, but you might search for his name: Kneb Kneibah. (Hope it's ok to mention that here; I'm not an affiliate or anything.) "

              Much appreciated.

              This is the one she's talking about.


              It looks to still be for sale.
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          • Originally Posted by Rebecca View Post

            John, "Financial Success ..." was the original title of The Science of Getting Rich and does sometimes appear as a subtitle. I don't know if was the author or the original publisher who changed the title to the spicier one, but it sure kicked it up a notch. I don't think I'd have been enticed to read the book under the original title -- and I would have missed out on a life-changing experience.

            One tip, smak: If you're going to use a public domain book, make sure you actually get the public domain version. So many of these old prosperity books are floating around in many versions now that they're popular. Most of the latter-day publishers (including me) have done some work on the books (just light editing often) that makes them "derivative works" and NOT in the public domain in that form. You can't use those without permission. (Oh, and btw, you can't just lift other people's headlines, copy, or their artwork for the books they're publishing either. It's surprising how often I see that, and I think it's just a lack of knowledge mostly.)

            A fellow here on the forum offered a WSO a while back for a public domain how-to and huge archive of resources. I got it and thought it was fabulous. Don't know if it's still available, but you might search for his name: Kneb Kneibah. (Hope it's ok to mention that here; I'm not an affiliate or anything.)

            Rebecca is correct. I actually found many places where the title is one of the same (see below at Abebooks for example).

            In addition, yes, you need to be sure that the version you are using is in fact in the public domain.

            Here's the links where you can download this book for free.

            Free Download, Free Book, Think and Grow Rich, Science of Getting Rich, As a Man Thinketh, The Secret | The Secret to Success | Dreams Come True | Get what you want | Key to Making Your Dreams Come True | Journey to Success | Quest For Success | Ques

            Free Download, Free Book, Think and Grow Rich, Science of Getting Rich, As a Man Thinketh, The Secret | The Secret to Success | Dreams Come True | Get what you want | Key to Making Your Dreams Come True | Journey to Success | Quest For Success | Ques

            Here is the official site where you can get the book - The Science of Getting Rich:


            The link below gives you the history of the book in addition to other books people purchased in addition to this one.

            The Science of Getting Rich or Financial Success Through Creative Thought: Wattles, Wallace D. - AbeBooks - 9781587360947:

            Enjoy and have fun!


            P.S. How uncanny is this? Well, out of curiosity, I downloaded the free Science of Getting Rich book to do some further research. Well, lo and behold, this is Rebecca's rendition of the Science of Getting Rich.

            Here's her foreword from the book:

            ©1999 Rebecca Fine. All rights reserved.You are encouraged to share this book in printed or electronic form with as many other people as possible, as long as no changes are made, no fee is charged, and you include all the pages (two appendices at the end).The Science of Getting Rich Networkwww.scienceofgettingrich.netDownload this book.Online discussion groups Audiotape versionFree weekly newsletter Workshops Much more!Mission Statement:To inspire, encourage, and exemplifyabundance thinking and a strong sense of self-worth for people of goodwill everywhere.

            As you can see, it is imperative to thoroughly research your material before using or proceeding with it at will.

            Yes! The public domain arena is a field of gold. However, you just need to make sure that you don't step on any of those land mines.
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      • Originally Posted by smak View Post

        Hi John

        I managed to locate the Science of getting rich but nit the other one you mentioned.

        Do yiu know where it can be downloaded from? As you stated, both of them are in public domain So I presuem its fine by me to be using them as add on bonuses to the main product offering (I have seen few other Marketers giving these away).

        Its just that my own product is to do with wealth mindset so these 2 products would be perfect fit.

        Much appreciated and thanks.

        Hi Smak,

        Are you certain that it's the Original version? I have a feeling you have a copyrighted (newly written edition).

        Anyway, just in case, here's where you can get the raw data (the Original version) where you can edit it and turn it into an ebook.

        Just copy and paste the text into a word document, make your changes (if you would like to, as then you now own the copyright to this version -- how cool is that?) format it and then save it to PDF. That's it!

        I would suggest you using the the same layout as others have, such as using chapters. Just take a look and see how others put their ebook together.

        I hope you find this useful. Here's the link: wallace wattles - the science of getting rich

        Here's the source where I got the free Science of Getting Rich data. In addition, this link also provides you with several more FREE self-help books to choose from:

        Happy Hunting,

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  • Profile picture of the author winebuddy
    well - you can get them on Googlebooks (not for commercial use) but there are also several sites where they are available to freely download an use.

    Google "free books" and you will find them
    "Knowledge is NOT power... ACTION on Knowledge is power"
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  • Profile picture of the author cage73
    Here are some sites that you can use to search for what your looking for...... - Free eBooks for your PDA, iPhone, or eBook Reader
    Authorama - Public Domain Books
    The Online Books Page: Search

    You can also find Think and Grow Rich and The Law of Success here.....
    Napoleon Hill (Hill, Napoleon, 1883-1970) | The Online Books Page

    Hope that helps.

    West Coast Goodz Leadz Group -

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  • Profile picture of the author cage73
    The 1st edition published in 1937 of Think and Grow Rich is in the public domain as the copyright on that version was never renewed.

    You are correct, Master Key to Riches was written by Hill.

    Public Domain means that you can do pretty much whatever you want to with the content.

    West Coast Goodz Leadz Group -

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  • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
    Hey, it's the famous Rebecca Fine!

    You're in Mexico now?

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  • Profile picture of the author SageSound
    Kneb's eBook is MASSIVE and EXCELLENT! He's getting ready to release an update some day real soon now.

    There's a search feature in the forum that works pretty well now.

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    • Profile picture of the author smak
      hi sagesound

      I tried the search feature and copied the name but could not find anything.

      I was trying to find a feature I think Warrior forum used to have before that enbabled u to search for other members but I don't know if they have got rid of that now.

      So where can I find info. about kneb's warrior offer.

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