Affiliate Network- which to chose as a merchant
I'm going to be selling entertainment subscription boxes, right now I do want to focus on sellers in the U.S. since international shipping costs are prohibitive for most international customers.
I've been considering the major ones (JVzoo, CJ, Shareasale, clickbank, ect) but I'm wondering if anyone has their own preferences as much as a manager as an affiliate? I want to use something that will help me track and give credibility to the program. I also want to use it as a tool to find new affiliates however I will be sort of strict about who I accept since I really want to avoid spammers. I will also be actively/directly recruiting but I still want to manage it through a network for credibility and make sure that sellers are getting commissions on their sales.
I know CJ sorts through affiliate applications but they are a bit expensive. I'm looking for any opinions on what network is worthwhile in 2019, what affiliates prefer to use, what is worth the cost (like CJ), and any other helpful information in regards to choosing a platform/network. Any and all opinions welcome!
I have searched a little on the forum and there are posts about the most popular networks in general but most of them do not rank them or say what is still working/preferable in 2019. If this is a super common question/repost please link where I should be going.
TLDR; What are the best platforms to use from an affiliate or merchant side? Why?
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