Looking for LOCAL Lead Gen Rank & Rent Affilaite Programs

5 replies
I recently acquired a few recently expired LOCAL Lead Gen/Rank and Rent domains that are getting traffic. From what I can tell, this is targeted traffic for the niche.

So I'm looking to join a couple LOCAL Rank and Rent affiliate programs so I can promote them as an affiliate, but I am having a really hard time finding any Rank and Rend affiliate products to promote. I only found one on clickbank and it's outdated by several years. The LOCAL Rank and Rent business has changed since that ebook was written so it's a no-go.

Can anyone direct me toward affiliate programs for ebook/course/membership products in this niche?

To be clear, I'm not talking about Lead Generation where you put up a squeeze page for collecting email addresses. I'm talking about the LOCAL lead gen aka Rank and Rent business - where you rank a locally targeted website in a local area and get local leads (like for plumbing services, limo services, lawyers, etc) and then sell the leads or the website to a local business. I don;t want to get into this business, I want to promote ebooks/courses/memberships in this niche.
#affilaite #gen #lead #local #programs #rank #rent
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  • Profile picture of the author SiteNameSales
    There are places like nolo and cars and zomato and the domaining pros have set up some localized platforms. I don't remember the sites, but if you check out Nampros and DNforum you might get further information. Sorry I can't be more specific. You might also look into some of the digital marketing and SEO businesses that would be interested in renting, leasing or buying.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Have you taken a good look at the Offline section of the forum ? Use to be a few popular threads a while back. Most of those posters seemed to move on. However their are a few people who hang out in that section, that might point you in the right direction.

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    • Profile picture of the author MSutton
      Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

      Have you taken a good look at the Offline section of the forum ? Use to be a few popular threads a while back. Most of those posters seemed to move on. However their are a few people who hang out in that section, that might point you in the right direction.
      Well I'll have to keep looking.

      Originally Posted by SiteNameSales View Post

      There are places like nolo and cars and zomato and the domaining pros have set up some localized platforms. I don't remember the sites, but if you check out Nampros and DNforum you might get further information. Sorry I can't be more specific. You might also look into some of the digital marketing and SEO businesses that would be interested in renting, leasing or buying.
      I'm not 100% sure I follow your reply.

      I'm looking for a Rank and Rent/LOCAL lead gen Ebook, Course, Program or Paid Membership that has an affiliate program to promote as an affiliate. I'm not interested in actually running a local rank and rent business myself. Maybe I misunderstood your post.

      DNforum is pretty much dead and the people left there don't know much about anything, including domains. Gone downhill in a big way. But thanks. I'll check NP but last I was there there were not many people talking about Local R&R endeavors. I'll check again.
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  • Profile picture of the author toydistrict
    There are a few guys on FB that have courses (which they sell inside their own groups). You could reach out to them and ask if they could set up an affiliate link for you.

    But what I dislike about almost all of these, is that they promote black hat SEO & black hat ways to acquire GMBs.
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  • Profile picture of the author SiteNameSales
    I know you didn't express any particular interest in selling your local domains, but I've been trying an experiment that might be of some interest to you now or in the future.

    Simply put, I'm advertising them on Bing (average .25 per click in many instances) and restricting the search to the particular country or city. And, of course, I'm using keywords that describe the niche.

    My ads clearly state that I'm selling the domain and that it can help with advertising a particular business in a particular locality. I also clearly state the price. It narrows it down to the more serious potential buyers. My cloaked link takes the buyer to Sedo where their cut is a lot smaller than many of the other domain selling platforms.

    Of course, there are many other ways of selling locality-specific domains and I've only been experimenting for a few weeks. You could probably advertise on Facebook and Google as well, though the clicks are certainly more expensive. Many domain sellers/brokers get on the phone or email specific businesses. My method is a time-saver that can be combined with other methods. We'll see how it all turns out.
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